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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @HungryChris Those tacos look so good I wanted to dig right in. What are they filled with? @mgaretz Please post how these tomatoes work out for you, as I may try to do some also.
  2. I too have a monthly digital subscription to the NYT which, as @kayb says, includes the cooking section. I would not pay for only the cooking section.
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    I always peel tomatoes.
  4. Here's mine. Baked Macaroni and Cheese Cook 1/2 pound of macaroni, about 2 cups dry Mince 1 small onion and cook in 2 tablespoons butter until softened. Add and cook for about a minute: 1 T flour 1/2 t dry mustard 3/4 t salt Pepper Slowly stir in 2 cups milk, cook until smooth and hot. Add 1 package on McLaren's Imperial cheese, the kind in the red round box, cut up into chunks. Stir to melt and incorporate. Mix with the macaroni. Meanwhile, melt some butter in a saucepan, and toast a couple of handfuls of panko. Put the mac and cheese in a casserole, cover with panko and bake uncovered, 20 minutes or until heated through.
  5. Did an egg today using the setting and time in The Chart. 21 minutes was perfect for a "hard boiled" egg. I doubt if I will ever boil an egg again. I think a short ice bath would have made peeling it easier as the shell wanted to stay stuck to the white. I'm going to try the 10 minute one next as I am assuming it will come out like a soft boiled egg. That'll be good too, but I hope it doesn't have slimy white.
  6. Agreed, but for 40 bucks, it costs a whole lot less.
  7. ElsieD

    Yuzu juice

    @Yiannos I'm glad you have bumped up this thread. I started this a long time ago and while I remember using it once, I can't remember what for. Eventually, after it sat opened for quite some time in the fridge, I tossed it. Depending on the feedback, I may need to get another bottle.
  8. https://www.cookinglight.com/news/lidl-sous-vide-machine-40-dollars?utm_source=cookinglight.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily&utm_content=2018081311AM&eminfo={"EMAIL"%3a"ctGdRJv8mUZqnjZcmYQXzxQu7rlbepmi"%2c"BRAND"%3a"CK"%2c"CONTENT"%3a"Newsletter"%2c"UID"%3a"CK_WKN_FEF0B003-97FA-480E-B2F6-E1FDC800E07A"%2c"SUBID"%3a"16424237"%2c"JOBID"%3a"851604"%2c"NEWSLETTER"%3a"WEEKLY_NEWSLETTER"%2c"ZIP"%3a""%2c"COUNTRY"%3a""} Anyone know anything about this $40 sous vide machine?
  9. We went to the market yesterday and I bought another buttery. (The first one is still in the freezer.) This is what it looked like cut open. While this was puffed up, looking more like a bun, the domed part is air. So you have a flakey crust top with air underneath and a thin base. As for the taste, I did not care for it. Maybe it's the lard?
  10. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    @HungryChris Thanks for the link. Interesting reading, especially the comments.
  11. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    How do you make your broccoli salad? It looks delicious.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    That ice cream is really good. It is custard based, popcorn is steeped in the milk and cream. I want to try one next using fresh corn.
  13. You preservers are amazing. I'm very, very impressed.
  14. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Last night we had fresh corn risotto with red curry shrimp cakes and for dessert we had strawberries over (bought) angel food cakes with homemade popcorn ice cream.
  15. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Sure wish I had your problem.
  16. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    What a coincidence. We had the exact same thing, but not plated as nicely.
  17. Enough to make one gag (says she who speaks from experience).
  18. The affected area is about an inch and a half around. The area around where the skin burned off has that nice brand new skin look, you know, smooth and shiny.
  19. @andiesenji thank you again. I have placed my order with Amazon and ordered the refillable cups although mine are the plain ones, but also from BRBHOM. Amazon.ca wanted $32 for the coloured ones but the plain ones were $26. I am looking forward to getting it.
  20. I will never again reach into the back of a hot and running Cuisinart Steam Oven to give a piece of bread a quick flip "because it's not very far and there is lots of headroom". Not.
  21. I have decided to get the Nescafe Genio II. I have one question about the refillable pods, and that is, how much coffee do they hold? We like our coffee fairly strong. Also, how hot is the coffee? I have read some reviews on other coffee makers where the complaint is the coffee is warm, not hot.
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