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Posts posted by Tri2Cook

  1. On 7/20/2019 at 9:52 AM, lemniscate said:

    First foray into Sauerbraten.

    This is amazing. I came to this thread entirely to ask about doing sauerbraten sous vide. I was unwilling to read through 49 pages of sous vide discussion and nothing came up for me via a search so I was just going to ask and here it is on the current last page of the discussion. So what was the verdict on the end result? Did it seem worth doing over more traditional methods? I was going to ask if doing the pre-marinade was necessary if the cook was going to go on for 48 hours or more but I guess the only way to really know would be to do one of each. Marinade one for a few days then plunk it in the tank along with one that went in the bag with the marinade just before cooking. I don't plan on doing it until cooler weather arrives even though there's really no good reason not to... it's just stuck in my head as a cooler weather meal along with bourguignon.

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  2. I haven't noticed getting more but when I went to the local Chinese restaurant and ordered Szechuan noodles extra spicy they were always much more spicy than when my wife went there and ordered them to bring home for me. I thought maybe it was the way we worded the order but she always said she told them the same thing I did... you can't make them too spicy*. 

    *I realize that can be a dangerous challenge to issue but I know the local restaurants and what they work with so it was a safe thing to say in this case. :D

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    A lot messy to eat though!

    Messes are a small matter when they result in a smile like that. And with that, another recipe added to the lineup. At the current recipes in vs recipes out rate, I'm gonna have to assign someone the job of completing the list as a condition to getting whatever little I manage to leave them in my will. :D

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  4. 3 hours ago, Anna N said:

    I am surprised you did not notice the watermelon right next to the pork steaks. What do you think this might portend in our future?

    While I've learned better than to think I know what you two may or may not get up to, I feel safe saying it won't involve having a hole cut and an upturned bottle of booze plugged in. :D

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  5. Nice review so I hate to criticize the reviewer but it looks like I'm (possibly unjustifiably) going to anyway...

    "The meal ends with a sort of haute parfait: a single dish packed with cherries, almond cream, yogurt mousse, a cherry-hibiscus gelee, milk crumb and a cherry-hibiscus macaron. After the meticulously composed savory courses, it is a whirlwind of flavors and textures when, really, I just want another doughnut."

    That reads to me like a politely stated "I'm not a dessert guy". I have no idea if that's the case or not, just has that feel to it. If it is the case, nothing's gonna make him be a dessert guy. But if you're not a dessert guy, why include the dessert as part of your review? A restaurant has no control over whether or not a person is into dessert, they're just serving you what you ordered (the tasting menu in this case, which includes dessert). Or maybe I'm just overly touchy on that subject because desserts are what I really enjoy doing and I got a bit fed-up with the dessert backlash thing where everybody was suddenly too cool for cake and ice cream and complained about silly things like "well the candy was delicious but it was sweet". :D

    • Like 7
  6. 4 hours ago, Tiffany B said:

    I need 160 bonbons painted like soccer balls and only have 6 semi-sphere molds (24 cavities each)

    So close... thinking about doing cleanup twice for the same job to get 16 more pieces would probably have me seeing if I could get one more mold in time. But that's just my dislike of the cleanup talking, not an actual suggestion. :D

    • Like 2
  7. 15 hours ago, paulraphael said:

    There are a few sellers on Amazon. I bought this version.

    The best deal I've found so far for a Canadian source is 1/4 that amount for about 2x the price. Any better deals I found from the US either don't ship to Canada or charge enough to more than wipe out any savings with the shipping cost. 

  8. So the trehalose is proving to be the only tough one. I can get everything else I don't already have in smallish quantities. I used to go for the bigger containers with specialty ingredients but not so much anymore. Looking at the large amount of lots of things I'll probably never use up I have sitting around has tempered that tendency. But we'll see if I can talk myself into it.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, fondue said:

    "Texane" - with ground beef and mushrooms

    I haven't tried that but I have to confess that I don't hate a pizza with ground beef (actual ground beef, not that pizza topping beef most places use) and lots of green onions. I wouldn't try to pass it off as a real pizza but it is tasty.

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  10. 7 hours ago, paulraphael said:

    I'm sure there's a range of preference regarding texture. You can adjust for more or less creaminess just by varying the amount of inulin. You shouldn't have to compensate by changing anything else.

