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Posts posted by IndyRob

  1. 2 hours ago, weedy said:

    But the long story short version here is that I contacted Anova who would, apparently, replace a unit under warranty with a new "precision cooker' model, but won't actually REPAIR, or examine, anything; especially my "obsolete" (their word) A-1


    This confused me as it seemed to say you might be eligible for a new unit.  But I guess the upshot is that yours is no longer under warranty, and hence, no deal.


    Still, historically, we could rely on third party repair services for appliances.  But they've never been cheap.  I recently had a clothes dryer stop working.  I guarantee it would cost around $200 to have someone come fix it.  Luckily, I found some Youtube videos and was able to do the job for under $20 myself.


    Presumably, someone could fix your unit.  But it would take knowledge, time and skills (soldering really tiny bits, for instance) to do.  It wouldn't be cheap.


    I recently bought my Anova for $170.  If it lasts 3 years, I wouldn't spend $200 to fix it,  I would consider other options, but I'd go for something more state-of-the art.


    I don't think it's Walmart's fault.  They demand what their customers demand.  We're all to blame for wanting cheap tech.


    As these things become more mainstream, reputations will be made and lost.  Mass markets will be created, and repair services may become available accordingly.


    But eventually, these things will become so mainstream that we won't be talking about replacing a $170 unit.  It will be more like $25 like a Presto Kitchen Kettle today - which is arguably a cleaner, more complete solution except for the fine temperature control

  2. 3 minutes ago, DiggingDogFarm said:



    He uses the word 'can' and not the word 'will", which leads to think he sees it as a possibility and NOT a probability.


    If you and nathanm are ever at a food event and you ask him "Is it possible I will get sick from eating this piece of chicken?" He will say yes.


    If you ask him if it is probable, he will likely say "No."


    Make your own choice.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DiggingDogFarm said:

    I don't see it as anymore more of a chore than a risk assessment while crossing a street.

    It sort of becomes automatic after while.


    It's not a risk assessment if in your mind all roads lead to the possibility of death.  Ask the chicken.  He crossed the road ('though no one is sure why)

  4. Quote

    I'd call it a game of possibilities.

     "... if food is very contaminated you can [possibly] get sick even if you follow the guidelines; if it is not contaminated with pathogens then you can [possibly] get away with a lot."



    Well, inserting your own words into someone else's quote is a novel way of making an argument,


    I don't think nathanm would agree with your reasoning.


  5. 22 minutes ago, DiggingDogFarm said:

    No, if it were a game of possibilities, nathanm's quote would mean fuck it - we're all doomed.  Nothing we do can ever be right.

    It is a statistical phenomenon.  i.e. probabilities.


  6. Well, it's gonna be a difficult position for anyone to oppose all precautions, but I'd say, for instance, that 'No Gloves' is not a dis-qualifier.   I've watched many vaunted chefs prepare chicken and almost never (and that's being generous) see gloves.


    It's about the totality of the thing.  What if I never wash the probe of my thermapen, but always store it buried in salt?


    What if I don't get my chicken heated to 165F, but keep it at 145F for three hours?


    Food safety is a game of probabilities.  You can't just look for one 'gotchya' (unless it's massive).

  7. 10 minutes ago, dscheidt said:


    It's fermented with bacteria, and then has water removed to further concentrate it. it's pretty well indistinguishable from a nitrate solution added in traditional meat processing.


    It's somewhat more dishonest then concentrating sea water to a nearly saturated salt water solution, adding it to food, and claiming "no salt added" would be. 


    Beer, bread, sauerkraut, kimchi are all fermented.  Fermentation in and of itself is not bad.


    Removing water is also referred to in cooking as reducing.  Except, perhaps, with curing meats where it's referred to as 'making it safe to consume'.


    Traditional meat curing has been practiced for over 2000 years.


    The 'no nitrates added' thing is a bit deceptive,  However, it could be a reaction to the pseudoscience from the other side.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Mike Forman said:

    I read they use any cheap cut of beef.



    Never a good sign.  However, it's also the ultimate measure of chefliness - which is why I'm so interested in it.


    You could try this...I believe it's from America's Test Kitchen.  For me, it was merely OK.  It sounds like you have a slicer, which will be invaluable.



  9. They seem to have sold themselves on their own 'connected appliance' spiel.  As a satisfied Anova Precision Cooker owner without a device that works with it,  I don't care.  I don't know why I would.  Their pitch sounds like they're selling a crock pot.


    Steam + convection sounds great for bread.  I have hope for this product, but forget the network capabilities.



    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, rotuts said:

    I find it very odd that there seem to be several ' tiers ' of stores  :  older dimly lit, perhaps not so clean    and newer ones that are fine.


    its not clear to me if they franchise   


    if they don't  Id think they would update oder stores,


    I've been to four of them in my general area.  Really, they're no different once you account for age and neighborhood.  Of course, the newer ones appear brighter and cleaner (because, well, they are by their very nature).  The ones on the more upscale neighborhoods appear a bit better.  And, to be frank, the clientele will be a factor in one's impression.  But, that said, I'm not sure that I'm not more comfortable at my lowest end store because the shoppers tend to understand the concept better and are often more friendly.


