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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. Some good info and ideas here. Toots is going to be very happy with what I do with the cauli she now has in her refer ... Thanks!
  2. Thanks! That's an idea generator ...
  3. Well, Toots likes mustard but won't eat bacon. I wish she would, even just a little, sometimes. But you've provided some food for thought. Thanks!
  4. My GF loves cauliflower, but she does not handle spiced or hot food very well. I'd like to get some ideas for making more than a cheese sauce for the cauli. I've roasted it, made it with curries (even mild curry can be a problem for my sweetie), played with a few other options without much success. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  5. Shel_B

    Making Schmaltz ...

    I don't understand why you'd want to flavor the schmaltz. Perhaps if you're using it for a specific purpose the flavoring will be useful, but if using for a general purpose, maybe not.
  6. Shel_B

    Making Schmaltz ...

    What about making schmaltz with the use of, or addition of, water?
  7. What is the best way to make schmaltz? I've gotten numerous suggestions. My GF loves chopped liver, so I want to make some for her every now and then, and that will be the main use for the fat. Also, I sometimes cook duck, and it might be nice to save the fat for confit or other purposes. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the tip. It works for farina but not for oatmeal. So, I now mix some farina with the oatmeal and get a nice, lumpy blend. Take care,
  9. The subject says it, so how do I get it when I want it? Also, I like lumpy Cream of Wheat / Farina. Same Question. Thanks!
  10. Shel_B

    Tomato Substitute

    We both like red peppers, and enjoy them in salads and in other vegetable dishes. Maybe I can play around with peppers/mushrooms and come up with something enjoyable for both of us. Thanks!
  11. When she drinks Lactaid milk, she has no problems, but when she drinks regular milk, she has some discomfort and needs to take her meds. I've not checked her medication to see just what she's taking, so maybe with that information I can find out what her problem is. Unfortunately, she's not very good about knowing or remembering what meds she takes for what problem. She just takes what the doc prescribes ... Thanks!
  12. I made a clam chowder last night, for myself, and didn't add any milk. It was pretty good with just chicken stock, clam juice, and a splash of wine. The potatoes seemed to help thicken it ... I may play around and develop a recipe for it, getting a better grip on proportions and specific ingredients, i.e., choice of potatoes, onions or leeks, etc. Thanks!
  13. Goat milk products do help her. She has none of the discomfort eating cheese and yogurt made from goat milk as she does with similar cow milk products. If she eats a cow milk product she must take medication to prevent her discomfort.
  14. Thanks for the info about cooking with goat milk. I'll grab some this weekend and play around with it. Sheesh! The stuff is quite spendy though ... <sigh>
  15. My GF is lactose intolerant and drinks Lactaid brand milk and enjoys goat cheese. I don't care much for the Lactaid and was thinking about using goat milk to replace cow milk in some dishes. Coming up is a fish chowder dinner and I'd like to try goat milk in the chowder. How might goat milk work in such a dish? Any suggestions on cooking with, or substituting, goat milk? Thanks!
  16. Thanks to all for your thoughts and input.
  17. This week I'm buying a new roasting pan, and I was wondering just how deep it should be for best results. I've read that a pan that is too deep, whatever that precisely means, might hinder browning. In the past, whenever possible, I've set the item to be roasted over the pan on a rack, or used a sheet pan to catch juices, rather than set the item into a somewhat deep pan (maybe a couple of inches?) So, what are your ideas for ideal roasting pan depths? Different depths for different items? Thanks!
  18. Shel_B

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    Well, I'll have to play around a little with thermometers and measuring the amount of water in the pots (Mine most likely holds less water). FWIW, our altitude is withing a couple of hundred feet of one another.
  19. Shel_B

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    When I boil eggs at home, I cook them by bringing the water to a boil, and then turning off the heat and allow the eggs to sit in the water for nine minutes. That gives me eggs exactly how I like them. When using that same technique and time at my GF's house, the eggs turn out soft and runny - coincidentally, the way my GF likes them. Any suggestions as to why there is such a difference in the results? The only difference that I can see is the pots that are used. I use a stainless pot woth a heavy disk on the bottom, she has a light-weight aluminum, non-stick pot. Thanks!
  20. My GF has a minor allergy to tomatoes. I don't, and enjoy dishes made with tomato sauce. What can be substituted for tomato sauce in pasta, pizza, stews, etc., that might satisfy both of us?
  21. Shel_B

    Long Pepper

    http://www.bigtreebali.com/recipe.html Some more recipes ... not tried 'em yet.
  22. Shel_B

    Long Pepper

    http://www.thenibble.com/reviews/main/salts/long-pepper.asp I like this brand of pepper - they seem more flavorful and fresher than the long peppers I purchased from Frontier, which were recommended in another thread.
  23. Cherimoya: Had one at my GF's house and the taste/texture was fascinating. Toots said that it was a somewhat over ripe fruit, and that one closer to ideal ripeness would be much nicer. Discovered that they're grown locally - in California - so getting them should not be too difficult. Any preparation suggestions? RE: Black garlic Never heard of that. Is it a true garlic? How does it taste compared to regular garlic? USA grown? Thanks!
  24. Thanks for all the good suggestions. Never would have thought of some of them.
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