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Everything posted by Lior

  1. Bringing back this topic. Did you work anything out? Why are there those little "necks" on the one half of the "ball" I wonder why the hole isn't flat without that neck... Are there other truffle ball molds around? I seem to remember one without that neck.
  2. My heart feels weak. Your work is perfection, the detail hurts. How absolutely fabulous for your mother's birthday. There is nothing like a gift made out of love. How do you do it so patiently perfect? It is so beautiful. I would buy it in a second, but I can't from so far! Those white leaves gently tainted with browning!!! Poetry. Thank you. SOrry for ranting!
  3. Oh my! I think the last time I tasted fudge was on a holiday in the U.S. in mackinak Island about 15 years ago. That looks good!! We don't have fudge here! Maybe I shold learn how to make it!
  4. I did not know whether this should go under drinks or here. Perhaps here people have done this experiment with nibs. Anyway, has anyone infused vodka with nibs? Does it taste like chocolate vodka sort of? Thanks!
  5. I know I read it somewhere so I googled and I think this was my source: Look under "tempering large quantities" replenishing
  6. I just give it a short mix with a spatula and that was that. I never had imprperly tempered chocolates using this method. Do a trial. I replenish with the amount taken out.
  7. Well I am quite sure that using the chocolate from the mol d'Art keeps the chocolate from thickening. It is at a slightly higher temp and is not crystalized. It works well for me. The only way to melt the chocolate quickly is to put it overnight in the melter and then in the morning it is ready. So if you fill the melter/s up with chocolate, there will be enough for the X3210 and leftover in the melters/s. At some point you can always turn the melter temp up a bit more to add warmer chocolate to the chocovision if it seems too thick inthere, but I don't think I ever had to do that. BTW, tempering in the melter is quick-10-15 mins. But the chocovision is easier and you know how one can get used to "luxury" easily. Now a selmi is whole different ball game....
  8. Here I made some today . I was making my daughter a "Martha Stewart Perfect Omelette" as she calls it, and while melting the butter I decided to melt more, temper it, flavour it, mold it, fridge it and photograph it. I used salted butter and added parsley. I used a silicone ice cube mold.
  9. I do a combination of things. If I want a few kinds at the same time I use my chocovisions to temper as well as my melters. This is great as I can work with 3 different colors at a time- takes time getting used to... Sometimes if I know I will need a lot of chocolate all day (of one kind), I keep melted untempered chocolate in my melters and constantly add the same amount removed from the chocovision. Example: I used 2 ladles of tempered chocolate from my chocovision, I replace this amount with melted untempered from the melter. It works well for me as the chocovision tempered choc doesn't get over tempered or finished ( the chocolate needs to stay above the thermometer probe.) You can even dump chocolate from the mould into the melter instead of the chocovision to avoid the mess. I keep the melted at a slightly higher temp- say 34-35-36 for dark.
  10. Thanks for the great tips! Did you like the caramelized white chocolate?
  11. Hi ElsieD! Yes exactement! It looks like it has never been melted. It looks creamy and normal.
  12. Exactly-Kerry has it right! It is completely melted. Sometimes it breaks but I try not to, but it is melted all the way.
  13. Well I just take a plop from the fridge and mix it in with a teaspoon. Perhaps as Paulraphael said, it may not need tempering if it is being mixedin with chocolate. I temper it cause I do put it back in the fridge to use and warm up later. If you flavour butter with Rosemary and garlic for ex, you can even pour it into molds (silicone) and get cute shapes. I make my lemon butter sauce ahead of time and then reheat. If I don't temper first time around, it breaks when I reheat...
  14. Wow- thanks! I loved that candy Making -1915!! It ried this once and failed horribly. Perhaps I will put it on my ever growing list of things to try.
  15. I do it when I make a lemon butter sauce for artichokes! I gently melt the butter over low heat. I turn off the flame before all the butter is melted - as the melted part melts the unmelted parts ( ). Stir till all pieces are melted. Usually now it is tempered but If I melted too much butter and want to return some to the fridge, I add a blob of butter, mix it in and walla! It won't do that "thing" that happens when you return melted butter to the fridge-if you ever returned melted butter to the fridge you will understand what I mean. Just like chocolate- the fats need a bit of tempering I guess. It takes a few seconds-no more! You can flavour butter this way with any herbs or spices.
  16. Hi. I have 2 6kg mol d'art melters and 2 chocovision X3210 machines. Works well for me cause I am such a small business.
  17. I have used Navan in vanilla ganache. It is a lovely liqueur but not too strong so I don't know how much extra vanilla taste it would give. You could also infuse the vanilla into ghee while it is melted. Even butter canbe melted gently infused and tempered with unmelted butter and cooled to room temp.
  18. For Heaven Sakes! Confections at The Great Lakes! or: Confections at the Great Lakes -For Your Sakes Silly me....
  19. Here many people use "vanilla sugar"-bought as such- but butter is something I don't know of!
  20. I just finished reading the site about salamandar! Wow! Incredibly fascinating! Thank you!
  21. Thanks guys! And thanks for the picture-it is amazing!!!
  22. Hi Is it crucial to spray chocolate? Cause I thought that perhaps a thin layer of pistachio marzipan may be okaybeing that it is green?
  23. Chocolate Hedgehog Cake picture I wonder if anyone knows how to do this pointy hedgehog merangue looking decoration? It is a gluten free cake and the store says: chocolate torte, different chocolate mousses and nut merangue. An aquaintence of mine asked... Thanks
  24. Maybe this is a good lead. It was on the ecole forum: here and here
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