    But the products are all the same..I don't think they franchise, but they do run an extremely tight ship.  So I think the older stores might start getting behind on maintenance and cleaning.

  11. On 10/13/2016 at 0:12 PM, quiet1 said:

    I have to come up with something other than my normal method of roasting a turkey because my mom is on a low sodium diet and typically I'd brine. Someone in another thread mentioned SV working well for turkey so I'm considering that, but that misses the dramatic presentation of a whole bird so I have to think of something else with the wow factor.


    One year I had to figure out a way to do a TG dinner ahead of time and transport it 85 miles and be ready to serve within an hour or two with limited equipment.  So I got a turkey and took all the meat off the bone in strips running along the grain.  I laid all the strips down in parallel on cling wrap, starting with the dark meat.  Then I spread a mixture of spinach, mushrooms and cheese (and such) over it and rolled it up so the dark meat was outside (as it would survive direct heat better).  Then I SV'd this big sausage and chilled it at the end.  I finished it in the oven onsite with a bread crumb coating.  Then it was sliced and presented on a platter,  The visual effect was enough that my sister (who has a chef of some note for a son-in-law) grabbed her phone and posted it to her social media.


    I originally wanted to to take the skin off the turkey intact and wrap the whole thing in it rather than the breadcrumbs.  But my trial run with a chicken didn't live up to my expectations and I had to resort to the breadcrumbs which I decided would be more reliable.


    I'd still like to go back and try to refine that one.

    • Like 6
  12. I've often wondered whether there are laws that govern/limit this sort of thing.  My wife's company built a brand new 11 story downtown office building.  When it was done I joined her for a weekend open-house tour day.  They had a beautiful kitchen area with tons of stainless steel everywhere.  But virtually no appliances.  Refrigerators and microwaves was all.


    I've only seen one toaster oven, a few toasters, and a popcorn machine in my entire career.

  13. Sounds like BS to me.  We routinely see meatball recipes utilizing three different species (never mind single animals).


    Is a burger made from three different Wagyu steers better than one made from 'poor ol' Bessie'?


    'Sounds like a "Please buy all of my product" ploy.


    That's not to say that inferior blends don't exist in the market.  But 'does it come from a single cow?' doesn't strike me as the most useful question.



    • Like 5
  14. 40 minutes ago, fledflew said:

    I came across the 12" version of that very same slicer a while back and have been eyeing it ever since I sold my Berkel.  Would you happen to know if the blade is interchangeable with any other brands (Globe, Hobart, Berkel, etc)?  Did the unit come with any documentation about ordering replacement parts?  I don't anticipate using it to the point that I'd wear out any of the components, but I'd like the comfort of knowing that the blade could be replaced if it were ever to be damaged for some reason.  Thanks.


    The blade could be a weak point.  I don't know if there's a standard in this area.  But it does come with sharpeners, so you're okay for a good while as far as that goes.  The documentation was in a rather humorous form of Globish (Asian simplified English).  You should expect no support whatsoever,  That said, I did come across an Amazon review where someone got a much better response from the Best Choice.rep than I would've imagined  Also, as I pointed out, it's a motor, a switch, a belt and a blade.  Any repair place worth its salt should have no problem servicing it (short of major blade damage).


    Yes, I've used a really good U.S. made deli slicer in a commercial setting,   This is very close.  The tray slides very nicely.  It's commercial quality, but Malaysian commercial quality.  It's not quite as good as what we can get, but is at least 2X better than anything Americans have produced for the home market (Chef's Choice, etc.).

    • Like 1
  15. Don't buy it until you've looked at this...


    Best Choice Products New 10" Blade Commercial Deli Meat Cheese Food Slicer, Premium Qualityir?t=egulletcom-20&l=am2&o=1&a=B002SMC1Z 


    I bought one and I love it.



     Very heavy (50 lbs).

     Can be difficult to clean.

     Unboxing revealed a few loose screws and nuts - haven't found where they might go yet.

     Will spit fine shards out the back if slicing roasted meats.

     Imported from Malaysia.



     Virtually silent (belt driven).

     Slices as thin as you please.

     Nice sliding action.

     At it's essence, it's a blade, a motor and a switch.  Repairs, if any are ever needed, should be able to be made locally.

     Will save you $200-$300

     New, not used.




  16. As humans eat the GE apples, they ingest GE DNA containing the gene for kanamycin resistance.  This gene can be transferred to the bacteria that inhabit the human digestive system.  This transfer has been demonstrated with GE soy.  After volunteers ate just one meal of GE soy, bacteria in their digestive systems contained the DNA from the GE soy foods.

    [1]  If humans eat GE apples, there is a real possibility that bacteria in the human digestive systems could develop kanamycin resistance.  This would be a major public health threat.  Resistance to antibiotics is a major concern among medical professionals, and kanamycin is commonly used in human medicine.


    So, we need to analyze the DNA of everything we eat, lest we become that thing? "You are what you eat" has taken on a whole new meaning.

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