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Aloha Steve

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Everything posted by Aloha Steve

  1. Aloha Steve

    Dinner! 2009

    Prawncrackers, is their a initiation fee or some kind of quest, a person must go on to become your mate ? I am applying. WOW, I don't even like spicy food but I want to eat those dishes they all look so great. The burger, chips, pork chop wow.....all terrific. Forget a mate, would you adopt me ?
  2. The big difference for me with regard to bread rising was switching from Active Dry Yeast to Instant Yeast. I learned that not all that one reads by people "in the know" is necessarily true. I doubt that the false information I worked under was gotten here at EG but rather picked up in someone's notes on a recipe. Which is, Active Dry Yeast and Instant Yeast are interchangeable. While one MAY be substituted for the other, a conversion of quantity and prep must occur. Then I read in the BBA I think, that Instant Yeast is more preferable the majority of the time and if recipe calls for Fresh or ADY, then convert. Here is a steve (read idiot) proof recipe for KAF's Classic Pumpernickel. I followed the ingredients and instructions with three exceptions: A bit of extra Instant Yeast went in, after putting in the loaf pan I let it rise for 15 minutes and I put a cast iron skillet in the bottom of the oven at the start of oven pre-heating and when the loaf went in, I put about a cup of ice cubes in the skillet to make steam. I've decided to do this last bit on almost every bread recipe I do. Try it and for this one I don't have to worry about the color as the molasses and the coco powder take care of that Thanks Blether for your kind comments. Edited for grammer as usual
  3. Made my favorite bread to date and it came out the tastiest and IMO the best looking bread I have made. Classic Pumpernickel.....only 2 hours from start to putting into the oven. My kind of recipe
  4. The meat came out juicy but not infused with the spices you added to the salted water?
  5. I was recently sent this video. "This video will share a trick for getting a hard boiled egg out of its shell without peeling:" My link I wonder how it tastes ? Any adventurer types out there feel free to try and report.
  6. I just use a general all-purpose flour. The picture is of a cooked one -- I took them out when they were just barely beginning to color. You can let them get a little darker (I usually do, but this time impatience won out). Let me know how the recipe works for you! They disappeared pretty quickly last night. Now I'm wishing I had stashed some in our freezer.... I sure will and thank you for the info. I'm also going to make baked sweet potato latkes... Hopefully both tomorrow.
  7. Denna, a couple of questions: What type of flour to use ? The picture is of a cooked one ? I'm asking cause the dough after being cooked that I am use to seeing is darker. Thank you for the recipe I can't wait to make it !
  8. In that same area is a fast food Sushi restaurant, please no go. Its worth the xtra $$ to have the food at Kunio. There is also a Korean restaurant, which have never eaten anything from and a ice cream store in the same little area. Also there is, as you mentioned the Golden Arches LOL Don't forget to check Saks off 5th Av first. We've gotten some things for 20% of the original price.
  9. FYI, there is a shuttle that will take you there and back from Waikiki, if you are going to the Waikele outlet area. There are a few places to get a snack out there as well. In fact, there is a Japanese restaurant, Kunio,LOL which has the absolute best California Roll sushi ever! They coat the outside with panko batter and it is crunchy heaven. Real crab, all the ingredients are very fresh, in fact you cannot order it to go! My wife also likes the O'Yakudon (sp), chicken with rice in a bowl. LOL, telling you about Japanese food and my spelling, OK....you can stop laughing now
  10. For $10, what the heck, I gave this a try. I have used this about 6 times now and the eggs come out good-to- perfect. If I wait the the 2minutes after nuking (as per the directions) they are perfect.
  11. Aloha Kristin We have a local network that has a program called guess..............."Cheap Eats" Here is a link to the website, with videos included with the reviews. As you can see by looking at the reviewers, they have tasted a lot of food. Welcome back and I hope its a glorious holiday for you and the family. Edited for spelling
  12. Two Questions: Where (here at EG or ?) can we find that conversion table ? What is the name for "There's an APP for That" ? Thanks, steve
  13. Made this recipe with a few changes. Its very tasty, which given there is no real fermentation period surprises me. Its less like pumpernickel and more like a rye. I did not use any rye flavoring as called for in the recipe. The loaf came out lighter than the picture in the recipe which is here. I topped with caraway seeds. I also used the ice cubes in the cast iron pot to create steam method not mentioned in the recipe.
