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Posts posted by lindag

  1. Just pulled the trigger on the Ipot Mini!  Couldn't stand it any longer.  I have some beets that will fit nicely and I'll make a half recipe of Ina Garten's Oxtail Soup (substituting Orzo for the barley which I don't care for).

    No I just have to figure out which pot to remove to storage so I have room for the little guy.  Oh and I need to get the glass lid that fits it.

    Darn those eG enablers!

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    • Haha 1
  2. Imagine my surprise yesterday when I stopped in at very small grocery store on my way to town and found OXTAILS in the frozen meat case!!!  I bought some (and, no, they weren't cheap) and I'm on my way to planning the soup I've been wanting.

    Every one of the larger stores around me has had none so this was pretty darned exciting.  

    • Like 3
  3. 7 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    Not that I've tried but the CSO should be good for reheating pizza.  I love how it can reheat the second half of a baguette.


    I do use the CSO for reheating my Papa Murphy's pizza.  So much better than the microwave.  Takes a few minutes rather than a few seconds but the pizza doesn't get tough or rubbery.


    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Tropicalsenior said:


    Here is what I found that the IP does better. Saturday I bought three beautiful big beets at the Farmers Market. I halved them and cooked them in the IP for 20 minutes. They cooked to perfection and I could peel them with a spoon. No mess!


    I then steamed six eggs to make pickled eggs with the beet juice. Again, perfection. No cracked eggs and they peeled beautifully. I steamed diced carrots and potatoes together for three minutes to use to make an Olivier salad. I've always had to cook them separately before.


    I poached a whole chicken to have the meat for things I want to make this week, deboned it and put the bones and the broth back in the IP to make chicken bone broth. I cooked some fresh red beans that I got at the farmer's market for dinner. Six minutes in the IP and they were perfect. I then made ham broth with some leftover Sorento ham  and a smoked ham chop with mushrooms from the market and the beet tops, combined it with the beans for soup. No photo. It wasn't all that pretty but it sure was good.

    Sunday I made a Mexican bread pudding with some leftover chocolate cake. Also, not so pretty, but really good.



    Today was maybe the best yet. I used the idea of kayb to make some eggs for Egg McMuffins. I've always made them in the microwave and they've always exploded. And I had to make them one by one. Then clean the microwave. I used ramekins so I had to make two batches, but even then, I think it took less time and the cleanup was practically nothing. And they are so much better! the ones in the top of the photo I cooked 6 minutes. Too much, so I cook the next batch 5 minutes and they were perfect. Thank you kayb.



    Not only did I save energy by not using my stove, microwave or convection oven, but my IP didn't heat up my kitchen. It's hot down here so for me, that's a big consideration. I'm able to use the IP for so many more things than I did my regular pressure cooker. Since I've had it, I've given away my rice cooker, a small electric cook pot, my electric roaster and my waffle iron. No, my IP doesn't make waffles. I just always hated that thing.



    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Shelby said:


    Nah, no plans at all for them.  They aren't the best for eating.  A couple years ago when I first got my Instant Pot I thought I was being so good and non-wasteful ....I made a ton of pumpkin soup and froze it.  Ronnie hated it.  I tried super hard to convince myself that I liked it.  It's still all in the freezer.  It won't get eaten lol.



    Thanks everyone!  I make no promises on being interesting or entertaining, though :ph34r:.


    I broke the cardinal rule and went to the grocery store without having eaten a single thing today.  So, I came home with a bunch of crap LOL.  I was hoping to get inspired while I was there...but I don't think I did.  You may see these ingredients used this week...and you may not.  I am sure this is not interesting to anyone but I did take pictures of everything.   Also, it started pouring rain the minute I got into the checkout line.  I looked like a drowned rat by the time I got all the groceries into the car. >:(  I always return the cart but I didn't this time.  I am confessing my sin here in order to be absolved.




    The cheap lunchmeat down there makes the best pickle roll-ups.  Good roast beef falls apart too much.  


    We don't have trick-or-treaters so the Halloween candy is all for me.  Damn you, grocery store, for putting the candy in my face right when I walked in.


