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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. Thanks everyone. I ended up doing a stew with onion, garlic, carrot, tomato, chicken broth, bouquet garni and some left over lamb loin chops. Very nice. The flageolet beans do have a different quality than if I had used great Northerns or Navy beans. I will use them again and try some of the other ways you have suggested.

  2. Thanks everyone. I have found nothing on Flageolets in my vegetable reference books or Thompson's Oxford Companion To Food. I wonder why? Does anyone know the origin of these beans? Old World rather than New World, I assume?

    The salt at the start vs the end of cooking came up on the Beans, What Do We Know About Them? thread, and the evidence for New World beans is salt at the start. Different for these, and if so why?

  3. I picked up some Flageolet Beans at CM, but have never cooked them before. Any suggestions for basic cooking technique? The Russ Parsons method, or some other treatment?

    And how do you use them? What do they complement particularly well?



  4. Good question, Dennis. The short answer is that it is overpriced and not even the best that All-Clad makes. You can do much better than buying sets in any single brand. For a thorough discussion of this, see the free eGCI course on Stovetop Cookware. It is a terrific overview and will help you to make informed decisions about cookware. Do take a look.

    You could help us answer your question here on this thread, if you will tell us a little about what things you like to cook or want to learn how to cook, what pieces you already have, and are you looking for something to last the next five? 10? 20 years? Hand down to your grandchildren?

  5. I picked up a tub of mascarpone at CM last weekend. I have never used it before, and would like to hear about some of your experiences using it -- both favorite interesting things to do with it, as well as any tips or cautions. And a specific question:

    If I put a layer down in a tart shell bfore adding fresh fruit, do I need to coat the tart shell with egg white or anything else?

  6. Thanks so much, Susan, for writing about your life with the cabin. It is making me wish that my annual October trip to a friend's cabin not too far away in the North Woods was this week. And Brooks, our trip is a shut down the cabin trip, too, mixed in with letting grouse chase us around the woods. Drain the water heater and pipes, store whatever supplies the mice would find interesting, clean out the fridge, disassemble the dock and drag it up a 25 foot cliff. After early October, Winter drops in rapidly and if you can get in, you may not be able to get out. We're talking - 85 degrees windchill at times in deep Winter.

  7. We are pleased that Chef Lanny Lancarte will be our guest for the first Texas Forum Chat. Lanny is traveling in Mexico and will join in beginning Wednesday evening. Thanks to Scott -- DFW for preparing the following introduction to kick off this discusion.

    Lanny Lancarte II is the great grandson of Joe T. Garcia, whose eponymous restaurant was designated an American Regional Classic by the James Beard Foundation in 1998. He grew up roaming the kitchen and grounds of the restaurant and learned the family business working any position that needed to be filled.

    During a period when he lived in Mexico, however, he experienced first hand the smells, flavors, and intense labor required in the traditional Mexican kitchen. This revelation stirred his passion for Mexican cuisine. He has traveled throughout Mexico and extensively through Oaxaca, Jalisco, Guanajuato, and the bordering states in the Central Valley, growing in experience with authentic dishes, ingredients, and techniques. He first met renowned Mexican cookbook author Marilyn Tausend in 1998 during his travels and has been fortunate to study under Diana Kennedy, Rick Bayless, and Patricia Quintana, among others.

    Inspired by his discoveries in Mexico, Lanny enrolled at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. It was during his time at the CIA that Lanny expanded his knowledge while working at Rick Bayless's award winning Topolobampo and Frontera Grill.

    After graduation, Lanny returned to Fort Worth where he now combines his formal culinary education with traditional Mexican ingredients in degustation menus at Lanny’s Alta Cocina Mexicana, site of an upcoming event for eGullet members on Septemeber 18th. Lanny joins us in this chat after another trip to Mexico.

    Welcome to the eGullet Texas Forum, Lanny, and thank you for taking the time to chat with us! I have a few questions to get the ball rolling....

    First, what are the main influences in your cooking? Second, are particular regional cuisines more important to you or do you draw from all over Mexico? And third, how have the different chefs/authors you've studied with over the years shaped your style?

    --- Scott -- DFW

    Please post your comments and questions and Lanny will join in Wednesday evening and be with us through the weekend.

  8. I'll be fortunate to get any help after that, but here goes. Does the Parson's method work for Northern White Beans the same as it does for Pintos? I have tried some and they took about 2 hours in the oven. Could be old beans of course.

  9. And I don't remember how to decipher the dating code that Goya uses

    It's simple:

    1) count the number of beans in the package,

    2) add today's date,

    3) multiply by the year of your birth,

    4) divide by the year of your birth,

    5) subtract today's date

    6) subtract the number of beans in the package,

    7) add today's date

    This will invariably give you the day of harvest within five years.


  10. I don't know about the KA, but there is a post above that indicates the BAMIX is $200. I looked into this a while ago, and there are several versions of the Bamix, starting at about $120. The one with the very long shaft was about $180, as I recall.

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