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Everything posted by elyse

  1. elyse

    Burger Club

    Well thank you, gus. From me and my members , the best in the new year to you.
  2. elyse

    Burger Club

    Is this up to date? Suzanne? Other suggestions should be added to the bottom of the list, please.
  3. elyse

    Burger Club

    Well, I'll leave it to you if you want to find out a few more details like price (we don't want another Landmark, you know ) and whatever else you may think of.... I'll bring up the list of places again.
  4. elyse

    Burger Club

    These are all kosher places?
  5. elyse

    Burger Club

    In order for Burger Club to work to my standards, I'd like anyone who wants to participate to have that chance. This means that for anyone who keeps kosher, they should suggest places where we can go, which might not be a total bust. bloviatrix had said how there are no good kosher burgers in town. That about brings us to where we were last night.
  6. elyse

    Burger Club

    Rachel, you suck. rozrapp, it's not my observation in the slightest.
  7. I think chezlamere is referring to the parodies.
  8. If it's a cake recipe, you can find self rising cake flour at the supermarket. It comes in a box like Swan's Down, but it's a different brand. Swan's Down is not self rising. It may be called Presto...? Dark blue box.
  9. elyse

    Burger Club

    So, bloviatrix... can you explain to me why it is exactly why there are no good burgers in kosher places? I've been thinking about it and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's not like they're trying to beef for pork, or any other odd substitution. It's just beef and fire. I don't get it.
  10. elyse

    Burger Club

    Ahhhh, finally theclash joins in. Welcome. First burger's happening, baby. Blue Smoke, day after tomorrow. Or should I be gorging myself now?
  11. elyse

    Burger Club

    Happy New Year! It's quiet around here. TOO quiet.
  12. elyse

    Burger Club

    If Burger Club isn't an excuse to leave early, I don't know what is. Come.
  13. I believe it is the 18th of January. A Sunday.
  14. So, the day is drawing near, and I am anxious. Do we still have everyone we had before? Pies becoming more clear in everyone's future?
  15. Well this is sort of minor, but yesterday, my mother asked me what was in this little jar. I smelled it and said "it's my ginger syrup I made for you." She said she'd have some ginger ale then! Then she asked me if I were sure it was ginger syrup, as it tasted buttery. I tasted it, and after a minute, I realized it must be the concoction we used to make roasted spicy ginger nuts with ginger, butter, cayenne, worchestershire, bla bla bla. Oops! Not a good iced beverage.
  16. I thought it was a crown too! Kris, I'm glad to see you out of your photo shyness.
  17. elyse

    Latkes - the Topic!

    How could you mistake it, herb? Sheesh!
  18. elyse

    Low Calorie Recipes

    project, when you're exercising that much, you can eat more. If not,you will destroy your body and bones. If you eat too little, your metabolism will stop, you will become weak, you will faint. Bad idea. And keep an eye on your blood pressure.
  19. You can still install on if you do have a metal door,
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