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Everything posted by elyse

  1. You can always install one, silly.
  2. Did you speak with the owner? Write a letter of both your experiences, and cc it to ... who's effective in these sorts of things? This should not go unnoticed.
  3. elyse

    Burger Club

    Just trying to be democratic, dear.
  4. Something I said?
  5. elyse

    Latkes - the Topic!

    Rachel, EXCELLENT avatar! bloviatrix, why is it inappropriate to call them latkes after Chanukah?
  6. Orange juice is not an 'Incredibly strange craving." I had an awful pang yesterday for cotton candy. Of course I didn't satisfy it. Can't remember the last time I had it, and I never liked it that much.
  7. Meaning? Some of you have to translate your regional expressions for us Northeasterners. And Sconz, I've never heard "Lettuce alone without dressing," but I figure I know what it means - maybe sort of like the "One Meatball" in the song of the same name (with no potatoes, no tomatoes, and no bread). Yeah. I started not getting them a while ago.
  8. elyse

    Burger Club

    I was wondering where you guys were!
  9. Some sort of beef was on sale at my Gristedes the other day for 99 cents. Now THAT scared me.
  10. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a bacteria that is immune to most, if not all, of the US's last-ditch-effort antibiotics. Not good stuff at all. I think I just read that it cannot be killed by heat either.
  11. elyse

    Burger Club

  12. I'd kill for old NY pizza!
  13. Didn't we just have this entire conversation?
  14. This is why we never EVER let people in our kitchens.
  15. I hate the telephone, and only have it for emergencies and the computer. I only pick it up when I'm in a really good mood or am expecting a call. I got on a no call list nearly ten years ago. Maybe not that long ago, but a goodly while.
  16. I you haven't had salmon/pepper omelet au vin apple pie, you haven't lived.
  17. elyse

    Burger Club

  18. elyse

    Burger Club

    In case anyone does want to call and see where their beef comes from, you may want to read this. Hope this helps.
  19. elyse

    Burger Club

    Suzanne, have you called with the reservation?
  20. That was totally adorable.
  21. There's a Cinnamon Club? Should I just shut up most of the time?
  22. elyse

    Burger Club

  23. I find this really interesting that we're on such different time schedules. I mean, I knew it, but this is time difference in action! Fun blog, Kristin!
  24. elyse

    Burger Club

    To date, we've always had too few people showing up, but I'll leave it to you. Someone remind me to make gingersnaps.
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