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Richard Kilgore

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by Richard Kilgore

  1. That's a great price on the small oval. The Le Cruset prices on Amazon at times are outstanding and can not be beat anywhere as far as I know. You just have to check from time to time. The Caplan Duval prices are very good, too. Just remember to figure in their shipping costs when comparing prices. I think Amazon often beats the Le Cruset factory outlet stores. Again, you just have to check. Patience pays off when looking for Le Cruset.

    And please remember to use an eGullet Amazon link at the bottom of the page when shopping Amazon.

  2. Knife Storage: I think it depends what works best for you in your kitchen...and perhaps whether you have ever had anything peering at you out of a knife block. I have had magnetic strips in the past and have had a counter-top block for years now. I like both. In the current kitchen, a counter-top knife block is the only thing that will work well. I have not had any problem keeping this block clean, but I think that depends on the situation.

  3. Thanks, looks like this one may be just for decoration, so let's assume smaller, tastier pumpkins for our ideas here.

    nightscotsman -- there must be some fine variations on pumpkin pies. Do you have a favorite?

    Redsugar -- all these ideas sound interesting. Would you be willing to share recipes here, or provide a link?

    Anyone else?

  4. So what does everyone do with an oversupply of pumpkin, whether it be one large one like mine above, or a number of smaller ones. I have posted a pumpkin pie thread in the Pastry & Baking forum, so let's use this one for everything else.

    Any favorite recipes for soups, for example? Purees? Other uses?

  5. Last night the chef at a local Thai restaurant shared some small (about 1/3 the size of the usual) bananas (Asian, but don't know the name) with me, eaten with a small plate of rice. These bananas are noticeably more flavorful than the typical grocery store banana, but cost five to six times more. Has anyone tried making banana bread with these? If so, did it make a difference?

  6. I did the CI recipe yesterday, substituting Pecans for walnuts. This is a very good banana bread. About the right density for my taste. The recipe calls for no cinnamon or nutmeg, which I think would help, in moderation. What about substituting brown sugar for white? Would it become moister, denser? Would I need to adjust something else in the recipe?

  7. Yes, indeed. I used to eat at Dirty's, and the Nighthawk on Gudalupe, and the original Schlotzky's on S. Congress.

    But no one mentioned Taco Flats (The first year the sign said proudly: 1,000 Tacos returned. The Second Year: 2,500 Tacos returned.) Perhaps for good reason.

    And Janet Joplin used to sing at Threadgills.

    Canadian Cheese Soup at the old Driskoll was a favorite.

    And the Pecan Street Cafe when it, Gordo's Pool Hall, and Esther's Pool were the only places of interest on the street.

    And The Raw Deal (sign over counter: If you don't like the Raw Deal, just remember -- you came lookin' for the Raw Deal, the Raw Deal didn't come lookin' for you!)

  8. Thanks for introducing us to the DoughMonkey, Scott. I have been by a couple of times. They are starting to do some seasonal items, shown here:


    Top Left: Roasted Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Pie

    Top Right: Old Whiskey River Pumpkin Pecan Pie

    Left Front: Pumpkin & Pecan tart

    Center Front: Pumpkin Bread Muffin

    Right Front: Roasted Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Tart with Toasted Mallow

    And here are three others we found today:


    Top: Almond Croissant

    Left: Key Lime Tart

    Right: Cream Cheese Brioche

    Today PEC (Pastry Eating Companion) and I sampled (okay, devoured) a Bailey's Irish Creme Scone, a Rustic Apple Tart, a Roasted Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Tart with Toasted Mallow, an Almond Croissant, several other items, and the favorite for both of us -- the Key Lime & White Chocolate Tart.

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