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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. Okay, that makes sense. I actually didn't know that. I knew it from Jo and myself expressing interest in the new Kitchenaid gadgets in Kerry's Trip-to-France thread after she posted pictures of them.
  2. Yep, that's been my experience too. If your model is listed, it will probably work. If it's not listed, it still might work.
  3. I like the idea, I just don't think I'd have enough actual uses for it to put it on the "want" list.
  4. Tri2Cook

    Pork Burgers

    For tonight's burgers, I used some extra filling from making my jerk pork sausages that I had in the freezer to make the patties. Cooked them on the grill and ate them on buns I made using a King's Hawaiian Bread copycat recipe (That is not at all authentic, I don't think the real thing includes pineapple juice, but they worked really well with the pork burger. It was actually the pineapple juice in the recipe that pushed me into trying them for this burger. It seemed like a good fit for the overall theme.) with homemade habanero mayo and tomato slices. Nothing beats a good beef burger... but this was pretty damn good.
  5. Interesting... I think I'll go dig around on google and see if I can learn a little more about them.
  6. You made him happy. I never doubted for a second that you would. I'd join him in eating that dessert, Hersheys hot fudge and all. Although, I'm not entirely sure about the chickpea meringue. That's a new one to me... but I'd try it.
  7. Safe trip and have fun! Look forward to hearing about your adventures... tough job though it is.
  8. I agree with you on this as well. The only reason I'm continuing to stand by what I said is because this is a unique situation. Not only would Rob have to search out a better alternative and be absolutely confident about it but he would have to convince the parents to trust him on it against what they believe to be true. But I'll drop it and let the discussion move forward because I agree completely with every argument against what I suggested that has been brought up... in almost any other situation.
  9. Absolutely. The difference being, it was stated by his parents that Hersheys is his only option. Hersheys is not the best chocolate but it's a lot better than no chocolate for someone who has no options to compare it to. The reason you know Hersheys is inferior to Valrhona is because you've tried both. He hasn't and apparently can't. So in his world, Hersheys is the best chocolate in the whole world. I didn't think otherwise. I'm enjoying being able to have these types of discussions with you again. I do agree that Honkman is right in a big picture sense but this is an individual and unique circumstance where what may be at the bottom end of our "best" list is his entire list. So you would be giving him the best chocolate in his world... even if it doesn't even rank in other people's world.
  10. No card playing, just my opinion. It's Hersheys and millions of kids love it. Sometimes in our adult wisdom of what constitutes good and bad, we forget that kids aren't stuck behind those same filters.
  11. I feel fully confident that that kid who hasn't had a dessert in 3 years other than fruit will have a smile on his face while eating whatever you make. And if it involves chocolate, you'll use Hersheys chocolate without so much as a flinch if that's what it takes to get that smile. That's my opinion of the kind of person and chef you are.
  12. Really sad. Sometimes people lose the fight against demons we didn't even know they were fighting.
  13. That makes sense. I misunderstood... thought you were saying you wanted to toss vegan into the equation when it wasn't a requirement.
  14. My initial intention was to entirely jokingly say "just give them the address of another restaurant and tell them they make awesome desserts" but, if that's the entire extent of the restrictions, that's really not that bad. I'm trying to figure out why you're striving for vegan if that's not one of the restrictions. That seems like being asked to swim across a pool full of piranhas and asking if they'd mind throwing in a shark or two before you jump in. But regardless of that, sorbets are a good suggestion and there are eggless cake recipes out there that you could sub your gluten free blend into. "Wacky Cake" for example is an eggless chocolate cake with a surprisingly nice texture. Flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, salt, oil, vinegar, vanilla and water. I was skeptical of it until I tried it. It's good. I've never done it gluten free but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. I'm guessing if cocoa turned out to be an issue, you could just replace it with more of your gluten free blend and make it any flavor you want.
  15. The food from Annie Bailey's Irish Pub looks might tasty. As does the seafood bucatini and the rack of lamb. A McD's McMuffin isn't as bad as some people like to pretend it is. It's egg and meat in an English muffin, wouldn't be much better most places you'd get the same thing and is probably better than some. I prefer the sausage version myself.
  16. I've never had the sweet. The smoky, salty type is right up there with the best summer sausages I've had but with even more tang.
  17. One of my favorite things. A large part of the reason I want to build a curing chamber is so that I can attempt to learn to make it.
  18. Tri2Cook

