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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. It is a word used for snacktime..... dishes that people eat in between meal times... It’s something like the Jewish “nosh”, which, interestingly enough, it sounds like.
  2. For you, I will have to go against trying to keep things a surprise... and share a little of the structure... Soups Dals Vegetables Rice Meats Poultry Fish Nashta (for those that have not been paying attention, too bad, it has been explained before... and I am not going to try doing it again. Pay attention! or be very afraid) Raitas Breads Condiments Desserts
  3. Madam Principal, I already did that. Remember when I was still a wet back? That was the only job I found without being looked at funny. PS: Time to come clean... Even that job would be easier for a person of lighter coloring than mine to find. I still got looks...... But that is part and parcel of being a wet back... This was still that time when I said "schedule" funny.
  4. And I though growing up in third world India, I was the only one who knew what an old fashioned gum eraser look like. Did kids here not have fancier stuff to use? Trust you to find a silver liningin everything.... You are special.
  5. Sorry about that bad post above. I had created this attractive design using spacing and creating what looked like the nib of a fountain pen that a principal would use... All by using the word Afraid... and spacing it differently in each line... It looked great... but only until I posted it.. And now.. I look like a loser... Sorry! Was trying to be smart....
  6. AFRAID. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. A F R A I D. AFRAID.
  7. Sage advice from a kind person. Could not agree with you more Jinmyo.
  8. I'd be very very very afraid. Be very afraid Tommy. A F R A I D.
  9. Wow.. what a nice post spicegirldc.
  10. Whatever you choose to do with them, I am with Jinmyo. While there are hundreds of ways to make great eggplant dishes, why waste these baby jewels to prepare recipes that perhaps are as good if not better with large eggplants. I would use the recipes that can only be prepared with baby eggplants and enjoy them for this time... and next week.... when you cannot find these babies again... buy the large ones and try out other recipes you are interested in.
  11. They are the 3 baby eggplants called "Indian eggplants" and are below Holland eggplants.
  12. Oh dear -- can't top that for poetry! That was a very beautiful description indeed. And hard to beat. But that is not what we do at eGullet is it?
  13. Agreed... I prepare them as bagharey baingan (baby eggplants with a spice and nut tempered stuffing) ... once Jinmyo has eaten this preparation.. she will be hooked for life.. Even those that hate eggplant, fall into that trap.. Prepared Hyderabad style... Stuffed and cooked with a thick sauce that seems creamy without having any cream. Curry leaves, garlic, ginger, sesame, peanuts, white poppy seeds, and yogurt are the main ingredients.... and then a lot of love. This dish is always made with the tinest of tiny baby eggplants... and is magical at every bite.
  14. Lets decide on Wednesday, November 20th for now. Shall we have a rain date? Maybe the following Sunday for lunch? And I shall now look for a restaurant that I can plan a menu with.
  15. I was hoping to make it... but have to wait until a next such dining experience. Will look forward to the report. Have much fun.
  16. It is commonly known as Bitter Melon or Bitter Squash i was just testing the "gourmet." Was that meant to be difficult?
  17. And I already have my music group called Saran Rap I had thought of that one too. Perhaps as the "books on tape" version of the cookbook. You are too clever....
  18. I am hoping Ajay, Anil or Spicegirldc or someone else that has any knowledge about Gujarati food would share with us what makes it Unique from other cuisines. What amazes me is that even though Gujarat has neighboring states with a very different style of food, it has maintained its own very unique and clean identity. What dishes should one know when thinking of Gujarati food? What restaurants around the world do you visit to eat this states food?
  19. Suvir Saran


    Just a few week back, we had a stray turtle visit our buildings courtyard. I think one of the young kids in the building has given it a home (aquarium). Some wondered if it were a pet somehow gone astray... another in the building had mentioned maybe it was dinner for someone in the hood. It was a beautiful baby like one can often find in Chinatown.
  20. Suvir Saran


    Suvir -- No; when I am in Chinatown, I sometimes drink a beverage made from combining coffee and tea (hot). It is called something like "yeen yeung", and is apparently relatively popular in Hong Kong. Thanks for another great tip. Sounds like yin yang... Makes sense. Where do you get that drink? Do most restaurants serve it to those in the know?
  21. I will now open the package and taste some. Thanks Sandra! I was worried that Scharffen Berger was not at par with Callebaut. I love Valrhona and have been so used to just using it for everything that I hardly ever teach myself about new brands... What would I do without eGullet.
  22. Suvir Saran


    And now I will have to go to try this jelly. Have you tried thier juices? Those and the desserts are great at Sweet-n-Tart.
  23. How does Scharffen Berger chocolat compare against Valrhona? I did not realize the latter was all depleted in my refrigerator... and the local store only has Scharffen Berger, Calebaut (sp?) and Ghiradelli. Should I be very nervous about using Scharffen Berger? Should I have bought Calebaut (sp?) instead? Or even Ghiradelli? My gut said to me t hat Scharffen Berger would be better... but I have never used any of those three.. how should I know. Feedback anyone?
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