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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. My GF is Argentinian, and we both like good Dulce de Leche. However, the good stuff in the local stores that carry it is very expensive. I've looked up a few recipes, and it seems fairly easy to make, albeit somewhat time consuming. However, the recipes seem to suggest differing amounts of sugar, from 1 cup to as much as 2 cups per quart of whole milk. How critical is the sugar content for getting a nice, creamy, smooth result, apart from sweetness levels? For those who have made this dessert, what proportion of sugar do you use per quart of milk? Some recipes call for adding the baking soda at the beginning of the process, others suggest adding the ingredient later on, sometimes as late as when the mixture turns brown. Any thoughts on the timing of adding the baking soda? When I was in Peru, I had Dulce de Leche made with goat's milk, and it was quite tasty. I may want to try that as Toots prefers goat's milk to cow's milk. Any tips for making Dulce de Leche with goat's milk? Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. So, how do you convert gelatine leaves into the more typical packages of Knox or other gelatine found in most US supermarkets? Thanks!
  3. Yes! Thanks - this is super. My GF is smiling at this one.
  4. Shel_B

    Chioggia Beets

    Do you like beets? These are incredible! We had some yesterday, sliced raw, and were astounded by their flavor and sweetness. Even if you don't like beets, you might want to taste them because they are unlike any other beet we've ever tried. http://www.sunset.com/food-wine/healthy/healthy-energy-foods-00400000061175/page7.html
  5. The GF and I are going to Dim Sum tomorrow, and in the course of talking about it she mentioned that she loves chicken feet and the sauce that they often come with. I'd like to try making them for her as I can easily get the feet and any ingredients, and it would be neat to try making something so different. So, any suggestions on how to cook the feet and ideas for a sauce? Thanks!
  6. Nice idea, although good, local pears are not yet available. We only buy local, in season, and organic. But I like the idea ... Thanks.
  7. Good idea ... I've done that before, in fact, I even have a little perfume sprayer for misting the strawberries. When I did that last time, I used a 75yo balsamic. Mmmmmmm Thanks for the reminder!
  8. Next week my GF and I are having dinner with friends and they are preparing a heavy meal – prime beef being the main course. We were asked to bring dessert, and Toots is willing to make her exceptional flan, but I’d like something different – I’ve had the flan numerous times. What I’d like is something light, perhaps even a bit acidic (thinking lemon here), or some kind of sorbet or granita. The problem with the frozen desserts is transport – they may not make the trip successfully and I don’t want to underwrite the experiment. Chocolate is something I’d like, but Toots isn’t too interested in chocolate in the evening as it keeps her awake (is there a “decaf” chocolate?) So, what suggestions are there for a light, refreshing dessert that will travel well and not take too much time to make as our schedule between now and then is very hectic? I’m not much of a baker, so pies, cakes, etc., are not a good choice, although I do make a very nice lemon-poppy seed loaf, which I was thinking might go well with a scoop of store-bought ice cream or sherbet. Not the lightest choice, but acceptable, especially since I make it in a lower-fat version. I was also thinking about making a Parmigiano ice cream, but I’m not sure where the ice cream maker is. Thanks!
  9. I read the tasting comparison ... and thanks for the pointer to Arizona Vanilla. I'll need to know a little more about vanilla paste ... never used it. Thanks again.
  10. Hi, Thanks for the tip. I think I've seen a S&F somewhere in my routine travels. It should be easy to check out. I made the panna cotta last night and used some of the extract that Toots had on hand, TJ's Bourbon extract. The results in the panna cotta were certainly acceptable. I'll still need to get a bottle for myself. I read the Cook's Illustrated test - had it on my computer. Didn't recognize many of the brands they tested - maybe just two or three.
  11. I've made my own, and some time ago read the info in your link. However, I want to use bottled vanilla extract for the preparation I'm making and for some other upcoming dishes. Also, Toots has NO interest in making vanilla extract, and she's going to be involved in this as well. Thanks for posting the pointer, though.
  12. I'm going to purchase some vanilla extract tomorrow. In the past I've used some expensive extracts, but I've not been able to tell much, if any, difference between them in the finished product. Can you taste the difference between, say Trader Joe's extract, McCormick, and another, more expensive brand, such as Neilsen-Massey?
  13. Thanks everyone. This evening I made a soup for Toots with cumin and, surprise surprise! she said it could even be a little more spicy. So, I guess if the amount of cumin is small, she can handle it. So, bring on the cumin recipes and I'll play with amounts and proportions.
  14. I made something ike that yesterday, but without the rice. Even the cumin was a little much for her, but it's possible that cutting back on the amount will do the trick. I used ground cumin, so it may have been more intense than what you're suggesting. I also sautéd some onions in the oil as there were no acceptable chiles in the house - I'd go with poblano or Anneheim for Toots, something a little more intense when cooking for myself. Instead of water I used chicken stock - it was handy - although I've used water at times as well. My preference might be for potatoes instead of rice. Rice can sometimes spike my blood sugar. I'll check the link. Thanks!
  15. I love roasted cauli, been making it in many iterations for years. Toots enjoys it as well. It's just that we need some new ideas for flavor - I like curried cauli,pasta with cauli, and so many other variations. Toots likes most any style, but is fussy about spicy food and too much cow's milk dairy.
  16. Shel_B

    Hard Boiled Egg 101

    This morning I compared the two pot. Mine, a 1-quart Simply Calphalon disk-bottomed pot and Toots' no-name, non-stick aluminum pot. I boiled equal amounts of water in both and then measured the temps. The Calphalon held heat a lot longer than the thin aluminum pot. So, perhaps that's the answer, or at least a good part of it.
  17. Some good info and ideas here. Toots is going to be very happy with what I do with the cauli she now has in her refer ... Thanks!
  18. Thanks! That's an idea generator ...
  19. Well, Toots likes mustard but won't eat bacon. I wish she would, even just a little, sometimes. But you've provided some food for thought. Thanks!
  20. My GF loves cauliflower, but she does not handle spiced or hot food very well. I'd like to get some ideas for making more than a cheese sauce for the cauli. I've roasted it, made it with curries (even mild curry can be a problem for my sweetie), played with a few other options without much success. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  21. Shel_B

    Making Schmaltz ...

    I don't understand why you'd want to flavor the schmaltz. Perhaps if you're using it for a specific purpose the flavoring will be useful, but if using for a general purpose, maybe not.
  22. Shel_B

    Making Schmaltz ...

    What about making schmaltz with the use of, or addition of, water?
  23. What is the best way to make schmaltz? I've gotten numerous suggestions. My GF loves chopped liver, so I want to make some for her every now and then, and that will be the main use for the fat. Also, I sometimes cook duck, and it might be nice to save the fat for confit or other purposes. Thanks!
  24. Thanks for the tip. It works for farina but not for oatmeal. So, I now mix some farina with the oatmeal and get a nice, lumpy blend. Take care,
  25. The subject says it, so how do I get it when I want it? Also, I like lumpy Cream of Wheat / Farina. Same Question. Thanks!
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