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Posts posted by lindag

  1. 49 minutes ago, NadyaDuke said:

    At the Portland (Oregon) airport there's a quite decent restaurant past security called Country Cat. It's an outpost of a local restaurant. Good cocktails and food. It's my standard pre-flight breakfast or dinner if the timing is such that I need one or the other. 

    It's also the second best-loved airport in the US (after Indianapolis).

  2. 5 hours ago, home-cook said:


    Does anybody else want to see inside the box?!

    Empty because I'd already eaten most of it.

    And, because this is the first of my own photos that I've ever posted on egullet, it took a bit of dicking around to figure out how to do it.

    • Like 3
  3. I made a quick trip to town today for a manicure and decided to pick up lunch at KFC.

    i've had some not-so-good food from that chain before bit I swear the one here puts out some darned good fast food.

    i got the  chicken strips with mashed potato and gravy, biscuit, cookie and an extremely side of the coke slaw. Ranch for the dipping sauce.

    it was great although the cookie was way too sweet for my tastes.


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  4. I got an email from Milk Street telling me that the new show was to air on Saturday.

    Well, as usual, I checked the channel listing for our PBS and no Milk Street to be found.  We still haven't got the first 'new' season of ATK that was shown elsewhere last year!

    Living in a low population, semi rural area Is often like stepping backward in time (although this is sometimes an advantage).

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, liuzhou said:

    Today's loot. Not exactly ingredients as such but definitely edibles.




    First I found my favourite seaweed crackers in a different supermarket after doing without for weeks  I know I have some in my place in the countryside, but getting there and back involves a 36km round trip  (and I will need them there later). Picked up 4 packs. Would have taken more, but I already had a load of other stuff to carry.


    The small yellow boxes contain ginger chews which, despite having no sweet tooth, I rather like. They are sugar-free. I haven't seen those for about a year, so I picked up 8.

    I'll get more of both later in the week.

    In your hot and steamy weather, how is it you are able to store things like crackers without them  going stale?

  6. 4 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    I seldom buy bacon.  But today I received bacon from amazon worthy of the world's attention:

    L Halteman Family Meats, Hickory Home-Smoked Pork... 



    Not too thick, not too thin.  This bacon smells wonderful, even raw, and the best thing there is no impenetrable vacuum packaging.  It comes in butcher's paper.  There are three options:  hickory, apple, and hickory with skin.  It actually looks like the product picture.


    I cooked up three strips by the usual Joy of Cooking oven method -- CSO, steam bake, 350 deg F, 10 minutes.  Eggs and English muffins.  I am replete.



    Edit:  five options, I forgot to mention maple glazed and peppered.




    Gosh, you must've bought it all, it's no longer available!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, andiesenji said:

    I can't even recall the last time I bought mayo.  It seems to always have a metallic taste - the curse of a "supertaster" is I pick up flavors that most people don't notice.  I make my own, which never has that taste, which I think must be from one of the preservatives.  

    I also make my own version of Miracle Whip.  

    Yeah, but your're an overachiever.  I'm a bit of a slacker.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Tropicalsenior said:

     Next time I'll probably buy four jars and I will feed feel like the food hoarder of the year.

    I actually had some Best Foods mayo go 'funny' because I stored it too long (even though it was in the second fridge).  It sort of separated; though it still tasted fine.

    Now I don't stock up, though I do keep a spare in the other fridge.

    In a climate like yours I'd be afraid it's go bad if you didn't use it up pretty quickly.

    • Haha 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Tropicalsenior said:

    We have that same problem here. Sometimes, great products show up, disappear, and are never seen again. When I asked the manager why they didn't get them again, he actually told me, we don't reorder them because people just buy them too fast. I'm like you, if I see it, I buy all I can because I may never see it again.

    People here often complain about that happening at Costco stores.

    • Haha 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Tropicalsenior said:

    Oh how I envy you the opportunity to ruin a spoon in your garbage disposal. Because of the primitive plumbing in the old house that I live in, I can't have a garbage disposal. I probably miss that more then most of the other conveniences I had in the US.


    I agree with you there.  I remember telling someone that I'd almost choose my disposer over my d/w if I had to choose....but I don't want to choose.

