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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. On ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:29 AM, KennethT said:



    Chicken satay.  Here's where things get... complicated.  I thought they were really good - very juicy, but I didn't notice that they were a tad pink inside.  My wife had one skewer but I had 3.... while we're not sure if these were the true culprit, stay tuned  to hear about the outcome the next day!!!


    I am so sorry for the outcome.  (Or rather I guess outcomes since it was from both ends.)  I have to share I've been reading Daniel Stone's The Food Explorer, chronicling David Fairchild's treks around the world in search of exotic food plants for possible introduction to America.  Fairchild found Bali disappointing but elsewhere he contracted typhoid and his traveling companion came down with yellow fever.


    When I travel I tend to have outcomes so mostly I stay home.  I almost died in Africa.  In Naples I got very sick.  I couldn't help but notice the dining establishment did not wash glasses between patrons.  Fairchild too had been in Naples and I was amused that he reported the silverware "only sketchily washed."



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  2. Whole Roasted Branzino from the CSO booklet (p20).  I have reason to believe coconspirators may posses this document:





    Branzino much prettier whole but I have shown that previously.  Fries by the Kenji method.


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  3. 25 minutes ago, Kim Shook said:

    The night before my birthday, my MIL invited us over for a celebratory dinner.  She made chicken Kiev.  When was the last time you saw that?  It happens to be one of my favorite things, a taste developed in the 1970’s, I think.  And I used to make it when I was trying to impress Mr. Kim with my culinary prowess.  But it is such a PITA that I haven’t made it for years.  And hers was delicious!  I don’t have a picture from that night, but I have a picture of the leftovers that I reheated tonight:






    Ah, yes, the '70's...


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  4. A few days ago I took delivery of a new New West fillet knife.  Here it is next to my New West 9 inch chef knife:





    I have to say the wood handle of the chef knife is much prettier than the fiberglass of the fillet knife.  Sadly the factory supplying the impregnated wood burned down.  Now that I'm looking for it I can't find the quote but I believe New West claims the only people using the same steel and the same handle material were the military.


    Apparently New West knives are now manufactured in Idaho rather than made by Lamson and Goodnow in Massachusetts.


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  5. 23 minutes ago, Okanagancook said:

    This is the only stuff I can get.


    Maseca was one of the four brands I saw tonight at Shoprite.  Somewhere, in some thread, I thought I read someone was not happy with it.



    Edit:  one thing I noticed, Masa Brosa seems to fly off the shelves since I first saw it a few days ago, compared to other brands.  This area has a large Mexican American, Central American population.  I bought the last bag.  It smells so good, which I can't attest the same for Bob's.

  6. 3 hours ago, Okanagancook said:

    Getting a consistent puff can be tricky.  I have found the right setting on my Wolfe through trial and error.  I cook 30 sec on one side, flip and cook 60 sec, flip and cook 30 sec pressing down on the edges with towel to help the puff.  Good luck.


    Yes I use 30, 60, 30 seconds.  I'm pretty sure it's just that the DeLonghi does not get hot enough.  (Though it sure is convenient.)  Eventually I'll have to drag out the heavy pan and the thermometer.


    Meanwhile, after telling me repeatedly they don't carry any brand of masa besides Bob's, I found three other brands of masa on the shelf in the flour section of the local Shoprite.  Not sure how to choose, I brought home a bag of Masa Brosa Harina de Maiz, Masa Instantanea de Maiz.  Is this the right stuff?  Is it a good brand?  It smells good.  Kennedy calls for Quaker, which I have never seen.


  7. On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 1:54 AM, Okanagancook said:

    Making tortilla soup from the lunch thread.  You could try using your unwelcome tortillas by slicing them about 1/4 in h and then frying them until crispy.  A nice soup topping or just munching.


    What is "1/4 in h"?  "1/4 inch"?  "1/4 in half"?


    I made up another batch of masa by your method, which works wonderfully.  A couple things I've learned:  the masa comes together easily by hand, no need to use a food processor.  (Sometimes I overthink things.)  Masa this moist sticks wretchedly to the heavy vacuum bags I'd been using in the press but comes right off from ordinary food wrap.


    The plan was use my new high temperature surface probe to calibrate my copper Falk.  I ran out of energy and defaulted to the DeLonghi grill.  Like last time, on sear I got puffing and a little char.  But "sear" is good only for one tortilla at best.  The rest of the batch on 450F came out OK but no puff or char.


    I'd like to try frying the leftovers.  Any further hints?


  8. I cook my corn by the @nathanm method:



    Problem is I keep making the same mistake over and over...


    When I come home with corn I husk and bag it.  The ear I cook that night works wonderfully.  But after any time in the refrigerator the other corn bags balloon up like puffer fish.  Almost impossible to keep them in the bath.  Yes, I know, corn should only be picked right before dinner.  Nice if you can do it.


  9. 6 minutes ago, Jacksoup said:

    My daughter used to live in a duplex on  a side street of the French Laundry. I’ve wandered into the garden at night with my own glass of wine and watched the chefs thru the large kitchen windows.  It was great just to walk around Yountville and stop in for a drink and food at any of these great places.  If you are still in Napa and interested in a winery called Etude, DM me.


    Maybe one too many glasses but I think you mean "PM".


  10. 16 hours ago, CantCookStillTry said:

    We went to the WinterFeast farmers market in Bundaberg today. Excuse the poor photos. I am incredibly shy about taking them so they are all sneak shots 😁. It's an annual event in its third year. 

    Lots of stalls from local producers, Cooking demonstrations, and plenty of food vendors and alot of bodies.









    Haul - Honey roasted macadamias, chilli jerky, hopped apple cider, watermelon water and $3 for 5 Avos. 



    Jalepeno Cheese Pork Snags, Biltong, Beef Cheeks & Bratwurst. 



    Lil dudes Breakfast - Strawberry Lime & Salted Caramel Gelato. 




    And this poor dude. It may be winter. But its still 25c and humid. 




    Wait...isn't it supposed to be winter there??


  11. 3 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    I much prefer the peanuts that I purchase from Picards closer to home - I'm annoyed with myself for not remembering to bring some up.


    I usually patronize nuts.com but I'm put off they have not had a sale in some while.  Until they do* I am purchasing my peanuts from Shoprite.


    *or until I run out of red walnuts


  12. 15 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    Electric citrus reamer? I’ve admired them at thrift stores but then bought cheap ones that aren’t as nice.



    No, the commercial manual model 932:



    Made since 1932, NSF, no batteries required.  I use mine every day.  I removed the silly drip cup and just place a measuring cup underneath.  The business end is heavy chrome plated zinc.  Base is coated cast iron.  Strainer is stainless steel.  Best part is it doesn't take a lot of strength.



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