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Posts posted by Tri2Cook

  1. Congrats Chiefs. No matter what team you're a fan of, if you're a fan of the game, you have to recognize that Mahomes is something special. 

    On another note, we had the cheeseburger sliders and some oven potato wedges at game time with plans to do the Cajun chaurice sliders at halftime. Neither of us was hungry enough to eat more by halftime so I have 2 lbs of fresh-made chaurice to find a use for. Probably will just toss it in the freezer for now.

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  2. On 2/1/2020 at 6:24 PM, Anna N said:

    Since in my experience and I stress that, most American and Canadian baking recipes are based on large eggs, they were always my best supermarket buy regardless of price.

    Yeah, what she said. I very rarely eat eggs just as eggs. I mainly buy them for use in recipes, which almost invariably call for large. Since there is zero chance that I'm going to weigh the equivalent of the large eggs called for from the larger eggs that have a better yield/cost ratio and save the remainder for another use when cooking/baking at home, I would either be adding extra egg to the recipes or discarding the remainder. So, for my specific purposes, there is no value gained by using larger eggs.

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  3. My minion/Oompa Loompa (daughter) requested cheeseburger sliders. That wasn't even on the edge of the radar for ideas I was having but having made no real plans still, I decided to go with it. So sliders in the style of White Castles are being joined by sausage po boy sliders using a batch of Cajun chaurice sausage I mixed up today. Burger sliders will be beef, onions, cheese (yes, the processed stuff) and mustard on some (purchased) nice soft slider-sized rolls. The chaurice will be joined by an aioli made from mayo, garlic and cayenne hot sauce along with lettuce and tomato on the same rolls as the burgers. Pickles on the side for both. I briefly considered some form of chicken slider as well but punted that one right away. Probably will do some form of fries or potato wedges to go with the sliders because the kid will eat that as well. Unless I decide to do a dessert, which is doubtful, that's the entire menu. 

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  4. I'm a Saints fan... they didn't make it. I'm not particularly a Baltimore fan but I was sure they were going... they didn't make it. I could cheer for the Titans, as a diehard Bama fan of more years than I'm gonna put a number to, I'm a Derrick Henry fan... they didn't make it. So I'm gonna have to pull for the Chiefs. Not because I'm a fan but I can get behind pulling for Mahomes. He was exciting to watch through his college career and he's carried that same excitement onto the big stage. My game menu is usually written in stone by this point... it currently sits at zero other than a few jotted down maybes. I really have no idea right now what I'll end up doing but I need to get it figured out soon.

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  5. On 1/22/2020 at 11:11 PM, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    With all respect, my father was Cherokee, born in the 1800's. 

    I don't know your age and I'm not gonna ask but... wow. I have to go all the way back to great-grandparents to get to the 1800's and I am not young.

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  6. 14 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    If I tried that I'd have chocolate all over my scale.


    It's actually pretty easy to avoid that. It was a little slower than the flood and scrape method initially but I've done it enough now that it's almost as fast and probably faster overall if you account for cleanup. Even if it's still a little slower, it's a price I'm willing to pay to avoid some cleanup. In a well equipped chocolate kitchen with all the big machines that make life easier, it would probably be less helpful... but that's not the environment I'm currently working in. :D

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  7. 1 hour ago, Pastrypastmidnight said:

    If I cap without acetate and work really quickly I can get almost no chocolate running down the sides of my mold, à la Susanna Yoon.

    That's pretty much the way I do it minus the fancy chocolate squirting machine. I'm pretty sure I've dedicated more time to figuring out ways to minimize the mess of chocolate work than I have to practicing techniques. I hate a big mess to clean up. When I do bars, there's no scraping at all involved. I toss the mold on a scale, add chocolate to the weight needed for that particular mold and just zero the scale and repeat for each cavity. I gave the acetate capping thing a try a few years ago and struggled mightily with it. I'm sure that was all me and I just needed to practice it more but I like the "just enough chocolate to fill the spaces" approach enough that I'll probably never get back to attempting the acetate again.

  8. I follow a few chocolate related instagrams. That's about it for food stuff. I keep saying I need to add more but I honestly only remember to check the ones I have now maybe once a week at best. I don't think I have any of my own posts on my Instagram, I mainly just made it to follow the already mentioned chocolate related stuff.

    • Like 2
  9. If you're not of the variety who finds evil in drinks from the sweeter side, there's a whole range of coconut drinks in tiki land. I have no opposition to sweetness in drinks but what Hassouni posted above sounds pretty tasty. Gonna have to give that one a try.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kerry Beal said:

    Dinner tonight with Bianca’s family.

    When you realize that meal you go to a fine dining restaurant and pay $200+ for is just weeknight dinner to people in Italy. :P

    1 hour ago, Kerry Beal said:

    He has 30 kg of baking in his bag.


    That's not a gift, that's bride price. :D

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  11. 13 hours ago, BottleRocket said:

    Thank you. I wondered if that was a thing. Would adding melted CB be before or after adding the silk? 