  14. I made a Ciabatta using a Rose Levy Beranbaum's the bread bible's recipe. Here are the results: Beautiful bubbly Dough Started (Biga) I was worried about the last rise, the bread did not look high enough, but I carried on. Crusty looking loaf. For the last five minutes I took it off the parchment paper on the sheet pan and put directly on the stone. Here you can see the nice pockets. It did rise correctly in relation to how much it spread. Technically, its the best bread I ever baked. Taste-wise it was good, if I were to be served it in a fine dinning restaurant I would not be surprised. My MIL had three pieces, which is better than a Michelin 3 star rating I really like the pumpernickel loaves I have been making of late. Next time I will show the results of those. What bread, rolls or crackers have you've been up to ?
  15. Nope, not even for two minutes. Can it be, please G-d, as simple as that ? In the recipe's directions is says that if you've worked fast, you may roll out right away and skip the fridge cooling part. I guess I took that the wrong way, to more of an extreme. Thanks Rona very much, I will try letting it sit for 30 min next time. Rona, do you use a flowered or oiled surface or between two sheets of something, to roll ? Edited for grammar.
  16. Help....I am having a very difficult time rolling the GFAAPS.....I thought I have followed the directions. Used ice cold, water butter and Crisco, and after let it chill in the fridge for 3 hours or so. When I placed it on the flowered Silpat, the disks were hard. When I started to roll, there was no elasticity at all, and the dough just tore into pieces. I ended up using a scraper and just putting pieces on the bottom of my ceramic pie plate and shaping as best I could, same with the top. Put pieces on top and tried to work it so it covered the top. The end result is, the pie top is maybe the best tasting I ever had, the bottom was not as crispy but still tastes good. The insides......fabulous. What am I doing wrong ? I want to fold the well formed, rolled disk, into fours on my rolling pin and then put on and in pie pan and trim excess away. I really feel foolish using my hand to pat the shell into place in the pan. I have had this problem not only with Dorie's but with the other two three recipes (all basically same) that I've tried. Too much working of the dough is the processor ? Too much Crisco ? I did use slightly more than a 1/3 of a cup. Dough too cold to roll ? On the very bright side.....All American-All Delicious American Apple Pie pg 400....I have not tasted better. The top crust crunchy and delicious, the bottom tastes good but not crunchy. The filling to die for !!!!!!!!!!!
  17. All American - All Delicious Apple. Recipe from Dorie G. Baking From My Home to Yours. Delicious it is
  18. Has anyone heard about, can comment about, Classe made in Italy ? Before deciding to get serious about home cooking, I bought a 6 piece set. Here is a 9 piece set just to show what they are. I've got all I need in terms variety, especially since reading three is all one really needs. Are these any good ? I use a electric sharpener this one. Comments per favore......
  19. I think this is a nickname for Walmart ?
  20. Here are the places we are going to the last week of the month: Lupa, Jean-George (for lunch), the Carnegie Deli and Nice-Matin, the last is a place a member here, ate at a couple of Sunday's ago and said they had a great meal there. Just reserved Eleven Madison Park for a lunch
  21. Mac n Cheese, P-Nut butter and Jelly, Chocolate Milk, Sugared Cereal, Cookies, Mashed Potatoes I guess it depends where they have grown up to. My son loves white rice n a little shoyu......his Grandma and Grandpa eat it every day.
  22. Thanks Oliver just ordered mine from B&N & cancelled the one at Amazon. Please don't tell Jeff B and me a share holder 2
  23. There are 10 copies available with a Ebay seller at 39.95 with 3.95 shipping. I just bought mine on Amazon cause I don't mind waiting and saving 40% of the book's cost as compared to the Ebay seller. Also its my experience with Amazon, that they will get out or stock orders sooner than the indicate at the time of ordering. Maybe they believe in "Under promise and over deliver" which is a good practice as a seller.
  24. I have checked the booth at the FM held on Sat's at the CC. Thanks for the suggestion. I buy most of my proteins now at Whole Foods and on some few occasions online.
  25. I know its been all the rage for a while now. I also read here someplace, that if the NYT is reporting it then it is becoming passe. LOL On our way out of Mariposa restaurant (Neiman Marcus) we stopped at the chocolate counter (which is conveniently located just outside the entrance) and asked if they had any, which they did and we proceeded to taste a piece of supposedly good quality chocolate with bacon. My MIL said it smelled like dog food, my BH said yuk and refused to comment further and I thought, what's the big deal being made of this? It tastes like good chocolate that had a ingredient added to degrade the taste, not enhance it. We will pass any offered from now on.
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