    When I didn't have a disposer how I hated bagging up that wet icky stuff.

    And I don't like putting anything stinky into my kitchen trash, so I take it out to the big garbage trolley.

    • Like 3
  11. 10 hours ago, Dejah said:


    New 20.9 cu ft upright                                     




    Is yours a frost free model? 

  12. 10 hours ago, kayb said:

    I looked and didn't see an appropriate topic for this post, so I made one. "Road Food," of course, was made famous by Jane and Michael Stern on public radio, but we've all been out on business or pleasure travel and happened up on marvelous food in the most unlikely of places. Here's a place to post same, and I'll start off with my stop this morning.


    I had been on a business trip that took me to LA -- that would be Lower Arkansas -- and spent last night in Monticello, in the southeastern quadrant of the state. I commend to you, by the way, the Trotter House BnB there, where they fed me breakfast that would have sufficed for me and a friend.



    I set out withh a couple of stops planned, but no real schedule, and decided on a whim I wanted tamales to bring home. So I betook myself east and south to Lake Village, in the far southeastern corner, to Rhoda's Famous Hot Tamales and Pies.


    And they are, in fact. Famous, that is. At least in the Mid-South, where people might grant you could get good tamales across the Mississippi River in Greenville, MS, but if you want pie, you need to cross the bridge and go to Rhoda's.


    I pulled in about 10:30 a.m. Miss Rhoda's daughter, who has taken over most of the cooking duties, was slinging pots and pans in the kitchen, and dishing up cabbage cooked with ham, sweet potatoes and fried chicken for the day's lunch. She stopped to fish me three dozen tamales out of a massive pot on the stove, and pack them in their cooking liquid in a No. 10 can that had probably held that day's sweet potatoes. Meanwhile, her mother, Ms. Rhoda herownself, hollered at me from around the corner, where she and a gentleman friend were tying tamales, three to a bundle, with strips of corn shuck.


    "Where you from, baby?" I'm from Jonesboro. "Whooo, that's a long way. You come all the way down here to get some of Rhoda's tamales?" Well, sort of. I was in Monticello on business, and while I was that close, I wasn't going to miss getting tamales to take home. Can't get good tamales in Jonesboro. "Honey, I know dat's right. Y'all got them Meskin tamales up there." (I did not promise this post would be politically correct. Sorry.)


    We visited for a few minutes, all the while Ms. Rhoda's gnarled and bent fingers flying as she'd pluck up three tamales, stack them in a pyramid, grab a length of husk, slide it beneath the stack, and cinch it not-too-tight. Tamales went in a pot on the floor. We had gotten through people we both knew up and down the Delta when Ms. Rhoda's daughter called me back to the other side of the room. "Baby, I got yo' tamales." And in fact, she did, foil over the top of the can, the whole things wrapped in a few pages of the Chicot County Advertiser. Forty bucks, and well worth it.



    "What kind of pie you got today?" I asked hopefully. 


    "Lemme look." She pulled open the oven door. "Lessee, I got pecan, chess and egg custard. I got apple and peach. I got coconut cream. Won't be ready for about 15-20 minutes."


    Sadly, I didn't think I had 15-20 minutes, nor did I need to bring home an entire pie. Had I had, I would have been faced with the Hobson's choice of chess or pecan or coconut cream.


    My tamales, still in the can, are in the fridge. Tomorrow, I'll parcel them out, wrap them in plastic wrap, and freeze them. Then I'll go to the grocery store and get cans of cheap no-beans canned chili and boxes of Saltine crackers, and be sure I have plenty of cheddar cheese to grate for the top, and we will binge on tamales. And I will wish I had egg custard pie.

    Thanks for this wonderful story, so well told!

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  13. If you have a low tolerance for nauseating stories read no further...


    Dh and scheduled a kitchen remodel and then went on vacation.  Said remodel was supposed to be done by the time we got back.

    We arrived home the evening as scheduled to find the water shut off (because there was a plumbing problem not yet fixed)  and to find the downstairs toilet completely filled up!!!  I'm sure the guys got a really big hoot out of outdoing each other.

    needless to say my DH ripped them a new one the next day.  They did finish after a couple weeks delay and the job was done well but the memory is seared into my brain.


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