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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Good kind of neighbour to have. Would like one myself.
  2. A friend came from Quebec last weekend and brought some fresh Montreal bagels. I could have died right there on the spot. Nothing, repeat, NOTHING is as good as a bagel made Montreal style.
  3. You constantly bake for the staff at your hospital and this is wonderful. Do all the other doctors take turn doing this? Do staff members? ...or is this simply that wonderful time of the year when that incredible doctor comes north and bakes yummy offerings every day while she is here?
  4. Thanks, GR. You obviously have the beginning of a video career ahead of you. :smile: Life has intervened in the interim, but I am still going to order one of these gizmos on Amazon.ca. Thanks again.
  5. Ugly looking tape...but have you tried Gorilla tape?
  6. Add roasted Poblanos and I'm in.
  7. I'm going to try those Apricot Confections. Sounds good. Thanks.
  8. Thanks to all who answered my question, and Jaymes, I await your report.
  9. Yep, I am old and my hands don't work well any more. And I make a lot of dishes which take a lot of cutting and mincing and dicing and shredding and so on. Particularly salads in the summer. And nuts for muffins and anything else I can add nuts to. DH loves nuts in everything. DH Ed will do the cutting and mincing and dicing and so on for me whenever I ask. But then he's often not there when those cutting bits are needed...or I just don't want to ask him AGAIN. I have a food processor with no shredding part to it, a couple of those cutters which you bang on the top with the palm of your hand...that hurts the hands also. Knives, box graters, microplanes, etc, but they all hurt to use. And if they don't hurt while I am using them...they hurt later and sometimes for a couple of days. This is ridiculous. OK. This is not to gain sympathy, but rather as background from which to ask about the usefulness of buying a Salad Shooter...or some other utensil which works as well. (I always thought a Salad Shooter was one of the useless things which you watched some poor guy work at the Exhibition in the Food Building.) Apparently not. All advice is appreciated.
  10. Check the thrift stores first. I see a lot of them there. Thanks, Kerry, but as noted before, there appears to be quite a difference between thrift stores in your area and in mine. I've never seen a Salad Shooter in any of our thrift stores...not to say that one hasn't turned up... Your area thrift stores remind me of the ones we have frequented in Utah. I might just buy one online.
  11. I'm sorry I pulled this topic off center, but I am going to look on Amazon.ca (Canada) and see if I can find one to buy. Thanks for all the help.
  12. Darienne

    Keeping feta fresh

    Thanks furzzy, but I cannot get it to work.
  13. Are you saying you like this machine?Yes! It grates anything for you and you put the parts in the dishwasherI always thought the salad shooter was one of those tv things which were of no consequence. Apparently not. I will get one. My hands don't work well anymore and cutting and chopping can mean much pain later. Just one of the possible joys of getting old. DH is always more than willing to do this job for me, but he's often not there when I feel like making something. This might solve all our problems. Thanks for the help. Anyone else have thoughts on this appliance?
  14. And what about grape juice? I once thought Welch's tasted pretty good. I knew nothing else. And then one day I took the grapes from the supermarket...we are talking run-of-the-mill produce purchased from a large grocery chain in East Central Ontario which is about as diverse and exciting as a piece of cardboard...and juiced them. My tiny mind was blown. So THAT'S what grape juice can taste like.
  15. Are you saying you like this machine?
  16. My birthday. Guess how old I am. And I made the cake. Not fancy, but delicious. The cake base has cocoa in it. The top mousse is milk chocolate. The bottom mousse is 54% dark chocolate. The topping ganache is 70% chocolate. It should have white chocolate decoration on it, but alas! I have no white chocolate. I had better had another birthday next year to make up for that. The plastic wrap is because our daughter will take the cake home with her on the bus and train and we have to move the remnants to pack them. Today for lunch with Moussaka and Spanakopita. Which I also made. Happy Birthday me. Older than dirt.
  17. Darienne

    Keeping feta fresh

    How long will it keep in brine or fresh water changes? We had been eating Feta cheese constantly and then one day neither of us wanted it again. So that's when I froze it. I hate to tell anyone how long it sat frozen in the freezer but it worked fine in the Spanokopita and Moussaka. I fear I simply am not a taste expert for much of anything (except chocolate).
  18. For me it's chocolate. Folks know I work with chocolate and so give me chocolate for gifts. Lovely thought. Much appreciated. But dreadful chocolate. And there's a lot of that around. So if it ain't good chocolate, I ain't gonna et it. End of announcement.
  19. Darienne

    Keeping feta fresh

    I must shamefully admit, I break it into smaller pieces or amounts...and freeze it. And so far so good. Just made Spanakopita for the weekend and it's delicieux. (I know, I've been instructed on how to make an e acute, but I can't seem to recall how. )
  20. We live in the middle of nowhere, about one half hour from a very conservative small Canadian city in east central Ontario. You couldn't get less exciting. 'Nuff said. We have chip trucks...a few...which sell French Fries and hamburgers. End of story. Very sad. Any food trucks would be welcome.
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