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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. If I can return to heidih's post of July 4th with its suggestion of Karen's Peanut Butter Pie https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/karens-peanut-butter-pie-11766797 . I just realized that this pie calls for only 1/3 cup of sugar. On the other hand, my Epicurious Recipe , https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/peanut-butter-pie-51192420, which has almost the identical list of ingredients and amounts, calls for 3/4 packed brown sugar. I don't have enough experience to be able to figure out why this great discrepancy in the amount of sugar called for. I've made the Epicurious recipe and intended to make Karen's pie until I noticed the strange sugar difference. Has anyone made Karen's pie? Was it satisfactory? Thanks.
  2. It's almost August and I need to make Barbara her peanut butter/chocolate pie. I looked back at HeidiH's suggestion and I think I'll go with this one. Thanks HeidiH. I'll report back on its reception...although Barbara is not the type to tell the truth if she doesn't like something which is a gift. Who amongst us is? And still has friends? ps. Should add I'll skip the topping as posted and add a dark chocolate ganache over top.
  3. Enjoying this thread but nothing new to add at this point. I've posted all my salad makings elsewhere. We eat our big meal at noon in our home and evening is supper which in the winter is two nights soup or other light meal and the third night is always salad...just salad. Summer is two or three nights various salads and one night soup or other light meal. In the winter salads are fairly traditional in a bowl romaine, other diced /sliced vegetables and a olive oil/lemon dressing. Summertime salads are far more adventurous and there's often 5 or so set out to pick from. Why I don't make the summer salads in the winter I have no idea. I just don't. I'm always looking for new salad ideas. I've yet to find a pasta or rice salad that I like much. Our Annual Dog Weekend is coming up in August and I do try for one new salad each year. Yep, we do put out a lot of salads...mostly ones which are good for a few days. This year I have two additions: marinated thin cucumber salad and a cooked carrot/raw cauliflower salad which is terrific. Nothing new...but new to me. If anyone can give me a delicious (to me) rice or pasta salad, I would be indebted to them.
  4. Since childhood I have found commercial marshmallows to be somewhat revolting. Might add that I did have a bad marshmallow experience in Grade Two. Then after joining the ranks of the 'love-to-cook' ranks...after spending 65 years hating doing it...I progressed from making this...and making that...and the other...to trying homemade marshmallows one day, for the fun of it of course. , Huzzah! They were wonderful. So that's what a marshmallow can taste like! I was delighted. (I was also a life-long ice cream 'I can take it or leave it alone' , mostly leave it alone, until I made it at home and said the same thing...the huzzah! bit.) The epitome of my marshmallow making, as noted in a previous post, making orange-flavored ones and dipping them in dark chocolate. Oh my goodness! Paradise on earth. So, kayb, give it a try.
  5. I think you are correct about 98% of the public. I don't like commercial marshmallows and so I won't buy your mix. But I'm just one marshmallow snob plus one more unnamed person and the other 98 will. Too bad. I do like homemade marshmallows...orange...dipped in dark chocolate...yum...but that's another thread. Go for it, pastrygirl.
  6. I could say the same about Poblanos, except that I've continued to prep them bare-hands. One session with them I was in agony for hours and nothing was relieving it. I swore...never again...but then went right back to it. Pain from Poblanos???? Ridiculous!
  7. Well, sort of sad...but in a laughing way. What a mess to clean up.
  8. Ed bought me a 12-cup Cuisinart food processor a couple of years ago. It weighs a ton. A ton. I have to keep it in a cupboard which means gearing up the muscles to take it out. And it's SOOO big that storing the pieces takes three spots on my somewhat shallow shelving unit (which was fine with my last food processor). Also the 'pusher assembly' is not something I would ever pick to own in a machine. This is a photo from my unit. This rod is skinny and plastic and you have to fit it into a larger part of the unit. If it breaks...you are out of luck. I haven't broken it...yet...because I treat it with the care I would use on fine crystal. Unbelievable! It has 'on' and 'pulse' and 'off'. And while I don't like 24 choices for speed, I could have used more than the allotted ones. No, I am not really enthusiastic about it. But you guessed that one. ps. Make that four places.
  9. Scrapple: Dog friends from Delaware brought scrapple for breakfast one year of the annual Dog Weekend on the farm. The dogs under the table ate well that meal. That day I solemnly made a promise never to eat anything which is grey and square.
  10. Mine comes from a friend from Botswana: 3 large broccoli 1 lb of bacon 1/2 cup of raisins 1/2 cup of almonds or sunflower seeds 1 small red onions 2 T cider vinegar 1 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup sugar salt and pepper to taste
  11. Glad about your heat wave being over. Hope ours is also on its way out. And oh yes, know and love that salad. For special occasions only in our house. Too yummy for words.
