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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. I have blown eggs out like that, and it really does work. Hard to believe, but true.
  2. Did you know they are a protected species in Europe?
  3. Sharon, what kind of slicer do you have? I make the bacon from the same book but I'm not happy with the way my slicer slices. Folks do go nuts over that bacon, don't they?
  4. Hi Kerry - I would like to attend, so if you are starting a list, please put my name on it. I just went through the posts on the 2010 one and was very impressed. I took a chocolate course at Algonquin College (Ottawa) a few years back and have made a few since then, but fall squarely in the novice category with maybe a small + sign beside it. However, I believe beginners like us are welcome too? What happened to all the goodies that were made?
  5. I am reading this book and am finding it spectacularly boring. Hopefully it will get better, but it's got a loooooooooooooong way to go.
  6. I am Dutch and one thing you will have to try are the Dutch pancakes. They are the size of dinner plates and very good. They are nothing like what we in North America call pancakes. They have restaurants there called "Pannekoek Huisen" and that is the only thing they specialize in. Note my spelling is approximate as my Dutch is no longer that good. If you decide to try this, you will have no problems finding such a place.
  7. Wish I could help. What time is lunch?
  8. Smell the peaches you are buying - they should have a very pronounced "peachy" smell. If this is absent or very faint, the fruit will not be ripe. And, don't believe the vendor who says - let them sit on the counter for a few days to ripen - they don't ripen, they just get soft and mealy. Yuck.
  9. I recently had some scones/biscuits that contained dried apples and they were covered with a coarse sugar. I haven't been able to get them out of my mind but can't seem to find a recipe. Does anybody have one? I did find one that had cheese in it but I would prefer just a straight up biscuit/scone. Many thanks.
  10. Chris, I read through all the posts on the link in your post. Lots of good info both there and here. Thanks to all of you who responded. I have one further question - the black one looks as though it comes apart for easy cleaning or is that an illusion? I am cooking a strip loin tonight from Costco (Canada)and will check to see if it has been jaccarded (if I can make out the holes, that is). Is this tool a good one for using on other meats that you want to marinate or are the holes too small? I'm thinking chicken, pork tenderloions and such. Thanks again.
  11. I have cooked previously frozen scallops as well. The trick, as others have noted, is to make sure they are perfectly dry.
  12. Does anyone have one of these? What do you think of it? Or did it become one of those "Stupidest kitchen-gadget purchasing decision you've ever made?"
  13. We watched it as well. Pretty boring, actually. Too much in the way of histronics for us, so I doubt we will be watching any more of it.
  14. I agree about the wooden spoon with the flat edge. I have three of them and use them all the time. They were el cheapo as my husband purchased them in China when he was there on a business trip. My all time favourite though, is my 1/2 tablespoon plastic measuring spoon. I think I've had it for at least 30 years - maybe longer. Since there are only two of us, I scale a lot of recipes so rather than having to use two meaasuring spoons, this one gets the job done.
  15. ElsieD

    Vegetable Main Dishes

    http://www.citytv.com/cityline/food/recipes/cheeseeggs/article/45295--tortilla-bean-tomato-cheese-pie Hi Darienne: I have made this numerous times except that I sub ground pork for the beans and regular cheese for the "light". It is a recipe by Rose Reisman which I gather she made when she was on Cityline, on City TV which is think is based in Toronto. If you have trouble opening it I will copy and paste it for you. Loved the picture of your dogs! Elsie
  16. Holly, thank you for pointing this out. We have it on to tape.
  17. Can you tell me what network was carrying it in the U.S.? I watched season one on BBC Canada and was happily watching season two when midway through, BBC Canada cancelled it. Bah! Humbug!
  18. Icr Cream for supper! You're my kinda people!
  19. So, I just ran 1 cup of custard through my ice cream maker and it worked just fine. It's in the freezer hardening up a bit and now I have the other three cups going. So from here on in, I'll know that I can make one pint at a time rather than a quart which will work out much better for us. The strawberry taste comes though quite nicely as well.
  20. Darienne, as mentioned in my post, the custard is strained so the lemon zest would be strained out, no?
  21. I took a look in my books to see if I had another Lemon Ice Cream recipe and found one so here it is: 4 egg yolks zest and juice of two lemons 2 cups whipping cream 1 cup milk 2/3 cup granulated sugar You mix the zest in with the eggs and then make the custard as you normally would. After the cooked custard is strained, you add the lemon juice. I haven't made this so I can't vouch for it. It is in the book "125 Best Ice Cream Recipes".
  22. MollyB and Darienne, thanks for responding. My ice cream maker is a Cuisinart ICE50 and I guess the only way to find out how little it will process is to try it. I have a batch of strawberry custard in the fridge and will freeze it tomorrow. The recipe is based on the Raspberry Ice Cream recipe in The Perfect Scoop, but subbing strawberry juice for the raspberry. Also added a bit of kirsch. I'll try 1/4 of the recipe and see how that works. I'll report back in case anyone else is interested. Darienne, what I meant by consistency is whether ice cream made with all whipping cream versus cream plus milk or half & half freezes differently. That is, is one easier to scoop in it's frozen state than the other? As to mouth feel - if you make it with all whipping cream (Canada) or heavy cream (US) does it make your mouth feel like you've just eaten a spoon of butter that has coated your tongue in a not-so-nice way?
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