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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. @heidih, thanks for linking this relevant article. I can personally relate to the author while moving the conversation to France where I flirted with, danced with and finally fell in love with andouillette. As the author writes, the cook is the crux since all innards are not equal. But our terrors are our barriers. And revelation is emancipating.
  2. This thread suggests that defining mac and cheese is similar to defining bread.
  3. Also New England. Family m and c was cooked elbows, in buttered casserole, chunks of cheddar, covered with rich milk. Baked until all milk absorbed and top is browned in splotches. NEVER bechamel based.
  4. Wondering if "Ancient Pug" would appreciate the chiles and green beans more in this preparation than au natural.
  5. Born in strawberry country, I totally agree. Bright but not dark red is the perfect color for me. Darker red signals "over the hill", starting to decline. I will not buy at several farmstands because they pick too late. Pete's samples look excellent to me, but not an hour older than those.
  6. Oh, yes! We lived in El Paso during the Cold War. Regular strategic "scrambles" from Biggs Air Force base a half mile from us would cause us to jump out of bed and dress since it could always be the real thing, our grab bags always at the front door.
  7. Am smiling at your being lullabied by the the purr of big rigs. We weren't so lucky when I would book us into conveniently located motels which were 50 yards from railroad tracks, bringing us hourly serenades from high speed rail traffic.
  8. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2023

    Did you buy or make the "fruit cake"? If homemade, have you a recipe to share? For years I chased a Spanish prune/walnut "cake", finally settling for fig/almond product. But yours sounds quite extraordinary!
  9. Thanks for this explanation of a long time misunderstood phrase.
  10. Use a strong natural cheddar in your cheese sauce and ADD A SPOON OF VINEGAR which will not add to flavor but will keep the cheese from seizing. Enjoy.
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Lunch 2023

    Does this not deserve a thread of its own? MANY THANKS! 9 times out of 10 I find myself with "juiceless" limes. You may have unlocked the door, not only for me. In fact, does Jo know about this knack?
  12. Our wild weather swings and phenomena will most probably greatly influence produce prices this season. e.g. in my home area, strawberry fields were under water for several weeks and will take time to dry out. Same for lettuces.
  13. Thanks for these. I just recently learned that the famed Texas Bluebonnets were the same as our Lupine, which is now coming into full bloom.
  14. DH stocks frozen WC sliders for instant ???, not gratification, certainly. Microwaved bread is beyond me. And the burger is super well-done, as opposed to done well. But he's happy, I'm happy.
  15. Cooking veal only for me since dh avoids it. Various posters are probably talking about each of the combinations you list.
  16. Her little student was in good company.
  17. "Of all the cities I've driven in for me San Francisco still rates the worst. " @Porthos, you nailed this one!
  18. El Paso is a cosmopolitan city. A meld of Anglo and Hispanic, seasoned with all of the military from Fort Bliss and Biggs Airfield. And underneath, much more New Mexico than Texas.
  19. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2023

    You demonstrate that with your every post!
  20. Actually, they (El Paso) didn't teach phonics in my era but as an inexperienced teacher, I had no idea how to approach reading outside of phonics. So I incorporated it (using Denver Public School material I learned about in the WSJ) with success. This was a short several year gig for me while husband fulfilled his military. Far from my field but very rewarding.
  21. Read these posts to DH. He says to tell you that we lived in El Paso, compliments of SSS, roughly during the time of Bobbins' song, but it was historical even then. No horses, heavy traffic even then. We lived off Dyer, just below Mt. Franklin. Temp ranged from 108F to -8F. I taught phonics to kids whose vowel pronunciation was distinctly southern, but they became excellent readers. And spellers. One little girl came in from the playground to report that a peer was spouting words so bad she couldn't repeat them. But was proud to spell one, "shiat". I love phonics.
  22. Before veal became "unfashionable", a favorite company meal was roast leg of veal, boned and rolled. Roasted to a rosy pink, tender as love and an extraordinarily lush flavor. Served with pan juices. Not cheap but worth every cent. Next to that, I loved a good veal chop, again, rosy. I am not at all against eating veal but shy from eating it alone. In France I have no such problem.
  23. A study of various agriculture lobbies at both state and federal level would be interesting. Dairy, pork and poultry seem to be effectively keeping PETA at bay.
  24. Glenn, this is off the wall, but you might go to one of your huge food markets and find the stall that sells nopales. At our local flea market, the nopales seller shaves the spines from the paddles with a razor sharp knife which he hones on the spot. You probably can't get a better sharpening coach. My guy was delighted to show me his technique.
  25. Shared by my s-i-l some 60 years ago, simple baguette slices topped with minced onion and mayo, broiled until bubbly and slightly brown. A more sophisticated take here. DH and I used to make these to confront middle of the night "hungrys".
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