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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. There was a nice demo on mirror glazing done by member dejaq you might want to take a peek at. While not an identical finish, it looks like a pretty similar technique was probably involved with just some color and application variations to get the different looks.
  2. I figured out a long time ago that you are basically Kerry Beal's American counterpart, you're both human energizer bunnies, so I assume all of that constant going requires a fairly large fuel load. But I'm still pretty damn impressed at the amount of eating you managed to pack into that trip.
  3. Genius and so simple at the same time. Definitely a "Why didn't I think of that?" moment for me. I've been on and off experimenting with different ways to do a similar finish on molded dessert pieces for a few years with nothing that I was happy with ever developing. To say I was overthinking it is an understatement.
  4. Yeah, they do sound tasty. I've been choosing my Saturday dinners to help soothe the nerves too. My team isn't losing but they did lose one game and now, even if they win out, their fate depends on the team that beat them losing to a division opponent. The problem is, I haven't really found any dishes that help a whole lot... maybe I need to start looking through cocktail recipes instead.
  5. $25,000 for the privilege of being allowed to dine at a restaurant? I guess it might be kinda nice to have enough money that I'd feel the need to go out looking for silly ways to get rid of some of it.
  6. I didn't cook all of them on Saturday so I attempted to improve the leftovers with some Thai chiles I had in the fridge. I removed the bacon, laid a half of a seeded Thai chile on top of the cheese filling and rewrapped. Made for a huge improvement but I still won't buy the grocery store jalapenos again. I'd be very surprised if there are no Latino markets in Ontario but I'm betting none of them are within 1000 km or more of where I live. It's not really a problem. If I decide to do them again someday, I'll just do habanero poppers instead. The local grocery store habs are actually pretty good.
  7. Welcome aboard. This place is very much worth the time just for the knowledge available but you'll find out very quickly that there are some really nice people here as well. It's sometimes difficult to maintain that on-topic status the management prefers for the place. Once you start getting to know the people, you just automatically find yourself wanting to have normal conversations with them... even when the conversation drifts away from food. But the wealth of food knowledge and enthusiasm available is enough that it's still fun.
  8. Thought a snack would be nice with all of the college football on today. Decided to do some baked jalapeno poppers. Stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese, cheddar and green onion and wrapped in bacon. $15 + assembly time wasted. Jalapenos with zero flavor and zero heat. Bell peppers have much more flavor than these bland green turds the local store sells as jalapenos. I stuffed and wrapped some mushrooms the same way and they're pretty tasty so it wasn't a complete blank... but I'll never buy another jalapeno locally.
  9. Whether it actually works or not, I like the way you think. I look forward to your continuing experiments with this.
  10. I really like the way that looks Rob. I keep saying it and not doing it but one of these days I really am going to take a serious run at getting good (or decent anyway) at doing chocolates. Which airbrush is that you're using?
  11. Marcel Desaulniers had a recipe in his book Desserts to Die For that was basically a chocolate angel food cake that was allowed to collapse intentionally. He called it a Fallen Angel Cake. So just serve it with some whipped cream or something and say "I meant to do that".
  12. I do like that pie. The dulce isn't overpowering and cloying but it's a nice flavor with the pumpkin. I don't miss the traditional spices at all... and I like traditional pumpkin pie.
  13. I never thought about a judgmental aspect to "lazy" or "cheater" as relates to food. I always thought of it more as "I'm tired today and don't feel like doing all that f'ing work".
  14. "Deconstructed" has suffered the same fate as "molecular gastronomy". Once the everyday, non-superfoodie types figure it out, it's not cool anymore and you have to use other words to describe the same thing or be labeled archaic. But in this particular case "cheater" or "shortcut" or "lazy" (I've heard various terms used, although this is the first time I've seen "unstuffed") cabbage rolls have actually been around for a long time. Much longer than the term "deconstructed" has been applied to food. I like actual "constructed" cabbage rolls better personally (it could just be in my head but the balance of the various components seems to work out better) but I've eaten my share of the deconstructed type as well. I don't think I've ever met a cabbage roll I didn't like, regardless of form.
  15. They're not going to be any more uniform if I use a knife than if I use a processor. I'm not going to stand there and chop each individual nut into uniformly sized pieces. So I use the processor.
  16. The beauty of steak on the bbq is that even when not cooked exactly how you want it, it's still pretty damn good. Nice Yorkie too!
  17. Looks good. I'm glad the pie was tasty, I baked mine yesterday so they were going to be dessert whether they were good or not. I'm a big fan of stuffing, I probably like it more than I like turkey, and I'm not going to knock putting olives in it because I haven't tried it but it doesn't sound too appealing to me. I'd try it if it was on the table though. I like olives, I'm just not generally a fan of stuffing being mucked around with too much.
  18. That's kinda where I'm at with it. It would be useful for work but not in a capacity that would justify the expense so I can't wrangle one on their dime. To buy one for myself, I'm going to have to greatly increase the private stuff I do so that I can convince myself I need it as opposed to just want it. I'm not really at a point where I can do that right now so I'm just having fun watching what others are doing with it.
  19. Yeah, that part caught my attention too. I'm glad you're doing it, I'll get to hear if it comes out of the oven looking like pie. I trust the Ideas in Food recipes. I've done a lot of them over the years and I've never had one fail. I've only had 2 or 3 where I wasn't thrilled with the result. The recipes for those worked just fine, I just didn't really like the end product. A personal taste thing.
  20. Most definitely. I was actually wondering how he did it but it occurred to me that it almost definitely involved skills that I don't possess... so I didn't bother asking.
  21. I'm not a materials expert and know nothing about the construction of cookware, I just use it, but I know there are some material where laminates are stronger or more stable than a single piece of the material. Does that apply to metals?
  22. We're doing it on Sunday. I'm doing dessert just to say I helped because I have no intention of doing any of the rest of it (bad though it probably sounds, I consider it just a lot of work and cleanup that I'd rather not even bother with... but apparently it has to be done). The obligatory pumpkin pie was requested so I decided to do the dulce de leche pumpkin pie from Ideas in Food. I've never actually tried it, just trusting them and going in blind.
  23. Tri2Cook


    Regardless of my opinions about the food, Wendy's has good memories for me. My grandfather liked their burgers and their chili so when visiting my grandparents during the summers while school was out (they lived almost at the opposite end of the country from where we lived), there were always trips to Wendy's. I haven't eaten at a Wendy's in over 15 years so I have no idea what it's like now but I liked the burgers (and the Frosty) when I was a kid and still liked them as a fast food option when I got older. If they're still juicy and messy, I'd probably still like them.
  24. Jalapenos and raw onion are nice options if I'm not being lazy. The idea of bacon doesn't appeal to me but I can see where people would like it. I'm just not a bacon makes everything better person.
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