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  1. Been looking for a Chamber Vac sealer for a while but they are all so big and clunky - Then this appeared. Surprised I have not seen it on the boards yet - curious if anyone has any experience with it (or who's going to take the plunge!?) https://anovaculinary.com/en-ca/products/anova-precision-chamber-vacuum-sealer?utm_placement=Facebook_Desktop_Feed&meta_aud=new&utm_id=6633334716240_v2_s02&campaign_id=6633334716240&ad_id=6634706825640
  2. Love it. Got my Richter's seed catalogue in the mail last week. It's my favourite....*ahem*.....bathroom reading material. That, and Lee Valley catalogues! 💌
  3. TicTac

    Dinner 2025

    Great blend. I see no nibbles, but if you took that all in one bite - I commend your unhinged jaw!
  4. Toss them in a sieve and shake it for a good hour or so - hopefully you get rid of all the evil dirt and its cousin, grit!
  5. TicTac

    Dinner 2025

    Check out this recipe: http://recipespy.blogspot.com/2013/03/cheesecake-factory-famous-meatloaf_15.html My mom also adds quite a bit of cheddar cheese to the recipe. She does not follow it exact, but this is close enough....
  6. Thanks again Ken. The setting of your final lodgings was absolutely spectacular. I picture myself in that jungle as I look out the window unto -25 degree snow laden forests.... 🫣
  7. TicTac

    Dinner 2025

    The 'Cheesesteak factory' meatloaf recipe is pretty solid. Mom has been making it for years, always a crowd fav.
  8. TicTac

    Dinner 2025

    I didn’t - I made my own (as most contain garlic…!). Consisted of…. fresh turmeric ginger green tops of scallions fish peppers lemongrass Cilantro stem paste toasted cumin also kefir lime leaves made an appearance. probably not authentic - but certainly delicious!
  9. TicTac

    Dinner 2025

    Hamachi collar and white shrimp Thai curry. Sometimes you make something that even you think tastes pretty awesome.
  10. That jungle shot calls me - I would be looking for the closest path to the nearest waterfall and go veg out there for a few hours. Jungles and Waterfalls are my jam! Looks like an awesome adventure. Looking forward to the Scuba shots!
  11. If you love salt, highly recommend getting some Celtic Sea Salt. Not only is it extremely high in various minerals etc but it has a far more subtle and pleasant taste than most other salts I have tried. Not cheap, but worth it.
  12. Great photos and thanks for taking the time to take us along for the ride... I think I would have fallen in love with that tree as well - whimsically magical! Sadly I would never survive that part of the world with the abundance of Garlic seemingly everywhere!
  13. TicTac

    Dinner 2024

    Adding to the traditional new years spreads, our smorgasbord - highlights include the smoked trout spread, smokey potato soup w crispy smoked turkey and cabbage and an epic double cured gravlax - Double cure really firmed up and intensified the super fresh salmon - money shot:
  14. Just put it aside or back in the fridge for later use. Case in point, when I made roasted poblano oil in my mortar and pestle , after scraping it out with a spatula (it's that damn good) I did not wash the mortar, but instead put it aside for the next day, to which I squeezed lemon juice into it for the start of a salad dressing.
  15. FINE then!!! Pepper it is! I put that shit on everything!!! 😆
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