    I bought a tortilla press a couple months ago with grand plans to make our own tortillas.....I still have that grand plan, but I bought back-up for this week in case my plan fizzles--I might make enchiladas.....




    I've never seen this brand of blueberries before.  They better be the best freaking blueberries ever for how much they cost.


    Don't judge me on the Ramen Noodles--6 packs for $1.


    Hard as a rock avocados --hope they soften up so I can use them.


    I was thinking about making breakfast burritos (anyone have a good recipe for that?) and thought those mini tots would be good in them.


    And, hiding back there are fingerling potatoes.  I never buy them....don't know what came over me.




    Please don't look at the ridiculous price that I paid for those steaks.  Like I said, I was starving at the store and those steaks somehow ended up in the cart.  


    The grapes  are going to go onto a cheese platter.


    The mushrooms?  Have thoughts about stuffing them.


    The guys are always starving when they walk in the door so they like appetizers.  I am still going to make a savory cheesecake (I think).  And another night I'll have a cheese platter.  Another night (if we have Mexican food) will be salsa and guac.  I dunno...I'm just thinking out loud. I feel like I make the same things all of the time.


    Anyway, the steaks are a treat to myself tonight for all my hard work:P.  They are now resting in the fridge for a bit and then I'll put them in the water bath.  We were just given the Chicago steak seasoning and we really like it.




    Wow, someone snuck a big bag of candy bars into your cart!

    • Haha 3
  6. On 9/24/2017 at 10:29 AM, David Ross said:

    I have to admit I was skeptical of anything to do with Sous Vide in the past. I think it was my disregard during the "molecular gastronomy" phase that was gaining so much popularity in restaurants.  I think I was becoming too snooty in thinking anything like sous vide was an accepted method of cooking.  How silly I was in thinking through such a narrow hole.  But now, after having seen the results and knowing the possibilities, I'm using all of your feedback to purchase one. And boy do I have ideas on how to use it.


    I actually own an Anova that was used only once.  I would be happy to send it to you for just the shipping costs.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Anna N said:

    Completely unorthodox I am sure. I was rereading One Good Dish by David Tanis. I recall being very disappointed when I first read this book. But going through it today I dog-eared many pages (relax it's a Kindle version).  And I came across his recipe for potatoes Anna.   Having never had much success with this dish in the past I had an urge to try it again and darn there was a potato sitting on the counter. 


     I used a faux mandoline to slice the potatoes and still have all of my digits with epidermis intact. I wore cut resistant gloves and held the potato in a clean towel.  I think the secret to success is cutting those potatoes almost paper thin.  


     But I also had leftover meatball tajia  and so I put the two of them together.  Orthodoxy is overrated. 




    FAUX mandoline?

  8. I remember just one recipe that I made where the flank was PC'd in strips; the instructions were to cut the strips with the grain so when they were cut into bites they were then cut against the drain.  I turned very good.

    Maybe it really doesn't matter?

  9. 55 minutes ago, Anna N said:

     It's almost impossible to say without knowing something about your stores. But here the only thing that I might have some difficulty with would be the cardamom pods in regular supermarkets. For the black cloves just use cloves (I have never heard of a black variety). You might even be able to find a garam masala already mixed.  But of course I cannot guarantee what you can find in your supermarkets. 


    Based on those examples I think I'll be OK.  Thanks for the help.

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  10. On 9/18/2017 at 3:46 PM, robirdstx said:

    Two recent lunches with two different lady friends:


    Last week, after a morning of birding and photography on the Texas City Dike, my lady friend and I lunched at Taqueria La Hacienda in Texas City. I had been there before, with my sisters in June, and knew my friend would like it, especially the charro beans!




    My friend had the Chicken Flautas and I had the Beef Tacos Al Carbon.




    Today, another lady friend and I met at Malay Malay in League City, where my husband and I had dined for dinner last week. 




    My friend had the Masak Lemak Chicken




    and I had the Roti Canai appetizer and a cup of Tom Yum.






    Somehow my own dinner is now looking sad.

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