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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. It occurs to me that a good proportion of hospital patients might have no dietary restrictions, other than balanced nutrition. Eg, ortho, maternity, contagion. These patients should not be punished or marginalized by lowest denominator menus. Further, when i Google "dietitian" and our famous med schools, there is not the slightest nod to taste mentioned. Confounding, since the best way to instill good eating habits is by offering people good tasting food. I have previously touted the open menu kitchen at SF CalPac hospital where you can order anything you want that is not proscribed by your diagnosis. And the cooking is good, using fresh ingredients and enhancing herbs and seasonings. Good nutrition should not be a punishment. Our institutions need to rethink their emphases to include providing palate pleasure as well as intrinsic food value.
  2. And SF's Tadich Grill makes a superb version.
  3. With pleasure And an extraordinary tome on Sicilian food with oddments from amazing Nonnas, and husband's pick, an entire book on Meatloaf! Does this mean he may be staring to cook? T
  4. Went to this extraoedieqry sale which included literally thousands of new classic cookbooks.. Was literally mind boggling. I bought 6, original retail over $200 for $22, including one super premium volume. Goes through Monday if you're in the area. All genre represented: classic, chef, international regions, food preferences, et al. Ends Monday, Feb 27 4pm
  5. I'm lucky to have RG beans carried by many local grocers and specialty food sellers so no need for subscription deliveriesl.
  6. Am frequently reminded of the inept flight attendant who slopped husband's main course onto his tray, responding without apology, saying only "Eats the same." It's become a house phrase for incompetence accompanied with lack of concern.
  7. Some random bites, beets with smoked trout and horseradish cream Stuffed squash blossoms before plating "Pascade", a pancake kind of thing from the Aveyron, topped with fresh mozzarella and salad Pork rillettes and cornichon Curried rutabaga soup with a fried oyster
  8. Chinese artichokes, aka crosnes, are one of my favorite vegetables. Readily available in season in France, not so in Northern California.
  9. I can't hear herb with an aspirated h without conjuring Martha Stewart.
  10. More likely with the spelling if they’re pronouncing it correctly.
  11. After years of the frustrating "what would you each like after dinner, espresso, decaf, tea, tissane?" and having each of 8 guests pick something different, we now serve mint tissane that we were served in France. Very simply a big handful of freshly picked mint steeped in boiling water. Subtle while bracing, no caffeine, pairs with any dinner menu. No need for "milk or sugar". Over and well-done.
  12. Eggs today at my Grocery Outlet ranged from $6.99 to $8.99. Period. Just cage free, not organic or pastured.
  13. We or it is conflating crispy "skin" with crispy exterior coating. To each his own but this kind of emphasized coating always reminds me of the Colonel. Not my preferred fried chicken. Not "my mama's".
  14. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2023

    I would get me some buttermilk to have with some of that cornbread for breakfast tomorrow morning. (Warm the cornbread; break into bitesized chunks; cover with cold buttermilk. I don't remember where I heard of this but it is G O O D!
  15. Pino Luongo created a NYC restaurant on this model, Le Madri, some 40 odd years ago. A rotating group of Italian mamas. I don't recall how long it lasted but was popular and memorable.
  16. I'm late to this incredible thread. Thanks, joe, for sharing the feast.
  17. Many, MANY years ago, my husband's secretary gave us a jar of her pickled bell peppers. OMG! We immediately got her recipe and husband brought home a peck of green bells. And we set to it. Very simple procedure, simply washed, quartered, seeded and jarred and covered with boiling brine. BUT bell peppers do not come in standard sizes and shapes. Started after we both got home from work, we finished around quarter to 4am, and made it in to work that day. Well worth the effort. Use your favorite dill pickle brine recipe.
  18. Bom appetit. (I recently read that this was a lower class phrase because food was so poor and lacking in flavor that one needed a good appetit to "enjoy" it ) To cheer you and put your food in perspective, I am entertaining an excruciating sciatic attack. Husband doesn't cook but is a master with leftovers and the microwave. In my current state, I really don't care of quibble. Most important, heal and of good cheer! And thank you much for your excellent "good sense'.
  19. You have to disassociate this salad from your concept of "potato salad". It is what it is, mashy and "sweet". Different but not abhorrent. The first time I was served this, my reaction was "Yucko!" But I learned to appreciate it as a different animal.
  20. @farcego you suggest an interesting paradox. People flock to the ultimate Michelin restaurants to experience their cutting edge dishes. But followers expect to sample their signature dishes. The razor's edge, so to speak.
  21. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2023

    We've found this to be a very decent product.
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