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Everything posted by Xanthippe

  1. What will those Oreo rascal "mess up" next??!!???
  2. Xanthippe

    PB&J Day: Today

    recalling thai beef sate i eat my hat because of prior reticence Did you make them? only in my mind Ooh, ooh -- Marlene, that reminds me: I made the burgers while you were in Mexico (isn't that where you were?), and I meant to let you know that they were truly awesome!!! Really, really, really tasty!! Now that I've tasted them, I doubt I shall make burgers any other way in the future . . . And as you said, they were great served with spicy mustard and fried onions -- and with my homemade olallieberry condiment. Thanks again for the recipe.
  3. It works with basil also; in fact, I first learned of this method as it applied to basil, although my source suggested storing at room temperature. An alternative method for cilantro is that recommended by Rick Bayless. Loosely wrap a barely-damp paper towel around the bunched cilantro, then store in a plastic bag in the fridge. I've had great success with this . . .
  4. C/W, Take your students on "field trips" to farmers' markets, honest-to-goodness butcher shops, dairies, cheesemakers, artisan bakeries . . . I'd sign up for such a class! Xan.
  5. Yummmm, charmoula!! Redolent of garlic, cilantro, and the spices of warm climates! Yemenite z'houg is wonderful as well . . . Redolent=Banishment..... Banishment from what/whom, pray tell??!?
  6. Xan, Thank you for that. I've got more...chapters I've composed to be put into my book under the title The Food Fighter Stories and Admissions of a Bridge Burning Chef. I'd be glad to ship a couple of those off if you're interested....God, I feel like such a whore... Fire those chapters at me, C/W -- I'd be pleased to take a look at 'em! And you needn't feel like a whore, ya' know; we've all been there/done that.
  7. Yummmm, charmoula!! Redolent of garlic, cilantro, and the spices of warm climates! Yemenite z'houg is wonderful as well . . .
  8. I dont need Martha or her magazine anymore Shielke. I got you! sigh Hey you two! go find your own thread! This is about Easter eggs for goodness sakes! Guess I gotta join that thread, then, 'cause I think Lionel's WAAAAAYYYY cuter than Martha!!
  9. Thanks Pixel. I'm almost afraid it's too Bourdain though. Not "too Bourdain" at all, C/W Spencer. You have a similar style, true; your syntax, however, is distinctive enough to prevent you from creating over-Bourdained prose. Well, I think so . . .
  10. As it should be . . . And the louder one squawks, the bigger the fine!! Show no mercy.
  11. Xanthippe

    Dinner! 2003

    Glad to hear you liked the sablefish, indiagirl. How did you end up preparing the leftovers the following evening? As to storing fish, the refrigerator's fine for a couple days; longer than that, I would definitely freeze to prevent it from becoming fishy. Where folks get into trouble is when the fish is no longer impeccably fresh. Very offputting, even to a fish fanatic. MUST attempt to replicate that Ultimate Cheese Sandwich! Thanks for the additional information w.r.t. to the other cheeses and the mustard; I'm sure I have several mustards on hand that will provide the "wasabi brain clearing" effect you describe. Great taste as well as refreshingly clear sinuses!!
  12. How much??
  13. Oh Babe: I can now understand your capacity for beer! THis guy sounds like a nightmare! Er, He must have had major talent in other areas. I have friends with serious, ridiculous food issues, but this litany amazes me. I think it was where you got to the toast that I made the sign of the cross. Loving food is a religious affiliation! Must chime in to add that NeroW must possess the patience of a saint -- Mr. Nightmare would have lasted mere seconds with me!! In my wild and crazy youth, before I met Socrates, I would indeed "filter" out any male with whom I could not establish a food connection. Not worth my time and trouble. Then Soc. came along, as passionate about food as could possibly be; that fact, coupled with his terrible puns, helped win my heart. We celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary yesterday . . .
  14. Yep, and as Jinmyo mentioned, it's possible to find oil-packed canned tuna of very high quality. Lately, I've been seriously enjoying a Spanish product I found on igourmet.com: white tuna in olive oil with pequillo peppers. Oh, my . . .
  15. Count me in as a strainer of beurre blanc when His Eminence comes to dine; otherwise, I'm perfectly content to be a non-strainer. And let me add my recommendation of Chef/Writer Spencer's "The Importance of the French Laundry" piece. Worth reading, that . . .
  16. I seasoned my molcajete by grinding wet, raw rice in it a few times (per Rick Bayless) until the roughest edges of the bowl had been smoothed out and the rice no longer looked dirty. As Bigfoot mentioned, it's best to pick a molcajete "in person" so as not to get one that's too porous. I also have a very heavy porcelain mortar that resembles the type used in old-fashioned apothecaries. It's cool . . .
  17. Xanthippe

