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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Made my first gluten-free bread in my bread machine which has no gluten free setting. The loaf will not win prizes for shape, but it is delicious. Recipe for whole wheat bread from All Recipes. Thinking about getting a new bread machine....
  2. Nutella. We had read so much about it and then one time while in our home away from home (Moab, UT) we bought a jar and tried it. Thought it was sickeningly sweet and not much else. Gave it to the motel cleaning ladies. OTOH, I bought a slab of couverture Gianduja (the precursor to Nutella) to use in making chocolates and really enjoyed it.
  3. Darienne

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    OK. What I don't understand is when and how mac and cheese became a Thanksgiving tradition.
  4. Went searching for your suggestion only to find that Amazon.ca (Canada) carries it but currently it is unavailable with no foreseeable date to be availalbe. And during my searching came across an inexpensive, but outdated looking, one at Lee Valley (not in the Christmas catalog which lists only a far more expensive but up-to-date looking one, and I think I'll order it. Thanks for your help...it did lead me to what we need.
  5. Promise bread you say? The very one I have been using since I found it. Thanks. Still a king's ransom to pay for... And thank you.
  6. We really need one. Ed cooks all the roasts and to tell the truth, he overcooks them substantially...fear of eating undercooked meat I guess. I see that a very reputable Canadian company has one for sale at around $42.00 (Ca$), but that the prices of the less expensive ones begin at $12.99 (Ca$). I don't really want to pay over $40.00 for a thermometer which will be used only a few times per year...but on the other hand, I don't want to buy a cheap one which turns out not to have been worth buying at all. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  7. This is brand new to me. I had to reach 81 years of age to find out that I can no longer tolerate either gluten or dairy. Avoiding dairy...while heartbreaking...oh cheese...oh cheese...is simple. There are now so many easy to buy or make dairy substitutes available. And you can use them just in just about any recipe. Not so for bread. I've been using a bread machine for a good number of years now but have never looked for a recipe for making gluten-free bread. I know they are available online and in books which I could either buy or get through my library. But what I would really like is to attend a workshop on the subject. Second to that, read of any useful experiences that any eGer has had finding a good recipe for making the bread in a machine. (Yes, I know I should learn to make bread by hand, but it ain't gonna happen.) Thanks.
  8. https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2022/10/j-m-smucker-knew-about-jifs-salmonella-trouble-but-did-not-report-it-as-required-by-law/?utm_source=Food+Safety+News&utm_campaign=2963703d83-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f46cc10150-2963703d83-40727769 But will anyone go to jail for this disgraceful and criminal (well, in my eyes at least) act?
  9. No photos. Just made and froze 9 containers of Martha Stewart's (with some changes, of course) chicken soup. And 8 containers of Ratatouille. Each container is one meal for two persons (us).
  10. Welcome to the forum, xDraug. And welcome to the cooking life. And I have to admit that I was 67 years old before it ever hit me, so you have such a headstart on my learning curve.
  11. Batch cooking is how we live. How we have lived for many years now. How I missed this topic I cannot say. We are the proud owners of an incredible 1976 chest freezer in the cellar which still runs beautifully, plus a large chest 'dog' freezer in the garage (where things go for their primary freeze-up), plus two full fridges (we had a son live with us for a few years) each with a freezer and thus, although I hate the 'chest freezers' with a passion, we have LOTS of freezer space and trust me it is well used. I started to make a list of all the dishes I batch cook and those which Ed batch cooks and how we pack things and freeze them and mark them and thaw them and reheat them and how I keep track of them. But I probably don't have anything useful to add to the posts already up. We are neither of us accomplished cooks and are probably satisfied with meals which fall short of the mark. So, many thanks Marlene for starting this topic and I'll gladly follow it now. And check our Canadian Tire for those meal prep containers (thanks Faux Pas).
  12. I've already been there and done that and I don't like it and I won't ever do it again.
  13. I use butter and salt and pepper and that's it. I don't care about the size of the curds, just the degree of cooked. In fact, I had one egg scrambled on toast for breakfast today. I was just in the mood and it was delicious.
  14. "I'm never buying any more new cookbooks", she said. "In fact, I'm giving a lot of mine to the local library". Famous last words. Then the local library, with the 'dreadful' cookbook collection, bought Bonnie Stern & Anna Rupert, Don't Worry, Just Cook, Foreword by Yotam Ottolenghi, Penguin, Random House, Canada, 2022, and I am in cookbook heaven looking at the recipes and reading the stories. I am definitely going to try some of them. Wonderful. I think I just might have to buy this book.
  15. I'm with you on this one. Never, never, never put any dairy into the egg.
  16. I'm a one person egg cooker and eater. I had an unfortunate experience as a toddler, WWII time which is significant, with a British woman babysitting me having come from a country with severe rationing, and by golly, I was going to eat that soft boiled egg. Well, I did...temporarily...and then never ate eggs again in any form as a separate component, until I learned to cook my own scrambled eggs the way I like them.
  17. Perhaps a small thing, but mine own. ...assume that because I cannot find a recipe in a soup cookbook...or any other cookbook...in the index under 'eggplant', that there are no eggplant recipes in the book. Accidentally my eye caught the title of a recipe listed which included 'courgettes' in the entry and then realized it was a British cookbook and looked under 'aubergine' and lo and behold! There were my eggplant possibilities. The cookbook in question was published in 2007 and you would have thought that there might have been an entry in the index which cross-referenced eggplant to aubergine.
  18. First thing I opened this morning and got my (still sick) morning off to a horribly disturbed start: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2022/10/from-poisoned-party-to-toxic-toast-how-to-get-nerve-poison-out-of-your-food/?utm_source=Food+Safety+News&utm_campaign=f6b2cc0f55-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f46cc10150-f6b2cc0f55-40727769 Read this only after you are feeling strong. It's devastating. Added question: How did I get to be 81 years old, having since about the age of 40, read countless articles about the best diets to follow, what foods to avoid, and so on and so on, and this is the very first time I've ever read anything like this?
  19. Dear Suzilightning did send a big box of cookbooks to my small rural library some time in 2020. She was duly thanked by our librarian and the books were much appreciated.
  20. I came very late to this cooking game...about 67 I think. Prior to that I had cooked...but I had also made beds and cleaned toilets. Then suddenly the appearance of an unfamiliar word...ganache...triggered a tsunami of cooking...and buying of new and second hand cookbooks. Now I'm much older and not improving with each shining hour. Not complaining..well, maybe just a bit ...but rather setting the background. So now I've come to that point in my life where it's time to downsize many aspects of life, in this case my cookbooks. I don't live close enough to anyone to give any of them away, but I do belong to a small rural library with a dreadful selection of cookbooks and so it's about to benefit from my largesse. It will catalogue the goodies and sell the others. I'll get started just as soon as I live through this horrible cold/flu/bronchitis/? .
  21. I own one of the cookbooks put out by Rick Bayless and one by Diana Kennedy....but my long term go-to cookbook is Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz, The Complete Book of Mexican Cooking, 1967. I've owned the paperback since 1967, which predates my interest in cooking by a few decades.
  22. I'm quite sure that you are correct on this one. Good to know that you have had the same experience. The packaging is long gone I'm afraid.
  23. I have no idea what a normal sodium content should be...and I am just too depleted to do more about it today than complain! Thanks for the phone number.
  24. Is it my imagination or is the Lactantia Salted Butter more salted than usual? The current batch I'm using is salted to the point that even I am having trouble enjoying it. Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?
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