  12. We are great salad eaters and have meats frozen for Ed for these occasions. In the summer, we eat salad two nights in a row, the third night is something else. But then we eat our big meal at noon. Hummus, Tabbouleh, Potato Salad, Tomato Aspics, Marinated Cucumber, Cauliflower and Carrot Salad, Colored Pepper Salad (from Chefmd), Cole Slaw (Ed's contribution), Multi-Bean Salad. Very little cooking of any ingredients: potatoes, heat up the aspic, cook the carrots...that's it for this lot. And when I am in the mood, I open a can of Hereford Corned Beef. Oh, and some good multigrain bread and butter. Oh yes, and some cheeses. I make enough of each salad to last a few meals.
  13. I will never again (right! as Nancy said: oh yeah?) turn a large bottle of commercial salsa upside down and shake it to get the interior remnants to fall towards towards the top for easy access. Yes. Salsa everywhere: on the cupboard walls, on the floor, on the rug, on my slacks, on my runners, on my t-shirt,...lovely bright red and oh so staining red tomato based salsa. Serve me right for not making it from scratch. And yes. One of us is more likely not to be careful to put tops back on bottles, containers, you name it. And you, gentle reader, know which one of us I mean!
  14. Not clear to me how it works, Anna. No cheese slicer has ever been a star in this family and we simply slice it all with a knife. Strangely enough, the knife chosen is a very cheap one, serrated, and was found by Ed in the Drive Shed (it's called a Drive Shed because you could literally drive two 18-wheelers into it and it's a continuous nightmare to me) and was a completely unknown mystery to both of us.
  15. And speaking of 'he' had better not do this ever again, Ed, my DH, put a 'yesterday's cup' of coffee into the microwave to heat it up. Right. Except that he forgot to remove the tag saying "CAF" clipped to the edge of the cup with a plastic and metal black and orange doodad. What a mess. And guess what? He didn't even notice the mess...which I, the dutiful wife, had to clean up. ...he had better not....
  16. Thanks Heidi. Yesterday I made the Epicurious peanut butter pie again and put a raspberry spread under the filling and a dark chocolate ganache over the top. The visitors come in a couple of hours and there's no point in asking for an honest response...I won't get one. I tasted the filling yesterday...and I just don't love it. I like it alright I guess...but it's just not for me. Ed liked it. He really liked it. So I think the answer lies in that response. It's just one of those things I don't like...although I really like peanut butter. Go figure. Lime cream cheese with a chocolate ganache is more my style. But thanks for trying.
  17. Once again, we have this wonderful treat to look forward to. The two of you together make such a terrific team.
  18. I haven't tried Rob's pie. Perhaps I'll do that next. Each August, I give my former confectionery partner a peanut butter and chocolate pie. It's been over ten years now I think. And each time it's been a different recipe.
  19. Good heavens, here I am again, still on the Peanut Butter and Chocolate pie kick. Am making one for July 4th luncheon guests. I'm still finding every single pie recipe basically boring and now having found Chris Hennes' suggestion about a touch of curry powder, I am thinking about that idea. And a dash of salt because the peanut butter is natural. The other idea which came to me was to spread on top of the crust a thin layer of a sauce made from seedless raspberry jam, butter and Chambord. Then the peanut butter filling. And then the chocolate ganache. I love my raspberry jam sauce...and so do others (never let them know what a cheat it is). I'd completely forgotten about buying and using the commercial stuff...although Ed did remind me this morning that it had happened...and here it is in black and white, so to speak. But I never recorded what I thought about it.
  20. Fair comment. But please tell me why it's the only thing in his life in which he practices that skill? He has no idea of where anything else in the house belongs. I think haresfur got it right!
  21. Now that is strange. I don't mind unloading at all. As to what I did wrong? It's a mystery......
  22. Not me hurting myself for a change, but my DH, Ed, stabbing himself quite horribly with my trusty bench scraper. I do love my bench scraper. But Ed loads the dishwasher...a man's job, no doubt. I just don't do it 'properly' and who am I to quibble? So Ed took it downstairs and ground off those sharp corners and now we have a defanged bench scraper and all is well. I see on Google Images that all bench scrapers have sharp corners. Lethal.
  23. More on the WWII wacky cake. I made the chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache topping and we loved it. And then I made a lemon one (recipe here) but topped it with a chocolate ganache. There is something quite unusual about the texture and taste of the cake I feel. Together we ate half the cake at one sitting...which is completely unheard of...something just kept on pulling us in. Lemon and dark chocolate. Compelling. Thanks for the head's up on this cake recipe. ❤️
  24. So you are now one hour and a half ahead of Eastern Daylight Time? I don't know if NL does Daylight.
  25. Interesting. Following you on the map.
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