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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. 14 hours ago, thurbers said:

    Don't know if this is of any interest but  the kindle version of Alex Guarnaschelli's The Home Cook has been marked down to $2.99 for however long. 


    The Home Cook: Recipes to Know by Heart


    And add me to those whose ebook cook book collection is so large it would run me out of my apartment if I had the physical books. I still love a real cookbook, but I can't resist the chance to read and sample a wide variety of cook books from classics to the latest hot thing with little money and no need for shelf space.  





  2. 4 hours ago, Shelby said:

    I meant to ask some questions before today, and I didn't get around to it.  So I'll ask now.


    For Chinese New Year I know there are lucky foods/dishes that are made.  Do these change?  For example, for New Year's Day we always eat greens, black eyed peas etc. for luck.  Since this is the year of the dog are there specific lucky foods?


    I should have planned better and made something fun tonight......


    At work today someone brought in a bag of lucky candies.  It will be lucky if there are any left tomorrow.


    • Haha 4
  3. 2 hours ago, suzilightning said:

    just read Kaukasis by Olia Hercules.  I say read because for me this is a reading cookbook.

    Also picked up Madhur Jaffrey's Vegetarian Indian from the library.


    more to come........



    Small world.  On my pile I too have Madhur Jaffrey's Vegetarian Indian from the library.  Currently reading my most recent score:  Emily Hahn's Time-Life The Cooking of China.


  4. 52 minutes ago, chefmd said:

    Very beige and very tasty left over roasted chicken reheated in CSO 325 steam bake for 39 minutes.  Rancho Gordo royal corona beans cooked in IP high pressure 24 minutes in dark chicken stock, natural release.  Beans were reheated with chicken.




    39 minutes?  How many seconds?


    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, ninagluck said:

    with lots of salmon trimmings in the freezer and a head of savoy cabbage in the fridge, dinner was an easy decision: a variation of the french classic "choux farci".  my last meyer lemons were turned into a sauce to give this dish a fresh twist 



    That is beautiful!


    I have to ask:  what is the salmon being served on?


    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Tri2Cook said:

    The lime juice in the Mai Tai should help with the vitamin C... so have another! :D


    My point exactly.  Thing is I have only a lime and a half left and the grocery store is so very far away.  Come to think of it the Wray and Nephew is a little low as well.


  7. 38 minutes ago, chromedome said:

    They came up to the farmer's market in Wolfville when I lived there. I think it may have been my first market after moving to town, in fact. It was a special occasion of some sort, and the dozen or so local wineries were there, as well as a couple of microbreweries and Ironworks. I tasted their rum and one other thing, which eludes my recollection now...because I'd also tasted at a dozen wineries and two microbreweries. I remember it as a full-flavored rum, but I'm no Ed Hamilton to begin with and my recollection is a bit fuzzy. 

    I didn't get much work done, that day. 


    Ironworks?  For barrel hoops?


  8. 2 hours ago, lindag said:

    I've wondered about the length of time the timer will go off.  Do they have a built-in end time.  Mine seems to go on forever.

    I often yell bad words at Alexa when she doesn't respond to my requests.



    I believe there are settings for this in the app but I have not played with them.  I just ask her to stop.


  9. Tabaka, Tkemali (red tonight), Ispanakhis Pkhali.  Steamed potatoes.  Bread.  Wine.  Whistlepig.  Move along, nothing you haven't seen before.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Smokeydoke said:

    This was a Maple Orange-Fashioned at the local "Craft Cocktail" bar in Clovis, CA. $12.50. Is it just me or is this the way they pour nowadays? It sure seems short. That was a big-ass, ugly piece of ice. 


    This is why I drink at home.




    I only drink at home.  My pours are seldom short.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lisa Shock said:

    You par-cook the rice most of the way (like 75% or so) in lots of salty water, like pasta. Then you drain, add fat (and spices if desired) to dry pot, heat it and add the drained rice to it. You then cover it tightly and cook at a fairly low temp for about a half-hour. I don't know much about the Chinese type, but this is how Persians do it.


