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Posts posted by IndyRob

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jim D. said:


    It's a little insulting that someone wanted to put your caramels in her own packaging. Even I would draw the line at that.


    I wouldn't view it as insulting.  It could be quite a compliment even though it doesn't align with your goals.  It just depends on your business model and finding partners that compliment that..

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, blue_dolphin said:




    Related articles:  WSJ, NYT and Guardian


    Thank you.  So, in my incredibly inexpert opinion, although there's a jurisdictional issue in play, the real problem is the fact that the items were transported without the strict controls that TJ's might impose.


    In the worst case, someone could be trying to sell a rotting TJ product in Canada - represented as something you might buy at TJs..


    The claims concerning brand confusion, to me, are silly given that they spend so much effort emphasizing the 'pirate' nature of the business.


    But I wonder about the knock on effects of any importer without the explicit approval of the manufacturer.

    • Like 2
  3. I love chives with potatoes.  Put them in the mash, or to top baked ones.  Try putting equal parts margarine (seems to work better than butter for some reason) and sour cream in a bag with a load of chives and a bit of salt.  Mash them up to mix and put in the fridge for a spell.  The put a fluted pastry tip on the bag and dispense into baked potatoes.

    • Like 2
  4. The Harris Poll - 2017 Burger Brands...

    1. Five Guys Burgers and Fries
    2. In-N-Out Burger
    3. Shake Shack
    4. Wendy's
    5. Culver's
    6. Whataburger
    7. McDonald's
    8. SONIC America's Drive-In
    9. Smashburger
    10. Steak 'n Shake

    Is there a flame broiled burger in there?


    Actually, that may be a marketing hype list.  I recently went to Five Guys for the first time and concluded that while the burger was good, it was nowhere near as good as all the news articles plastered on their walls would suggest.  And that's really all their decor is - news clippings.  It was like I walked into their own little burger masturbatoreum.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Darienne said:

    Just what generation is this???  ¬¬

    It very well could be 'the greatest generation'.  The one that experienced food rationing.  TV dinners came along in the 50's, which would be about right.


    And Italians...get out of here with that stuff. ;)

    • Like 2
  6. I've been perusing the web, reading other discussions about this subject, and am as undecided as ever.  But the bottom line may be that it really doesn't make much of a difference either way.


    Yes, when you open the door the cold air will make a break for it.  But cooling air is not energy intensive.  And if we are worried about it, how about filling the fridge with empty (but closed) gallon milk jugs.  Now most of that air can't go anywhere.


    Another factor pertains to how the refrigerator is set to operate.  Most likely, it has a range of acceptable temps that it drops through before cooling begins.  What that actual range is is going to be critical.  If it allows a drop in temp of the entire mass, it's going to have recoup all of that before it turns off.


    I think we've been ignoring the cost the initial cooldown on the assumption we'll get it back over the long haul.  But will we really?  Certainly, if we were to do a test of this, we would take two identical units and fill one with frozen water jugs and another with just one water jug.  As soon as the flag drops, one of the samples is way behind in energy consumption.


    But in a practical setting, how much food inventory is being dedicated to icebox duty?  Are we stuffing extra food dollars in there to save energy?  Do we have to calculate the cost of taking our some frozen broccoli for use?


    Are there better conservation methods we might explore?  For those of us who experience that thing called 'winter', do any of us have a provision for using that abundant coldness to cool the refrigerator box that we've placed inside of our artificially heated house box?

  7. I've been frying my eggs in coconut oil and then adding butter to the pan to fry up some toast using a slice of Texas toast bread.  I think toast out of a toaster will now be a bit of a disappointment for me


    Of course the classic use is to use coconut oil to pop popcorn and top it with butter... 

  8. 20 hours ago, dcarch said:


    Every time you accelerate, you pay a price in time. The car is slowed down by the extra weight. and you pay a price in extra gasoline to move the extra weight.

    Every time you slow down, you pay a price in more wearing of your brakes.



    Well, sure, that was my thinking.  But, if if you accelerate once and drive two hours at a constant speed before braking and parking, surely there would be a break-even point.


    But I suspect it's more complex than that, and maintaining the cruise also becomes more expensive due to road friction or something.

  9. On 4/5/2017 at 11:38 AM, Shel_B said:

    ... a refrigerator will run most efficiently when filled with food ...


    This seems similar to an idea I had when working at a job two hours away.  I had a big heavy air compressor in the back of my SUV and it occurred to me I should take it out to improve mileage.  But, I reasoned, once it was up to speed on the highway, the added inertia was actually helping to keep the car at speed on the highway.


    I knew that couldn't be right, but it seemed so plausible....

  10. Bluetooth does not require a router.  My phone talks to my car radio (or my portable bluetooth speaker) wherever we happen to be.  .There's a range limitation though.


    My Windows phone can see my Anova but there's no Windows app so it doesn't do me any good.

  11. I'd actually be more inclined to trust the Specially Selected label than the reference to Kobe Style.  Although it's just their store brand, I don't think I've had a Specially Selected labelled product that was bad. It looks like it's Australian Wagyu, which is likely a cross breed and has not been treated to spa days at the Japanese biergarten.


    Given that it's ground beef, the fat content is probably simply a consequence of what they wanted the fat content to be (i.e. the most marketable percentage).  Adding fat is easy when marbling has been ground out of the equation.

    • Like 4
  12. I'm not sure if this is relevant, or even how true it is, but it is a story about BS knife skills.


    I listen to a podcast called Penn's Sunday School, hosted by half of the Penn & Teller comedy magic duo, Penn Jillette.  Here, I heard a story that made me laugh,


    Penn & Teller do a TV show on the CW network called Fool Us where magicians come on the show and do a  magic trick meant to fool them.  They win if P&T can't divine how it was done, or are wrong in their guess (guesses.usually couched in inside obscure magic jargon).


    In order for this to work, there has to be a judge who knows how the trick works, yet not reveal anything to the audience (the magician's code and all).


    This guy is named Johnny Thompson and is, as Penn tells it, the one guy who knows how every trick is done - And can pretty much do all of them.


    Now, a little aside:  Magicians are students of all forms of hucksterism, trickery and especially the performance that accompanies them.  And they do study and emulate people like Vince From Shamwow.  They actually want to practice that craft - but from an entertainment perspective rather than the (often fraudulent) commercial one.


    So, anyway, Johnny Thompson is asked what was the most difficult act he'd ever had to learn.  He said "Doing Ginsu knife demos."


    That, apparently, is the level of skill required to make those pieces of crap look good.




    • Like 3
  13. 13 minutes ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    Two hundred fifty of the polyscience bags I buy are $44.95 from amazon with free delivery.  How much is dish soap and hot water?  Not to mention I've been known to reuse polyscience bags for resealing the same products.


    Polyscience bags are for chamber vacs, no?  How much did you actually pay for the ability to use their 18 cent bags?

  14. 1 minute ago, cakewalk said:

    Wise advice. (And not just for cooking.)


    Thanks.  That general Idea came from a drawing class I took in college.  We were drawing a live model and she was told to change positions every two minutes - so we had throw out what we had done and start over.  Again and again.  You simply didn't have time to fix your mistakes.  Just not do them again.

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