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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by weinoo

  1. Yeah, I'd be pushing 400 for a shorter period of time. More importantly, how'd it taste?
  2. weinoo

    Dinner! 2014 (Part 4)

    I don't know what has gotten into me, but... A bicycle ride past a small farmer's market made me do this. White corn that looks as if it might've been slightly cross-pollinated with some yellow. Green beans and yellow wax beans, Southern style, thankfully with a little bacon. Fresh field tomatoes with black salt.
  3. I've always thought Julia Childs' The Way to Cook is a great primer.
  4. I would buy a Cuisi-Steam Boy and use that!
  5. Exactly. Did I ever tell you the story about when I preheated a tin-lined copper piece and forgot it was on the burner???
  6. I'm really not too bad with this disease - I love throwing expired stuff out, if I find any - it's pretty much the only way to make room for more stuff. But...I do have a jar of black truffles that expired sometime back in the early aughts - it still reminds me of that particular trip.
  7. Cuisinart sells the shelves. You could always buy another one and give it a try.
  8. Use shoulder - there are plenty of lean parts in shoulder, but overall it's much juicier than loin or tenderloin.
  9. Doesn't appear to be discontinued, as it's still on Cuisi's web site. These retailers might be trying to clear their shelves to get ready for the holidays?
  10. Great stuff. It's got a funny name. Breads Bakery. Best rugelach in town.
  11. weinoo

    Smoking with tea

    I've got one of those pups too. It's funny - I think Lapsong is good for smoking, but not for tea drinking!
  12. I find liquid smoke to be a bit chemical tasting, but that's just me. I think the smoked salt idea is a good one, since you're probably salting the meat already. I have this brand, and it's pretty darn good... Falk Sea Salt
  13. My 8-year old Lello is right around 20.
  14. I think of all the bakeries to be checked out, Maison Kaiser might be the one I'd head to first.
  15. That's why I put the ?... Spoaghetti cacio e pepe is to me an iconic noodle dish. As is carbonara.
  16. Clean up is the same as with a drip cone. But as I explain to my wife (and sometimes others), cooking, making coffee, etc. creates a mess...that's just the way it is.
  17. I think it's even cleverer. Wait for it - because whenever I use one of those devices that releases the valve to start the flow by placing it on a cup or a carafe, I make a mess. With this one, I make less mess. But - it's the same principal, yes.
  18. There is no "best" patisserie in Paris. Google the phrase, and Lebovitz, Paris by Mouth and any number of other bests will come up.
  19. Brewing coffee via what's called the "immersion" method can take place with various tools. French press is an immersion method of brewing coffee. Aeropress is too. Siphon also. From coffee universe: The Bonavtia takes this a step further because it allows for full immersion brewing (by allowing the user to control the amount of time the ground coffee and water are in contact with each other) and combines it with manual pourover drip using a paper (or metal) filter. Hence, the best of both worlds - the body of the coffee done via French Press (immersion) with the filtering of the oils and sediment of a drip...Immersion Dripper!
  20. I think what you need is one of these...
  21. I'm old school - Jacques Torres. JB Prince for cooking equipment. Broadway Panhandler is nice, too. Korin, if you're a knife person.
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