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Everything posted by AlaMoi

  1. my favorite Athen's street vendor:
  2. AlaMoi

    Dinner 2024

    black-eyed peas over rice; diced green pepper&cucumber soaked from dry, simmered in chicken stock + diced smoke bacon
  3. if the taste works - go for it! I've found many/most cakes using melted chocolate tend to the dense side. the batter depth may also have inhibit the 'normal' rise . . . things rarely go perfect first time around - especially if you have to modify to size/amounts/etc. once one knows what to expect it makes for an easier prep.
  4. that recipe calls for two 20cm pans - the depth is not given. I would not recommend baking the entire batch in one 20cm pan - i.e. twice as 'thick' the center of the pan will take much longer to bake at double depth - which will likely over-bake-to-dry the edges. it calls for springform pans - those with a removable bottom - and greased paper on the bottom. indicates to me the baked cake is quite fragile the "sides" of a springform pan "comes off" - allows you to get the entire layer 'out of the pan' without breaking it.
  5. had one once. round, with lever. tiny holes. mega-PITA to clean . . . so, presuming one has a knife/knives, and a thick/bangable/smashable cutting board . . . (honest question!) why a press? one can chop, dice, mince - from "whole' to smashed, from smashed to knife pureed . . . I find 'chopping off' both the root end and the tip - followed by a nice flat smash - generally removes 99.25% of the skin. from there it's only a question of how fine-sized the garlic must be, for the dish.
  6. the dear doctor exiled me to a low fat diet . . . how much is low? no answers . . . make it up as you go . . . fish, poultry per se are very low fat. beef can be low fat - you have to be picky. ground beef 80/20,,, no. 92/93/95/x - yes. steaks - trim the fat! the marbling does bring fat, but it is minimal compared to a big ole fat cap. USDA Prime vs Choice is the amount of marbling - you can see this with ye olde' eyeball! pork - same idea - the meat proper is rather lean, but the typical fat cap is not - trim trim trim..... salad greens - low fat. but brings up the point - the greens are fine, the creamy dressings . . . not so low fat! how you prepare the fish/poultry/pork/beef is THE controlling factor to "fat consumption" fish / chicken smothered in cheese . . . no, not low fat. meatballs and spaghetti . . . . works until you put piles of parm on it. grilled/broiled steak is not outrageous, unless you do the resto trick of ladling melted compound butter over it . . . as for "dishes" - petty much all the vegetables are ultra low fat - sauted in butter,,,, oops! potatoes are one of my fav - low fat, very filling/satisfying. but baked potato with butter, sour cream, bacon bits . . . no so low fat.
  7. AlaMoi

    Corn Cob Stock

    one of our "family dishes" is a corn "casserole" the usual is canned creamed corn, evaporated milk, flour, sugar and fresh kernel corn. now, every summer when the sweet corn hits it's peak,,, I husk&cut the kernels off, spread on a pan & freeze. once frozen, whack the corn into chunks and put in freezer bags - typically 4 dozen ears. I thawed and stick blenderized a batch of kernels in lieu of canned cream corn - stellar results long shaggy dog story to convey: chopping up/blenderizing/FP'ing home kernels works very well. not heard about corn cob stock, but it's on my list for this summer..... keeping in mind,,,, this is corn that was picked in the AM and in the freezer by 4..... with a little help . . .
  8. I find corn starch more apt to produce a shiny / glistening sauce - I use it most for stir fry. another: velveting beef strips for various Asian inspired dishes. for most other 'thicker needs' I use a roux. however, when things go sideways and I need a quick fix thicken I'll use potato starch, potato flakes or corn starch slurry. corn starch seems to thicken at lower temps, i.e. a roux is not up to full thickening power until the 'sauce/gravy/whatever' actually boils a bit.
  9. I had a bottle of old whiskey my tee-totaling great aunt had confiscated in the 1920's. sold it for a bundle. there are websites with 'fans of spirits' - with only minor evaporation loss, it could be worth a bundle.
  10. off topic abit . . . I'm okay with grating a couple T of cheese for 'it goes on the pasta, Silly!' but casserole type dishes needing fractions/cups . . . nah, limited enthusiasm there . . . so I got a new 'old-stock' grating attachment for the lift bowl KA mixer. (the old style has conical grating inserts - the 'new' style has cylindrical grating inserts) the nit with the new style is the gratings do not "auto-exit" - one has to provide some assistance to get the cylinder to clean out in a tidy continuous fashion.... otoh.... the new versions, especially non KA brand, are all stainless steel, no plastics, etc. so, it's a toss up. but a KA grater / slicer is like "dude - this is rad!" over a box grater for larger qtys.
  11. yes - self-check out theft has many possibilities and avenues for criminals to exploit. putting something in the bag/whatever without scanning is an obvious. weight checking flags that , , , most most items. super light items, not so much.... more sophisticated methods are 'label swapping' or more sophisticated home printed 'fake labels' I use self-checkout at the supermarket - mainly to pack the bags with the eggs on top . . . but anyway . . . I often experience "Please scan all items before placing them in the cart" "Please remove the last un-scanned item from the cart" and . . . what happens . . . after 10-20 seconds the "error" times out and "Please continue scanning" if the system stayed "stalled" until a clerk came and verified the transaction is proceeding honestly . . . that would work much more better. Perhaps Walmart uses that approach? no clue, rarely shop there . . .
  12. this, mebbe? https://www.amazon.com/FP-100TXA-Cuisinart-Processor-Chopping-DLC-10/dp/B09P82BG2W
  13. I do not disagree . . . but _months_ to "use up" 2 ounces = 56.7 grams....?
  14. around here. . . two ounces of flat filets = one Caesar salad (dressing) + one cook's snack. opened, et, gone. some sources suggest "weeks" storage in oil after opening vs. months. must admit, bit perplexed on how/why/wherefore two ounces would suffice for "months" of need . . .
  15. two methods - a wet cure and a dry cure. for a wet cure the pork-whatever-cut is immersed in a liquid - essentially a brine. all the percentages refer to making some quantity of liquid curing/brining solutions. you may need quarts or gallons - depends on how much pork you're dealing with. for a cry cure - all the percentages refer to the dry rub/mix - make as much as you need for the pounds-to-tons of pork you want to cure. followed by hanging/drying/smoking.
  16. AlaMoi