    I read that as "most of the day"  ...anyhow Persians I have known say to use an Iranian rice cooker.  My Japanese Zojirushi has a setting for crust, but it is not as deeply golden.  Probably also depends on the type of rice.


  12. I have run into a problem with Alexa and timers:  it seems timers are specific to one Echo device.  I can't set a timer in the kitchen and then come sit down by the computer and check the status of my timer.  After spending just short of an hour and a half on the phone with tech support the timers are working as intended.  I am shaking with frustration.


    The particular issue was this afternoon.  I set a timer and left the apartment to go to the store.  My watch is broken so as soon as I got home I asked Alexa the status of my timer.  The Echo closest to the door informed me that I had no active timers.  Naturally I assumed that the timer had expired while I was out and I acted accordingly.  Only to have the first echo faithfully notify me sometime later.


    Who writes the code for these things?  I hope not the same people as program Jeff Bezos' rockets.  Does anyone have a workaround?


  13. 43 minutes ago, gulfporter said:

    I was 16 years old in the late 1960s.  My HS guidance counselor said I needed some community service on my "permanent record" to help me secure a college scholarship.  She suggested I become a Candy Striper. 


    I told her I was squeamish with blood, but she assured me all I would be asked to do was wrap swab bandages, serve food trays and some light clerical duties.  You'll never see a drop of blood, she assured me.


    My first day on the job I was stuffing billing envelopes outside the ER.  As an ambulance with sirens blazing arrived, a nurse came out and shouted, EVERYONE INSIDE NOW.    


    In I went with everyone else and I was directed with other clerical staff to bring surgical sheets and covers from everywhere within the ER to the area where the ambulance patient was going to be treated.  


    The poor man worked across the street at the Krispy Kreme donut shop.  He had somehow gotten his arm (up to his shoulder) stuck in the industrial mixer.  


    I saw his injuries as he was being moved to the bed.  I stayed in the ER as long as I was needed, then went outside and threw up.  



    What about the donuts?


    • Haha 2
  14. Dinner was lobio -- beans with walnuts and spices:





    From Carla Capalbo, Tasting Georgia (p266).  I realize this looks only like a bowl of beans.  But a bowl of beans is what it is.  I had planned a far grander supra -- however when 2:00 am came around and I hadn't eaten for a day, I was all too happy for my bowl of beans.  Rancho Gordo Marcella beans by the way.  Served with baguette, not shown.


    These were very good beans.  Everything is better with walnuts.  The recipe calls for marigold petals, ground marigold, and marigold leaves.  Marigold leaves I did not have, so I had to simplify.


    • Like 8
  15. 3 hours ago, Okanagancook said:

    I like Schnitzel.  I recently bought some EverCrisp so decided to follow the instructions on their website for breaded chicken cutlets to use with my pork tenderloin Schnitzel.

    Used Panko only for the bread part on the cutlet that is the light coloured one and Panko with some Evercrisp for the darker cutlet.  DH was the judge and he deemed them the same.  But he noted that the Evercrisp cutlet did seem to keep it's 'crispness' longer than the other one.  Evercrisp is supposed to do that with fried food.  FWIW.



    What are the EverCrisp ingredients?


    • Like 1
  16. @KennethT I don't know if it helps, but I see you are located in NY.  Can you get amazon Fresh?  Since the end of last year amazon no longer delivers to where I am but while I had the Fresh service I could buy organic Bell and Evans -- larger than a game hen but smaller than the standard Shoprite Jurassic chicken -- packed in just a twist tied plastic bag.


  17. 4 hours ago, Spork said:

    It only removes what atmosphere pushes out. 



    I notice the original post did specify a food saver.  Does "it" refer to food saver?  Maybe this is how a food saver works?  I have no experience.  I use a chamber vacuum sealer where the atmosphere doesn't press on the bag until the bag is sealed and the vacuum has been released.


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