    Kerry is the better person to answer EZtemper questions but in situations like that, I usually just follow the recipe as written then add the 1% silk at the end. I don't even make adjustments to the cocoa butter which I realize means I'm adding a very small amount (proportionally) of extra cocoa butter in the form of silk. I figure we're adding that extra cocoa butter in every case because there's no other recipe adjustments for adding silk so I just don't worry about it and haven't noticed any negative effects from doing it. But like I said, when it comes to the EZtemper, I'd suggest going with what Kerry suggests. She knows the ins and outs of working with it more than anybody else.

  12. I come to look at all the nice food and then contribute nothing but a sandwich. :P Needed food for the college football championship game last night and didn't want a lot of work or a big mess. The game was in New Orleans and with Bama not in it, I decided to stick with the SEC and was pulling for LSU so the muffuletta seemed like the perfect solution. Instead of the traditional giant sandwich, I went with individual sized on ciabatta buns.


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  13. 10 hours ago, robirdstx said:

    Crispy Pork Carnitas Taco with Onion, Cilantro and Salsa Verde - one of two!

    Yes, please... but my brain doesn't comprehend tacos in numbers smaller than six and generally prefers larger numbers than that. :D

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  14. 8 hours ago, Rasmus said:

    But that's not the type of kitchen I am talking about here. I am thinking about restaurants with diverse menus, where each serving may be small (one person, often); small restaurants and restaurants that work with prepared dishes, that are done in a central kitchen elsewhere...

    I've never worked in the settings you describe so I can't be of much help in that area. There's only 2 possibilities really, either someone already thought of it and couldn't find a large enough market for it or there is a large enough market and nobody's recognized it and filled that void. If it's the second one, you just may be on to something.

  15. 5 hours ago, Rasmus said:

    My idea is that each shelf in an oven can have it's own temperature, which means that you only fire up what you need and can run unique environments, e.g. steam in one and hot air in another, etc. Technically it is probably independent ovens, that are stacked on top of each other, so the user would have to open a door for each "shelf"/oven. It just seems cheaper to run and give the chef more options...


    I assume these wouldn't be full size ovens in width and depth with just less vertical space or they wouldn't be much cheaper to run. They would probably be more costly to run once you were running more than one. The problem, outside of buying and wiring a bunch of single shelf ovens, is that you have a bunch of single shelf ovens. So you either have them all on or you hope you aren't busier than what you have on can handle or you're waiting (which means your customers are waiting) for additional ovens to heat when it's busier than anticipated. Even if it's a single unit with multiple independently controlled single shelf ovens built into it, that would only solve he wiring difficulty... the other problems would remain.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Rasmus said:

    My point is that a smaller version of that oven would also make more sense for a restaurant to use. Why not use three small ovens instead of one larger oven? Assuming they took about the same space, the main difference seems to be that the chef has to open three doors instead of one, and set three controls, instead of one. Is that really the reason though?


    Well, there's the part where 1/3 the size is not going to be 1/3 the cost but I don't know if you're factoring cost as an important consideration.

    • Like 1
  17. New Year's eve, no idea what or if I'm doing. New Year's day will be pork, greens, black eyed peas and corn bread in forms I can munch throughout the day while watching the Citrus, Rose and Sugar bowl games. It took me 5 days to eat the leftovers from Christmas dinner, I'm not doing another big dinner. I already pickled some collard greens with pearl onions and hot peppers. I'm making a salad tomorrow with the black eyed peas, the ol' "cowboy caviar" style. For the corn bread, I'm breaking out the cake pop baker. I'm gonna load the cavities with corn bread batter with a frozen ball of pimento cheese in the middle and bake them as needed. I'm still deciding what I want to do with pork. There will be the already mentioned pimento cheese in it's more natural state as well and I made some hot chow chow just because it's always been a part of the more traditional version of the New Year's meal for me. And I'm using a lot more sense with the quantities than I did at Christmas so I don't have to eat this stuff until I temporarily hate it. :D 

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  18. 3 hours ago, blue_dolphin said:

    I hesitate to post such trivia after reading @Tri2Cook's thoughtful words above

    Don't hesitate, that wasn't my intention at all. The girls don't always listen when I tell them not to spend money on me. Younger young'un went on a trip a couple months ago to visit a friend and she brought me a couple nice food-related gifts from a craft fair she attended while there. They just weren't given as holiday gifts or I would have posted it here. I enjoy the posts in this thread, seeing people happy about what they received is part of the joy of the season.

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  19. No food/drink related gifts this year. My only gift was seeing happy faces on the girls and grandsons. That's plenty gift enough for me. The older girl and her husband work hard to pay the bills and take care of their two boys, it doesn't leave a lot of extra. I insisted they just spend on the boys, there's nothing I might want that I would tell them about because I wouldn't want them to spend it on me. The younger girl is still in school. She works but doesn't make a lot, I told her not to spend it on me. In case it sounds like it, this is not complaining or bemoaning the Ghost of Christmas Disappointment. Entirely the opposite, in fact... I'm thankful for all that I have. The only thing that could make it better is if Ann was still here. Happy Holidays to all of my eGullet friends.

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