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  1. I am currently cheffing at a vegan restaurant. I have made vegan bahn mi pizza, as well as full length sandwiches, and currently on the menu are bahn mi sliders. I love bahn mi. I think that the best place for bahn mi in Spokane, WA, where I currently reside is at Vien Dong on sprague. $2.75 gets you a choice of 1 out of 5 bahn mi. Back to my vegan bahn mi, and why I think that it rivals not only all other vegan bahn mi out there, but also many of the non vegan versions as well, and Ive tried just about every bahn mi place in the state, as they are my favorite sandwiches. Here is my procedure for any interested parties: * Everything is made from scratch, which makes it a lot easier to control the variables in your favor * Bread: I make my own bread which gets made to order per sandwich from refrigerated dough. The bread is roughly a 32 hour cold ferment sourdough which weighs 3.5-4oz. Baked at 500 degrees in a stone oven for roughly 4 minutes with a few sprays from the mister through out the first few minutes of baking for the perfect rise/ crust combination. "Pate" and Sauce: Light coat of spicy peanut sauce covered with light coat of garlic chili paste mayo. "Meat": chefs choice vegan roast (I prefer doing ham takes), sliced into medallions and well smoked over an apple wood/ cherry wood smoke. Afterwards marinated in a vietnamese flavored marinade with sesame seeds which will stick to medallions when retrieved from marinade before placement on sandwich. Veggie fillings: Julienned rainbow carrots, korean cole slaw, fresh cucumber, cilantro, random pickled vegetables. Its good. Its really good. The mouth feel of the bread is spot on. It has the crust and the crunch, and is very moist and chewy on the inside -although not so much the flake of a baguette-ish bread. Nearly impossible to explain the wild taste of the peanut sauce, but what I use it for is to replace that sticky, butteryness of a pate, aside from the fact that peanut anythings lends itself to many Asian inspired dishes, the sauce is also vinegary, spicy, and sweet. The mayo is a basic riff off of sriracha mayo, which still gives the user an option to add sriracha later on in the program. The meat component is superbly delicious, as just about anything which has been marinated, smoked, and then marinated further. Being a pickling freak, there always seems to be an overabundance of pickled things in every fridge around me. The cole slaw is a basic mayo based coleslaw with lime, soy sauce, and rice vinegar instead of the traditional good ol boy version. Fresh veggies bring it all together for that "AWWWW" comfy refreshing feeling inside. Live well! Eat bahn mi.
  2. Local Bread book recipe for Czech poppyseed croissants seemed simple enough, and the Russian bakery down the street had poppyseeds available for sale so I went ahead and made these little guys, they are in the oven right now and everything has felt like its going fine so far. Pictures not uploading
  3. Double press method looks like it would drive me mad if for example I broke down a pig and had to vacuum pack all of the cuts for the freezer. BUT if my future did not look like sealing 100's of packages at a time, this machine looks alright. Still saving up my money for a Vacmaster VP215. We use one at work and my partner just picked one up for himself. They can be had for close to $900 new nowadays.
  4. I like to make beet bread for toast. Simply wonderful. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Absorbs the butter well. Colors are intriguing.
  5. I also prefer non transfer sheet or overly airbrushed chocolates. In certain cases its ok, (such as a robins egg done right) in most its not. Wife and I are attempting to cut out any fabricated colors out of our diet, and I refuse to work with non food based colors in my cooking/ baking at work which makes life tough and limited, but I tend to see myself more of a purist and have hope to find a variety of colors I can make myself from vegetables and the likes.
  6. WHY? If I may ask. BTW LOVE this thread, doing very simple desserts at work - Dark Chocolate Truffles, Honey Lavender Caramels, Thumbprint cookies with every imaginable jam out there, molasses cookies, waiting for next paycheck to be able to buy Grewellings book. Have some very awesome choclate moldsm my favorite being my two freestanding 4" pigs. You guys are very inspirational.
  7. It sure would be nice to see that happen but I know for a fact I cant wait for something cheaper to come out because I already know whats under my christmas tree and it needs a chamber sealing buddy to be its friend.
  8. Just got Tartine #3 in the mail from Amazons prebuy. I would HIGHLY recommend it. If you dont have the two previous books, get those while youre at it as well. Very interesting and on point.
  9. A few restaurants which havent been mentioned here yet: Sante and Central Food. Both very seasonal and locally oriented. Sante is a must for amazing meat and charcuterie. Central is a must for their bread and Korean style pork. Cheers!
  10. If there was one thing I could train myself to do, that would be it. So little time, so much to do. *sigh*
  11. Check out the el Taco Loco truck in Ballard. Quite authentic, reminds me of the good Mexican taco trucks down in Los Angeles.
  12. While in Cordova, AK 7 years ago I also noticed this. Everyone had fish or a boa to go catch fish, elk jerky, bear stew, or venison steaks. If you wanted oysters go take your boat our real quick down the beach and pick some. People traded often as well. Salmon for venison. Duck breast for quail etc etc.Most things were locally sourced from within 50 miles because there is no road leading into Cordova. It was quite a haven for a young ambitious like myself cook learning decent morals about eating whats available around you.
  13. Well, yes. Fremont neighborhood has a few. There is a Russian style pelmeni house behind the Soviet era lenin statue - not very typical to see one anywhere. There is a very tiny little pinball arcade/ bar in Fremont called Add-A-Ball, it is located in the basement of a building and you can only enter through the troll looking doors in the alley way. Their beer selection isnt great (I only remember two beers being available) and their food consists of jalapeno popcorn from the microwave and grilled cheese sandwiches. But the arcade games are very fun and so is the location. Typically haunted by crowds on mopeds. There is a little grilled fish sandwich shop smack dab in the middle of Pikes Place Market called the Market Grill, a bit touristy but very fun to sit in the middle of all the walker-bys, you kind of pay for the unusual view of a thousand people walk right past you while you eat your sandwich and clam chowder. After eating you can go check out the gum wall, etc etc, really depends on what you would consider odd, unusual, or weird really.
  14. Well...um...thanks for trying that out for me
  15. I like my steaks bleeding and mooing if possible, but for personal reasons, unless I ground the burger myself, I also prefer it well done. This is actually one topic that I don't get when people get offended about if a well done burger is requested. A well done burger tastes nothing like Mcds, it tastes like backyard bbq at the Budweiser soaked uncles house. Now, to unhijack the OPs thread - I really don't like the trend and idea of organic grains such as wheat, which tend to harm the soils rather than build them up.
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