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Everything posted by elyse
I'm jealous. Glad it worked out for you!
PLEASE remember to cool the sausage before you let it come in contact with the pastry.
My first time was at Gallerani's in Provincetown MA, and it was amazing.
You can always say you're a consultant. they don't check up on you.
Or conversely they make it well and claim it themselves. That's happened to me. I blew their cover though. As for keeping a recipe secret that you had no hand in, I don't see the point of that.
I'm sorry, but this is really funny. Poor thing!
Varmint, won't the sugar be too hard without the soda?
Ditto on the ham - most tasteless food known to man. Meat for people with severe sweet tooths and no tastebuds. ...depends on where you get your ham. =R= Damn straight!
I agree. except walk from the hotel to 72nd st on Central Park West. You can see the Ghost Busters building adjacent from Tavern on The Green, and the Dakota etc. is only six blocks from there.
I should move to Scotland. But if I don't, where can I get my hands on one black eyed pea? And can I substitute olives for greens?
If I have toast, I really like the butter to be melted. If I have hot bread, cold butter.
Yaahaahoo! I' am really glad this is coming together. Gingersnaps will most definitely be there. Any other requests? Birthday girl? And who's calling, you or me? What time are we meeting? johnjohn and lauren, welcome to Burger Club! rozrapp, can we tempt ya?
If you do this, Jacques Torres' place is on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge. They have amazing spicy hot chocolate.
And you live in an efficiency apartment?
I have to say I'm a hoarder. For whatever reasons, I sometimes don't go shopping for a long while, and the stuff in my cabinets really comes in handy. So, do I run out of it? Nope. Do I use it? Nope. And all that crap on the fridge door? I don't even know what's there. I'll use it one of these days. Spices and herbs? I've had some for almost 20 years, easily. Oh yeah... what do I not run out of that I use? Iams and tap water.
Thanks, Jamie! Now, when are you away from and till? Dave the Cook is coming the 30th - 4th, I think and would be honored to be a part of a BC meeting, but you can tell me where you don't want to go, so we can arrange it happily. Unless he's giving me shit and has no interest.
PARTY AT DAVE'S! I'll bring pie and pao de queijo.... You serious?
This of course has been a dream of mine for quite some time. Well, there's some debate on where and when the next Burger Culb will be. Want to throw one together? picaman and KirkL will be out of town, I think, and I don't want to have one that they'll feel badly about missing. I'll ax.We can do Parker Meridian again...? St. John The Divine is the largest gothic cathedral in the world. And the(Hungarian?) Cafe is across the sr=treet from it. Do we still like that place? Riverside Church is closeby too. I think it's far more spectacular than St. John's. You can get groceries at Zabar's (cheses, bagels, lox and other icky fish goo) or Barney Greengrass and bring it back home.
I'm with you on these, adding chestnuts. I do like almost everything else mentioned here.Marshmallows, turkey, canned cranberries, candy canes... what else is there?
We managed to snag accomodations near Lincoln Center. Walking is no problem, and we're not averse to subways (speaking of which, can anyone recommend a primer on the transit system? Mass transit in Atlanta is 250,000 people in 249,116 cars.) Schlag. Hand-sliced lox and real bagels. Cheap Turks. sigh. You're in my hood, bud! Where you staying? Skip H&H, and get your bagels at Zabar's too. Better bagels these days. H&H are fat and fluffy. Blech. But Zabar's has no salt. Lincoln Center is about 3/4 mile from the museum. And you can pass the building where all hell breaks loose in GB.
Sunday Afternoon Drinkin' Club is now in session. I'd link it up, but My computer's screwey and I can't do that anymore. Someone? Glad you got some good sleep, sherri. You shall have cookies one of these days. bloviatrix, send me your chocolate cookie recipe, and I'll think about what it might need.
Once El Presidente was no longer there to enforce the rules, we ordered burgers (topped with ham, bacon, cheese, russian dressing and caviar), did Jell-O shots, took off our clothes, and danced on the bar.... With the terrorized locals who couldn't get their bar stools. And if I had known that you'd be doing Jell-O shots and dancing on the bar, I DEFINITELY would have stayed!
There were some regulars there who quite happy to see us leave. I think were taking up some seats. Kudos goes to the bartender, who took good care of us. After hearing so much about Elyse's wonderful cookies, I finally got to try them today. They rock! Count me in as another fan. All State has terrific bartenders. I go there as much for the friendly service as I do for the excellent burgers. Thanks to Elyse for the cookie sampling. Fantastic stuff, especially the gingersnaps! Thanks to all for the invitation to Beer Club, Drinking Club, Cookie Club, Terrorizing the Locals Club, or whatever that was today. Lots of fun, and no forms to fill out. I look forward to the next BC meeting, and hopefully a few more Sunday Drinking Club outings as well. Piper's Kilt anyone? You are much welcome, Felonius. Now will somebody tell me what happened after I left???