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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. Mine is the MyWeigh 6001 and I couldn't be happier. Easy to clean. User friendly controls. Takes up very little room either on the counter or in the cabinet. All for around $35.

    The 6001 was one of the alternatives I was considering. It and the 3001 and one or two other potentially good alternatives are on the saveonscales.com website listed under Kitchen Scales. I think the 6001 is a very good scale, just not as good as the KD-600 for $11.50 more. I decided on the KD-600 after a few rounds of email, asking questions of the people at saveonscales beyond the comparisons I could make from looking at their website.

  2. The KD-600 gives a choice of gram, kilogram, ounce and pound readouts. The pound readout is to the nearest one-tenth of an ounce, not pounds in decimel points.

    I should mention that I got a phone call from saveonscales.com on Thursday saying they have the white KD-600 and are shipping it with a UPS return tag for returning the silver one. Cool!

  3. I have been pouring mine out of the French press and into a SS thermos in order for the grounds not to sit in the coffee after the brew is finished. But I have noticed that the cofee continues to cook and begins to have a burned taste after a period of time. Fortunately it is usually gone before the burned flavor sets in.

  4. There's a long thread from a while back about kitchen scales.  A bunch of folk suggested buying a postal scale.  Supposedly they're just as accurate, have and have a larger range.

    There is at least one good thread and an eGCI class on the topic, but no one has said a postal scale is "just as accurate" as the best new digital scales. It may be good enough for your purposes. But the KD-600 measures 0.1 oz / 1gram graduation, reads in Grams, Ounces, Kilograms & Pounds, and has HOLD, TARE, Beep & adding functions. If you want the 6 kg (13.2lb) capacity and these functions, it's a very, very good deal.

  5. Six to nine unglazed tiles (less than a buck each at Home Depot) will be enough to cover the bottom rack of most ovens. There have been one or two extensive threads here discussing various materials that may perform better, but the effect from these cheap tiles is striking. You might want to try doing a search.

  6. I ordered a KD-600 from saveonscales.com. I think the scale is excellent. They sell it for 46.50 (with a 110 adapter for a few bucks more) and say the regular retail is about 100.00. I have seen it other places for about 75.00. Out of curiosity I tried to rock the reading by pushing buttons and on the housing in various places to no effect.

    I have to offer a cautionary note, though. I ordered a white KD-600 scale and they shipped a silver one. I ordered white because I expected that silver plastic would look junky to me, and it does. I lodged a complaint and they offered to let me keep the silver one and use it until they got the white ones in. And they agreed to pay for the shipping involved in making this right. The person I talked to indicated they had some problems in that the person who managed the website operation left and whoever is doing the shipping is making errors. I have had the impression they are reputable and trying to take care of their customers. Nonetheless, if you want to order from them I suggest you get email confirmation that what you want is in stock. (The site link above shows the white KD-600 as available, but it is not as far as I know. At least they have not notified me that they have it in and are shipping mine.)

  7. Here's one you actually can do. Check out the recipe for

    Quail in Rose Petal Sauce that Robb Walsh contributed to RecipeGullet. It is based on a scene in the novel.

    Laura Esquivel's novel Like Water for Chocolate made the dish famous. Tita, the Mexican cook whose dishes literally express her emotions, makes the sauce from roses given to her by Pedro, her forbidden lover. Putting this recipe together, I felt a little like I was preparing a witch's potion. And the most magical of the ingredients were the red roses.

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