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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. I don't go to all that trouble when making them for myself. I just toss some cheese on the hot fries and dump some hot chili on top. The cheese melts in between.
  2. I'm the same way about Islay scotch. Rye, I don't mind... but it definitely ranks below bourbon for me.
  3. That looks really tasty, definitely going to have to try it.
  4. Is jigae something I should plan on making*? I've never made or even tasted it before. *Assuming this batch of kimchi works, I over-salted the last batch and it wouldn't ferment.
  5. You must have inspired me without either of us knowing it... I started a batch of kimchi today.
  6. They're already changing and beginning to drop here. Walking through the yard already has that autumn crunch sound from dried leaves.
  7. Fresh cut fries, nicely salted, with malt vinegar. A personal favorite that goes back to my childhood. In elementary school, on the rare occasion when I managed to have some money of my own, I would stop at a little place on the way home from school and get fries that I would douse with malt vinegar and eat while walking home.
  8. It won't be the same without you there Anna but I'm still looking forward to seeing what Kerry gets up to. And I won't even attempt to be nosey but I sincerely hope things are back as should be for you quickly and you'll be back with us on a full-time basis soon.
  9. Must be the same problem I had. It was pretty jumbled on my screen so I just assumed others who were responding got a clearer picture of it than I did.
  10. I'll stick to the chili cheese fries, I don't like Fritos... with or without the other stuff. And I'm with Chris on the tomato thing, I don't want tomatoes on my chili cheese fries.
  11. I probably should have provided full disclosure on that one, they are only available where I live because I make them. So I actually have no idea where in Canada they can be purchased. At I restaurant where I used to cook, where I had more freedom with the menu than I do now, I usually ran them as a co-special at lunch on days when I made chili. I've never seen them anywhere else locally but they always sold well. I still occasionally make them at home when I have leftover chili, though I try not to do it too often.
  12. They're in Canada. I'm in Canada and I like chili cheese fries... but I don't like poutine.
  13. Yeah, I agree with Rob. It really comes down to what you're going to be doing with it. I don't need fine line control, I'm not using my sprayer for chocolate molds or fine decorating, so I still use my Wagner. If I'm spraying chocolate, which I don't do near as much of as I used to, it's usually plated dessert items in largish quantities or cakes. If I ever manage to get serious about chocolates, I'm sure I'll want something better suited to that task.
  14. Tri2Cook

    The Tater Tot Topic

    Interesting. I might have to try it too. Most homemade tot recipes I've seen want you to use mashed potatoes... which is in no way a tot.
  15. According to the recipe, this is called Gai Pad Khaiowan. Chicken fried in green curry. Loaded with Thai chiles and basil, I liked it a little too much. I'm stuffed.
  16. No kidding. I'm not sure she can surprise me anymore (because I have no doubt she can do anything she sets her mind to), but she continuously amazes me with the way she sets her sights on a problem and relentlessly goes after it until she solves it or shows conclusively that it can't be done.
  17. Seems like it'd be much easier to create a cocktail based on Talk Like A Pirate Day than to cook based on it... but what fun would life be if we always took the easy way?
  18. I have everything except the brandied cherries... may have to remedy that.
  19. It looks good but fruit, even raisins and dates, is just something I haven't been able to reconcile with my savory courses. I try because I know there\s no logical reason for it. I won't pick the fruit out or refuse to eat the dish if someone serves it to me, I just never actually enjoy it. I don't even care for tacos al pastor if there are actual chunks of pineapple in it even though I love tacos and I love pineapple. It's some weirdness of mine that I wish I could teach myself to get over.
  20. Maybe we'll see how you make the St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake, which I learned about because of your blog, fit into what you do in your restaurant setting. Seriously though, I have no doubt wherever you end up, you'll be a success.
  21. Try scrolling about halfway down this page. It has some information on insects that can be a problem when curing meats and some ideas for dealing with it. I have no idea if anything they list is your culprit but it might be a place to start.
  22. It will almost definitely turn out to look like mashed (or pureed) beans... but not having tried this particular product myself, I have no idea what it will taste like as compared to freshly mashed beans.
  23. I committed the eGullet Dinner thread sin of not taking a picture before I devoured my dinner tonight. I threw a burger on the grill along with an onion slice and a couple strips of bacon, melted some blue cheese on the burger and threw it all in a grilled pretzel bun with mayo, creole mustard, ketchup and tomato from the garden. My grandmother always said if a burger wasn't messy, it wasn't a good burger... this was definitely a good burger.
  24. I didn't even know there were hybrids. I guess I should have known, if they're farmed then there would probably be hybrids, but the only muscadines and muscadine products I've ever had came from plants growing wild in the woods in Alabama.
  25. Yep, and cornstarch has a tenderizing effect on cookies when subbed in for part of the flour. I suspect using an equal amount by weight of powdered sugar in place of granulated without adjusting the flour accordingly could lead to noticeably drier cookies as well... but I haven't actually tried it.
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