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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. Suvir Saran


    Thanks Cabrales! I love Sweet-n-Tart. They have great dimsum on Sundays.... Have you ever tried that? They also have soup dumplings that are very good. Watercress and crab ones I think.
  2. Being a vegetarian Heston Blumenthal gave a great answer to Doug. Worth looking at if you are reading this thread.
  3. It is commonly known as Bitter Melon or Bitter Squash
  4. I prefer them nutless. They remind me of Tommy... sweet, innocent, harmless and addictive
  5. suvir, do you get sore from all of the stroking around here? just wondering. But I thought you were doing it for me... Kind friend that you are
  6. 1) Where do you get these favorites? 2) Do you ever make them at home? 3) What makes a certain tandoori better than another? And the same for Tikka, please. I apologize for the delayed response, Suvir. 1) We have a few good Indian restaurants where I live. 2) However, I much prefer cooking and eating Indian dishes at home. 3) For both, Tandoori and Tikka, THE MARINADE. A perfect balance in the spices used in the marinade is key. Marination time is a second important point. I like to marinate overnight and even up to two days. Recipes to share with us all? Nothing like homemade food.... I have been known myself to marinade upto two days.. and 4 days for lamb....
  7. Thanks for doing this Suzanne. When we have a date... I can work with it and plan on a restaurant and menu...
  8. Suvir, has your opinion of the cilantro chutney changed or is what's served in the restaurant different from what's sold at retail? I used to enjoy their cilantro chutney as a condiment for grilled pork, but I haven't tasted it since you taught me the true way. Their chutneys leave much to be desired. But even most served in other Indian restaurants are poor at best. These are just even more removed from what they ought to be. But her Dosas and the fillings are so good.. that I forget the chutney. Also I love her Dals.
  9. What would happen if I were to use a recipe for Brownies with nuts and not add nuts? WHat should one substitute with in that case? Are substitutions even necessary?
  10. I am still haunted by the delicious Sambhaar made by Patty at Hampton Chutney on Sunday. Have not had many spicy legume preparations that have left such an impact on my memory. And the Dosas.... were heavenly. If anyone does go there... Ask for Patty the chef.. Tell her you read about her Dosas and their crispy texture without the grease on eGullet through my post... I hope she will take a few extra moments and prepare you what she always does for me... the best Dosas of my lifetime. When I had not made acquaintance with her, the Dosas were superb.. And now, when she sees me, I know she makes even more of an effort.. And they are magical.
  11. And I already have my music group called Saran Rap
  12. Oh, Suvir, imagine my surprise on first reading this thread to find this. Oops... I forgot... that was me posting as Jinmyo then.... cannot keep any secrets...
  13. You are most welcome. I am sure you will the book as well.
  14. It has not sunk in yet that the child is in anothers care. Thanks for your post.
  15. How about trying to have a Chaat Vendor come to a Baseball game? That could be fun.... It would spice up the Yankee game even more....
  16. I am now a member of the Secretary of Defense's (Donald Rumsfeld) advisory board. We are looking for new office bearers... Thanks for joining me and the Secretary. Make that, I would follow Suvir ALMOST anywhere. Was counting on you Lady Just kidding.... I too would not be following myself is this were a real life situation.
  17. It seems like a fun thing to arrange. I have one problem now, Suzanne F who had promised to follow me anywhere.. is now changing it to "almost". I had already started planning a special food event with the Secretary... and now, I have to come up with a new idea. I was relying on her assitance... But not anymore. How quickly some of us change.
  18. Golden words. I never boil my potatoes for most Indian stir-fries. I enjoy most vegetables cooked through, but with a crunch. I certainly am no fan of raw cauliflower but crunch cooked cauliflower is delicious to me like a perfectly crisp french fry can be.
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