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my new red one is a welcome addition to my yogurt-making routine - thanks for the heads up
I use a Salton yogurt maker that has five slots in it [actually I have two of them]. I've replaced the jars with some 8oz mason jars. To make yogurt, I plug in and heat up the applicance with jars for about a half-hour. I measure out my starter of 1/4 cup of whole milk yogurt and let it warm on the countertop for that half-hour. Then into a blender jar, I put the 1/4 cup of whole milk yogurt, four cups of water that I've ran from the tap at 105 degrees, and one cup of spray-dried non-instant non-fat milk. Whizz it all together and pour into the five glass jars. Replace the cover, and cover with a towel. Five to six hours later, I have perfect relatively nonfat yogurt. This way I don't have to heat up milk and then cool it down; I only have to get the water coming out of the tap at 105 degrees. And each jar is enough for breakfast.
right downtown is La Traviata - one of my faves
I love my countertop Cadco like the one Joe Blowe has - just this evening I prepared salmon en papillote and roasted haricots verts - heated up quickly, and used so little space.
I made the Cranberry Lime Galette for a holiday party - I wasn't sure whether the 1 1/2 inch knob of ginger was from an arm or from the body - but, since I'm a ginger fanatic, I used the body - no picture, because it came out looking exactly like the book - and got raves, as has everything else I've made from here
This doesn't apply to your problem, because you're needing 1-inch holes and the bits will be quite expensive. However, I once added a 1/2 inch [iIRC] hole to an old enamel-coated steel sink for a water filter line, by first using a ceramic tile/glass bit and then switching to one that was for the steel. It's not a difficult task, simply a tedious one due to your having to lean over the edge of the sink to ensure your drill bit is perpendicular and doesn't go skittering off target, and having to go slow. It took a bit of time, but all it really takes is patience. The masking tape tip worked for me, as well. It took me a year to screw up my courage to take the drill to the sink - I was afraid of cracking the ceramic....
my go-for items are gas in the car, dried plums, organic frozen blueberries, and a quick run through the kitchen section
The only caution I have for purchasing this Cadco, which I love, is that the convection fan cannot be turned off - so if you plan on cooking those few things for which convection fans are verboten - I think cheesecake is one- look for something else. However, you may be able to use foil for an air barrier. Ask andisenji for her advice. Otherwise, this is a workhorse, heats to temp [even 450] in seven minutes, and I'm making space for it in my new house. It takes quarter-sheet pans for its three racks.
why don't you start a new thread so that you could easily catch the eye of someone interested in faucets
You might contact the woman who does this blog Cha Dao - she recently returned from a trip to China [and possibly other countries] - she may know of Singapore and Hong Kong haunts. She could, at the very least, give you some clues on how to go about shopping, wandering around, and sampling. I do recall being mesmerized by some of her adventures in the countryside and cities.
I've always found green papaya in stock at my local asian markets - Elie, try Hong Kong Mkt if it's anywhere close to you - but never in an american supermarkets or fiesta
just photocopy all of them, you know you'll want them, and it will probably take less time than reading through this thread
Susan, those are amazing roots - and to think I'm happy when there is a nub less than a quarter-inch that I can scissor off to add to my freezer stash....
I've made it in a big batch in a quart jar and in one of the Salton 5-small jar makers. For one person, I find the Salton to suit me better: I have a recipe that uses 32 ounces of water, one cup of spray-dried milk [not Carnation], and 1/4 cup of whole yogurt all blended to produce one workweek's worth of yogurt, I know it will take 6 hours from the time I put the liquid in the jars until it's time to place in the fridge, each jar has just enough for one serving [8 ounces], I don't have to worry about the whey separating when I dig a day's amount out of the big jar and disturb whatever is disturbed when you cut into the yogurt with a spoon, and the temperature at which it incubates is consistent regardless of the temp in the house, or my schedule. I don't have to heat milk on the stove, just draw 105 degree water from the tap and add to the blender jar. It's easy whichever way you do it - I just find the Salton to be more fool-proof than heating pads, tops of fridges, towels....
My first thought was that the lentils would disintegrate, since they take only twenty minutes or so to get completely soft. If that's ok with you, then go for it.
I have my cooktop kosher salt in a small french canning jar lookalike - keeps it dry and I can flip open the bail closure with one hand and use my other to pinch out the salt as needed
I'd like to slap silly whoever came up with that shibboleth about a dull knife being more dangerous than a sharp one - I've always caused more self-inflicted wounds and "whew, dodged a bullet there" moments with my sharp ones than any dull ones at friends' houses....
count my vote for Peterson's Fish and Shellfish. I keep it in my car so that, when shopping, I can refer to the descriptions and suggestions about all types of seafood, popular and obscure, and then peruse the recipes which are often incredibly simple while terrific-tasting, again with many substitutions suggested.
I made this the other night for a Sopranos Swansong dinner, in honor of Tony's two families - as Chufi says, unbelieveably good - and my first CC, as well.
which is why I wash all my produce before consuming
pocket: fruit leathers; sun-dried tomatoes not packed in oil locker: individual tuna in can or bag
I, too, remove the fruit stickers carefully - but, IIRC, they are said to be edible. I just don't want to eat empty roughage, no matter how small.
Remember, when you steam in a wok, you may remove all that wonderful seasoning you should have worked hard to get. Why not get a steamer basket to use in one of your pots instead. And you might want a small 1-quart saucepan for small sauces or small quantities of other items or hard-cooked eggs
Although there's a difference in the flavor, unless you're using as large an amount as a half-cup, I don't think you'd notice a substitution in a pot of chili. In subtler recipes, you might.
I hope you're counting from the minute you put a pot with the steamer, veggies, cold water and lid on the stove. I find broccoli takes about five minutes, green beans four minutes, and carrots vary depending on the width of the coin, usually about four to five minutes with a quarter-inch coin....but I don't start counting my minutes until the water is boiling. And since I'm using only enough water to come a bit below the bottom of the steamer, my water doesn't take very long to boil.