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    Oamaru, NZ

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  1. Looks very good, Colonel! Perhaps a blind taste test when you're next in Oamaru is in order!
  2. Thanks, Lisa, but since it's summer here, Brussels sprouts are not an option.
  3. MelissaH, I also found that link and plan to lean heavy on Ottolenghi for inspiration for this group. I also am thinking of doing a sort of tsimmes that I saw recently on Leite Culinaria.
  4. Huiray, you got me! I have made sure that the agent and the guests know that we do not have a kosher kitchen, and apparently the guests can handle that (which leads me to conclude they may not be all that orthodox, especially since none of the images of the father--I google people too!--shows him wearing a yarmulke).
  5. Lisa Shock, thanks for your reply. In case it was not clear, these are paying guests at my lodge, and I will be the one standing over the stove cooking, so there is no problem with proposing a solution that requires someone manning the stove while the guests eat.
  6. PS there is no kosher deli in my very small town in NZ (not have I seen one in any of our larger cities) but tempura sounds like it has potential.
  7. Thanks for all the replies! I realise now I omitted a few key details! First, I myself am Jewish and originally from NYC and even attended yeshiva for the first five years of my schooling so I know the kosher rules even though I am completely areligious. The guests are from NYC and unfortunately I am unable to communicate with them (they've booked through a travel agent). Also I have learned that one of their number is avoiding dairy, soy and wheat. They know that my kitchen is not kosher (they'd have their work cut out for them looking for kosher kitchens in NZ) and they have requested kosher (mevushal) wine for sabbath dinner (Friday) but are willing to drink non-kosher wine on Saturday night, which leads me to believe they may not be 100% kosher in the first place.
  8. I am going to be welcoming a group of Orthodox Jews to my lodge in New Zealand for Christmas and Boxing Day. They are kosher, but are willing to eat fish. What kind of starter do you think we can serve them that will be festive and yet not a violation of their religious observance?
  9. As a favour for my niece, during my visit to LA, I took myself out to Barrel and Ashes to sample their apparently famous hoecake and report back to her on what it was like (she saw it on TV some time ago and wanted to replicate it for some reason back home in CT). Unfortunately I wasn't in a position to try anything else on the menu, and the hoecake was, in my view, not really worth a detour to Studio City. Has anyone else been, and is the rest of the menu any good?
  10. Only very basically, since while hotpot and mala Xiang guo are similar, they are also pretty different, primarily since mlxg is dry while hotpot is wet.
  11. Thanks to all who contributed with recommendations. In the end, my friends asked to meet in Chinatown, taking advantage of my Chinese-language skills and giving us an opportunity to was nostalgic about old times spent over dimsum. So we went to Nom Wah on Doyers Street, which we enjoyed pretty well and where, while it was not quiet, we were able to have a nice reunion.
  12. First things first--I'm a born-and-bred New Yorker, but now live in New Zealand where I cook professionally. I am in NYC for a bit of a break and am meeting up with a friend for brunch/lunch on Sunday. My mantra--no meal should be wasted--is key, but so is the reality that we need to be able to talk more or less in peace and it needs to be affordable (but it also needs to be in Manhattan and close to transport). Any clever ideas??
  13. THanks, Leslie. Is Will of 24Carrot a username on eGullet, or a business?
  14. Does anyone know of a commercial grower of globe artichokes in New Zealand? I have a patch of my own, but they are not yet very productive and they turn out rather small specimens, while I would love to have a source of large artichokes to use for guests. Any ideas?
  15. Here's my process: I keep the dough in a plastic box until it has increased in volume by around 30% or so (estimating; it's usually around 4 hours, unless my kitchen is especially cold). Then I follow the instructions and fold it into a boule shape (more or less) and place in bannetons until it has again risen a bit (usually 3+ hours; the ones most recently rose at very cold room temperature overnight while covered with a plastic bag). Then it goes into a very hot oven (260C), which gets infused with steam and then the temperature is reduced to 220C (this is in a professional oven) and it bakes for 24 minutes, during the first 14 minutes of which time I infuse steam every few minutes.
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