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Everything posted by Jacksoup

  1. Jacksoup

    Dinner 2020

    Another so so picture. Chicken Marsala, salad with sesame ginger dressing and Red Lobster biscuits
  2. Jacksoup

    Dinner 2020

    I’m cooking almost every night but haven’t been taking pictures. Here’s tonight and I need practice on taking photos. Will work on that. Aidell’s chicken apple sausage with onions, red pepper and mushrooms over couscous.
  3. @JoNorvelleWalkeri had left over basmati rice tonight and told my son that I’m making rice pudding out of it. I’m going totally depression era grandma. Have also planted a sprouting onion.
  4. One of the wine clubs I belong to in Amador County(Northern California), is offering free shipping. They only have reds and all are really good. https://www.jeffrunquistwines.com/
  5. The restaurant/ bar I drop into most Fridays to see friends, most older than me, but a great group of people, has laid off all waitstaff. They are doing curbside pickup and put their house wines on sale for $99 a case. I just picked up two cases so will not have to be in the early bird senior line at the grocery store, for a little while anyway.😄
  6. @Margaret Pilgrim I know, although I’m almost 65, I certainly don’t feel like it. I’m almost tempted to take advantage of the early senior shopping hours many stores are now offering. I’d probably just buy a lot of booze right now since I have most everything else I need.
  7. I haven’t been to any store since last Friday, I stocked up on mostly protein at Costco the Tuesday before. I’m afraid I’ll run out of wine but my 10 years younger neighbor called to check in last night and told me she has plenty - she used to work at Silver Oak. Told her I had extra frozen pesto so I think we have a quite uneven trade. My son has decided I’m on total house arrest so I’m making a grocery list although I could use pickup or delivery. Feeling very grateful here after hearing some of your issues.
  8. @rotuts we had the same dairy when I was a kid. Our milkman dressed just like that, his name was Fergie. And I’d forgotten all about the wheel but it fascinated me, easily amused as a kid.
  9. I cleaned and organized my freezer today, mainly to see what was there. It’s just the bottom drawer of my fridge. I have a lot, lot more protein than I thought. 3 bags of frozen peas, all opened. 3 large zip loc’s of lemon juice cubes. Two large zip loc’s of pesto. Lots of other things. Lots of lemon zest. With what I’ve got in my pantry because I overbought pasta and have a gifted excess of quinoa, I could live for two months. Plus my Costco run included 42 lbs of cat litter. Me, my cat (overbought cat food as well) and my son will have plenty to eat. May have to buy more wine though.
  10. I went to Costco yesterday. Like @kayb’ s comment, they had signs saying they were out of TP and paper towels. But when I went back to the area they had one measly pallet of TP out. Everyone that walked by grabbed a package. I did too, even though I feel like I already have enough. Costco was much less crowded than usual. Most people had cases of bottled water. Everything seemed pretty well stocked except the large bags of rice. They did have 3 packs of cans of San Mariano tomatos for $6.99. I only bought two of those🙂
  11. Thank you, this has been so enjoyable
  12. Dungeness crab has always been a big part of my holidays. Even when I was very poor, crab was the dinner for trimming the Xmas tree. I’ve done crab, garlic butter and bread dinner for all my life. I’ve hosted for some folks in the last couple of years and they don’t have an understanding of the *ritual*. There’s crab crackers that crack and amass a pile of crab and those that crack and eat it. There’s an army on each side.
  13. I grew up with it. I have a shaker of it but don’t use it often. Main use is shaken on top of clam chowder.
  14. @Shelby along with everyone else, I’m excited to see this thread start up again.
  15. @MetsFan5 how was your visit to Lodi?
  16. I love the alliteration in the titles of your trips!
  17. Jacksoup

    Dinner 2019

    @Nicolai every plate is mouthwatering, but I’m practically half German. That cake really got my attention, any recipe?
  18. I think TJ’s Turkey Bolognese is pretty good and handy to have in the freezer for a quick meal
  19. Roasted cauliflower, Instant Pot, CSO and as @Okanagancooksaid, the people. I don’t contribute much, but I read everything. I’ve learned a lot about cooking and life.
  20. Have been craving the Okra Hash and loved it. Fried okra is one of those foods that evokes a lot of memories for me. My granny’s recipe was a dip in beaten egg, then in cornmeal. This is so much easier.
  21. I’m with @kayb, I will eat as much fried okra as you can put in front of me . Bought some at the farmer’s market on Sunday and am going to use the Deep Run Roots fried okra hash recipe tomorrow. Seems easier and less messy than my granny’s method.
  22. You should be fine with Lodi, lots of wineries there. Scenery is rather blah but enough wine can make it beautiful. Or you won’t care!
  23. I was vegetarian until I was about 12, not by ethical choice, I just didn’t like any of it. My pediatrician told my mother I was too lazy to chew. When I started to eat meat, it had to be well done. Today I’ll eat beef/chicken/pork not well done but any fat really bothers me. I’m one of those boneless skinless chicken breast lovers. I did try sweetbreads once, it was at Veritas in NYC. I ate it all but had no hankering to eat it again. Pretty boring meat-wise but I’ll eat any vegetable.
  24. @MetsFan5 here’s a link to Lodi wineries. https://www.visitlodi.com/wineries/lodi-wine-trail-map/. Friends of mine love Harney, I haven’t been to Lodi for quite a while. There is a nice hotel in Lodi, Wine & Roses that I have been to, lovely grounds. You may want to consider the Amador wine country, about 40 minutes east of Sacramento, they are red wine country. I go there often, the foothills are more scenic than flat Lodi. And Go Bears!
  25. Tooth scaling is not bad. I’ve had it done once a year for about the last 5 years. Had no problem eating afterwards. But I have 5 implants, more crowns than I can remember and oral surgery to make room for the implants. Plus fillings, root canals, etc. Root scaling is the least painful. It just seems to last a long time, but my hygienist is full of stories so it goes by rather quickly.
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