    Dinner! 2003

    Oh, WOW . . . Would that I were in Ann Arbor and could have one right.......this......very........minute!!!! Sounds awesome, truly. What are the other cheeses? And dare I ask about the Fire In Your Brain Mustard??
  18. Xanthippe


    Like you, Timo, I adore jicama slaw. Not sure if I have a recipe, however; as slaws are pretty forgiving, I just wing it when putting one together. Celery root "slaw" is another winner . . .
  19. Perhaps another thread? If you could have dinner with one fictional character . . . If alive: B.B. King or Sir Derek Jacobi. If dead: G.B. Shaw or Albert Schweitzer.
  20. INTRUDER!! odd - last month and this one i've started craving meat - pork, buffalo, ostrich, venison and stir fried vegetables. this morning it was a toasted ham and swiss sandwich for breakfast - hmmmmm wonder what i can scrounge up for dinner And note the not-at-all-subtle symbolism of the hot dog . . . I've also experienced the meat jones phenomenon, suzilightning; oftentimes, I specifically crave very rare beef manifested as a hamburger or rib-eye steak. snowangel's baconbaconbacon sandwich sounds, well, heavenly . . . .
  21. Xanthippe

    Dinner! 2003

    Looking forward to your report, indiagirl. Tomorrow night, I'm hoping to make Judy Rogers' recipe for ethereal sea bass, leeks, and potatoes with thyme; I will be using either sablefish, striped bass, or tilapia (whichever I can find) as a substitute for the sea bass. Is Blimpy Burger a chain? Never heard of it. And what is the "Ultimate Cheese Sandwich"?? I adore cheese . . .
  22. This side of "The Hill" (Highway 17 through the Santa Cruz mountains), it's mashed yeast, tofu, wheat grass juice, and banana slugs. The other side (Silicon Valley): Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, Californian, fusion, Korean, Ethiopian, some Italian, some French, a bit of German, more and more Russian, Singaporean (sp?), Persian, El Salvadorian . . . oh, and lots of fast food.
  23. On topic: The Zuni Cafe Cookbook, Judy Rogers How to Cook a Tart, Nina Killham (based on a back-of-the-book "endorsement" by no less of an authority than the redoubtable A. Bourdain, who sez of the novel: "How to Cook a Tart is gastro-porn, as if Julia Child and William Burroughs has a bastard child.") Off-topic: The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, edited and translated by Stephen Mitchell Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris (Book II in the Pulitzer Prize winning trilogy)
  24. Xanthippe

    Dinner! 2003

    Sable (black cod). Similiar in texture, better flavour. Rats, you beat me to it, Jinmyo! I've been using sablefish rather than Chilean seabass for a while now, and I concur: similar texture, definitely better flavor.
  25. Synchronicity, Ladybug -- I also made a batch today! I concur: that recipe beats all others I've ever tried. AND, I also concur that the rolls are neither too rich nor two sweet, the two top cardinal sins existing in most cinnamon buns. I want mine to be intensely cinnamony, nongooey, and barely sweet; they should pay a warm and fragrant tribute to the world's most popular spice by perfuming the air for several feet in every direction. These CI non-yeasted babies do just that. Thanks, nightscotsman!!
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