    I got a new higher powered (i.e. wattage) 'double' ie flip style waffle iron - a fav here is the yeasted waffle - aka Belgian aka (many names) it's a in the frig overnight prep - or two nights, by accident, and still worked.... used the 'classic' pearled sugar - too sweet - reduced recipe sugar by 2, doubled vanilla amount . . . made for a 'happy wife&life" . . .
  17. once you've got a batch of stuff full of loverly bacteria, re-heating is not likely to do it - sterilization, ~270'F for 10-15 minutes after the coldest part of the batch has reached temperature, might do it.
  18. make it, chill it, chunk it, freeze it. my SOP for dark roux . . .
  19. AlaMoi


    " I don't preheat the pan." from the recipe: "Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Put 6-cup muffin tin in oven to preheat as well." so, another contradictory recipe . . .
  20. AlaMoi

    Dinner 2024

    I think I may have semi-mastered seared scallops for dinner . . . this are Costco - decent size thawed/drained/re-drained/ patted dry immediately prior to the pan plop-in stainless fry pan - veddy thin layer of olive oil - highish heat for an immediate sizzle. caprese salad & steamed cauliflower for the rest . . .
  21. AlaMoi


    I've been a-researching pop-over recipes . . . and the news is not good . . . for a two egg batch (reported to make 3 - made four here....) - the flour and milk amounts vary by 100%, or more - some say don't even start the batter until the oven is full pre-heated - some say let the batter rest apparently being a puffy pop-over ain't even as easy as being green . . . (to misquote Kemit) my first batch was too eggy, the texture was more brioche than (??) so I'm leaning toward the higher flour recipes. film at 11 . . . April 11???
  22. AlaMoi


    TS - experience counts! I must however mention that "technique" - often """overlooked""" by bloggers - also plays a huge role. for evidence, I submit the humble souffle . . . another ultra ueber simple dish . . not done right . . . flops. I'm adding your recipe along with others to my spread sheet of egg-milk-flour-temperature spread sheet. there are significant differences - which is good/bad/so-so . . . nada clue at the moment . . . . but I'm gonna' eat all the experiments comma anyway . . .
  23. AlaMoi


    the interior was soft - so I also think a tad longer bake would help. with no interior steam filled voids . . . methinks a slit would do no harm, but there's no 'good' to be had, eh? I did take note they did not shrink / collapse on cooling, tho... need to work on the 'too eggy' thing
  24. AlaMoi


    went with the KA recipe - did the whisking by hand . . . perhaps not enough air whipped into the batter, will go with the machine whisk next try. did not get the 'big voids' of my initial post. DW noted they were 'very eggy' - may look to use more flour...?
  25. something else going on. I have multiple Darto pans that season up and don't unseason . . .
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