    Sausage Making

    Yeah, I was a bit generous with it but we swap out stuff all the time. I've had my turns at the receiving end. I fried up a small patty of the reserved sausage meat just to check it out and it's pretty tasty. Should be even better after a night in the fridge letting the flavors get cozy with each other.
  19. Tri2Cook

    Sausage Making

    Just for fun, made these this morning. Jerk pork sausages. Made a jerk seasoning paste, mixed it with the pork and stuffed it into hog casings. The non-linked section is for a friend. He requested a small coil... not sure why that preference but it was easy to accommodate. I also kept about a lb. that I didn't stuff. I'm going to make burger patties with it and toss them on the grill.
  20. Not exactly. See Norm's picture in post #4 of this thread. I know what he means by the "paperclip". A similar folding technique after the rolling is described in the Babka recipes I have. I'm guessing, based strictly on the descriptions and pictures here, that the difference between your Potica and Norm's Povitica is probably just the folding but a little more digging may be in order now that you've aroused my curiosity.
  21. Yeah, "ingredients, measurements and cooking processes" pretty much covers it. The rest, the "creative expression", while sometimes useful or entertaining, is just fluff as far as cooking the dish is concerned. What matters (for those concerned) isn't protected. What's protected doesn't matter because most places you're going to see it aren't going to be doing a word-for-word of the book anyway. They're just going to insert the recipe into their own "creative expression".
  22. Hell's Kitchen is more of a poorly executed comedy/drama than a reality show. I'm pretty sure their casting call goes out to restaurants with the request to "give us your most useless jelly bean, the one that you'd most like to be rid of for a few weeks" and then they seed in 2 or 3 that can actually function to some degree so they can wind up with a winner. How can they have as many seasons as they've had and still not have a single contestant who, before going in, thought "maybe I should be sure I can cook scallops and risotto"? But that aside, keeping track of multiple tickets per table is just a matter of having an organization system in place that has them grouped properly before the kitchen even touches them. If it's done electronically, it takes care of itself. If it's done by hand, you assign a spot where the tickets are to be placed and the new ones go on top of the old ones face down. When you pick them up and face them towards you, they're in the proper order. If you're calling them, call all of them with the same table number. If you're hanging them, hang what you have space for and return the rest to where they were still face down. I don't know, maybe it really is difficult and I'm just not smart enough to realize it.
  23. I understand what you're saying and I know all about the stresses involved. I just don't personally rank customers requesting separate checks among those stresses. I'd like to hear from someone on the business side of the relationship exactly why separate checks is considered stressful or difficult or even annoying. Because, as I said before, I once worked in a place where there were separate checks for each and every customer. If there were 100 customers in the place, I got 100 tickets, the waitstaff dealt with 100 checks and, other than tables where one person paid all of the checks, there were 100 transactions going through the register. It caused no problems or stress for me, the waitstaff or the bean counters. I'm willing to accept that there are difficulties I'm not recognizing, I just haven't heard one person say exactly what they are. All I've heard so far is customers being accommodating of restaurants preferring it that way.
  24. Tri2Cook

    White Castle

    If I go to White Castle, I want little beef gut grenades causing pain and suffering for any and all who have to follow me in the bathroom the next morning. But between the actual vegetarians, the people trying to eat somewhat healthier and the pretend vegetarians, there's a lot of money to be made in that area. I don't blame them for trying. With the admission that I know not much at all about the world of trying to mimic meat items with non-meat items, there's something about finding whole lima beans in my burger patty that doesn't appeal to me at all. Maybe I should make an attempt to explore meat-mimicking veggie items just in the interest of learning.
  25. It would probably help if you actually mentioned what specifically you need help and/or clarification with.
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