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Everything posted by fresco

  1. This sounds offbeat enough to be a candidate for what I think is called "column one"-- the piece on the front page that is researched and edited to death, but which is usually a pretty good read. Some of these can take six months or more to see the light of day.
  2. or do you prefer meals that others prepare? Or does this change from time to time?
  3. fresco

    El Dorado

    ....and it's pretty damned good (although I'm no expert on rum, or much else.)
  4. Even the "KD" acronym is beyond me. Kraft Dinner (took me a minute too.) Is this a Canadianism? (Yes, I know Jinmyo is in Ottawa, but she doesn't pay attention to such things.)
  5. The attachment some people develop to KD is beyond (my) understanding. When my brother and/or his wife return to North America from New Zealand they must buy quantities of KD for his stepdaughter, who misses it terribly. My brother says the customs people in NZ just shake their head.
  6. That "au jus" has come to be used as a noun is one of the delights, not the annoyances, of the American language. For me, anyway.
  7. He does get his meaning across. That's something.
  8. For what it's worth, the quality of writing on eGullet--and I do include spelling, grammar, punctuation, diction and usage--is higher than on any other site I've seen. Some of the content is ok too.
  9. This might be the right place to ask if anyone subscribes to or otherwise reads La Cucina Italiana, the English-language version of a magazine published in Italy. I picked up the first few issues a few years back. The recipes were interesting but the execution was wretched--a straight transliteration of stuff from the Italian edition plus some truly horrible American filler. My sense from glancing at it on the news stand is that it has improved. Has it? http://www.cucinait.com/World/Home_We.asp
  10. Yes, you can freeze wine. I know people who maintain this is the best way to keep part bottles of wine. Not my practice, but it sounds like a sensible thing to do if you cook with it occasionally.
  11. A word of caution about Marcella: she can be preachy and does have an annoying habit of finding almost every food item in North America wanting in comparison with what she says she has in Italy. But if you can ignore that, she knows her stuff.
  12. I don't know why this should be...but at least two...different people who wrote restaurants reviews for the advertising section of a local tabloid...were overfond...of ellipses...could this be...an affectation...that is copied...from someone...who once reviewed restaurants in some respectable publication...back in the fifties, perhaps...
  13. Marcella is pretty severe, but she's good.
  14. Why would anyone who is not getting paid want to nitpick other people's spelling, grammar, punctuation and usage?
  15. fresco

    Dinner! 2003

    Methi chicken (from our Monica Bhide's The Spice is Right) Twice fried pakorhas (zucchini, onion, potato) Jim Dixon's roasted cauliflower Rice
  16. Did you talk money first--but no, of course, if it's a dietary supplement, it would be slim pickings, wouldn't it?
  17. Or take them to the library & assist them with the library card application! I'm constantly amazed at how few people I know who possess a library card, let alone ever go to the library.
  18. I'd say stick to your guns and don't lend. If it is someone you really like, and it is possible, buy them a copy.
  19. Monica--Terrific pictures and text. Would the uttapams be served on their own as a snack or as part of a meal?
  20. fresco

    Home Kegerator

    Don't know whether this gadget is available in US, but the Brits sure love it: http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/.../BNStory/Front/
  21. I know. It is a bit like entering a time warp. As I recall, a couple of the discount supermarkets around here put Unico brand tomatoes on sale for about 57 cents a tin in September or October. That is, incidentally, about 40 cents US.
  22. Heather, I'd love to hear from you (and others) from time to time about what is and isn't worth making yourself. One thing that isn't, in my experience: tomatoes. Somewhere in the basement dwells a hand-cranked tomato processing machine, which we used for a couple of years. An awful lot of mess and work when you can buy (in the fall) quite good tinned tomatoes for something around 50 cents a 28-ounce tin. Under fifty bucks would keep you swimming in tomatoes for a year and they are just fine for cooking.
  23. That notice is brilliant marketing.
  24. I'm not sure about cost, but the amount of washing up increases tremendously. A small price to pay, though, because your standard of living and enjoyment rises sharply as well. If you're baking, and buying large bags of flour, your costs are ridiculously low. One thing that is tough to manage is that you tend to produce large quantities of stuff if you're making it yourself. If you make something from scratch and it doesn't seem worth the effort, just don't do it again. But I'd say do it. You learn a lot and life does get better. One other benefit: Over time, you'll have a lot of conversations with your kids about what you are preparing. When was the last time you had an extended chat with them when you reached for a jar of mayo?
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