    I wouldn't say it's a preference, it's just what I thought a sorbet texture was supposed to be because it's what they pretty much always are. That doesn't mean it can't be better. Intensely fruity, not overly sweet with a creamy smooth texture sounds good to me. Looks like at least some of the ingredients I don't already have are available through Modernist Pantry, I haven't had time to do a thorough check yet.

  11. 5 hours ago, pastrygirl said:

    nobody says, 'come work with us, we're assholes, you'll hate it' …

    Can I borrow that? If I ever take the step to having an actual business, that will be exactly my recruiting slogan. I don't think I'm actually an asshole, at least, I hope I'm not, but I figure anybody that shows up for an interview despite that slogan will probably get along with my sense of humor just fine. It can be a bit irreverent at times... :D

    • Haha 4
  12. That's interesting. I've honestly never thought about the short texture and lack of creaminess in most sorbets as a flaw. I just assumed that's what a sorbet is, a different critter than ice cream or sherbet. But I like that you decided that's not what it has to be and went after a solution. While my geekery cabinet is pretty solid, I'd still have to add a few things to be able to try your recipe. If the ingredients I'm missing are easy to find and not too expensive, I just might give it a go. Every now and then, I miss lab coat cooking. :D

  13. Wendy's claim to fame is "hot and juicy" and, while I haven't eaten at every Wendy's or even eaten at any Wendy's often, my experience with their burgers is that they are generally exactly that. Whether or not one likes their burgers, I find them acceptable, no worse than most fast food burgers and better than some, is a different story. All of that is with the disclaimer that there is no Wendy's anywhere near where I live now so I haven't been to one in a long time. Most of the chain places that used to be acceptable or even good have caved to the bean counters over time with an accompanying decline in quality so it may have happened with Wendy's as well.


    On 7/20/2019 at 9:52 PM, JoNorvelleWalker said:

    Someone I used to know who worked at Wendy's told me about Blattodea and the ice cream machine.


    Extra protein, no extra charge... :raz: :D


  14. 7 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    Saw this at Barney's - still a deal - just not the kind of deal we got before.

    I didn't know Bob's Red Mill carried that. We have a surprisingly extensive (for where I live) Bob's rack at the local grocery store but it doesn't contain that particular item. A quick check with google shows that price to be about 4 for the price of 1 from the online vendors so if you found an even better bargain, that's awesome.

  15. Is it possible for the cocoa butter and milk that the upper number is their minimum and the lower number is the target? The minimum being there to head off complaints if they don't hit the target perfectly and somebody notices (and we all know someone would notice) and the target being there so they can call it a "xx% white chocolate" in their advertising? The fat column is just a breakdown of the total fat which is really just an unnecessary repeat for white chocolate since all of the cocoa content will be fat and we could just add the cocoa butter and milk fat from the other two columns ourselves.

    • Like 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Kerry Beal said:

    It's the blower on them that calls out to me!

    Yeah, I noticed that too. I know nothing about panning but I'd like to have a way to get some kind of protective coating on gummies so they're not sticky. But I have some essentials that need to be ticked off the list before any toys can be considered. Toys won't do me much good without a place to use them. :D

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  17. 2 hours ago, Anna N said:

    I will admit to being a food snob at one time but  maturity mellows one and frailty seasons one and old age allows one to do whatever the hell one pleases within one’s physical limitations.  And hunger tames snobbery any day of the week.

    I didn't like Spam before it was cool to not like it. Even as a kid, I had to fry it until nobody else considered it edible and then drown it in mustard. Hunger definitely tames snobbery when there are 5 kids and not a huge food budget and the rule is eat what's served or don't eat but I've never looked down my nose at Spam, I just don't like it. And as the years pile on more quickly than it seems like they should, I'm beginning to see the truth of your above words. I've definitely reached a point where I really don't care what anybody else thinks about what I eat as long as I enjoy it. 10 years ago, I would still have enjoyed those things... but I wouldn't have told anybody. :D

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  18. I suspect most of this stuff will go well beyond what my budget would allow but one of those 12" "R&D" panning units would probably be fun to play around with. Fortunately, I have too much on my "need" list right now to get my chocolate work area the way I want it to be looking at fun toys so there's no temptation to even try.

  19. On 7/12/2019 at 12:23 PM, Anna N said:

     rice in the refrigerator dries out


    On 7/13/2019 at 5:23 AM, shain said:

    For me the issue is rather one of texture. As Anna said, rice dries out

    And at that point becomes perfect for making non-gloopy fried rice! :D I don't think I've ever made rice with the intention of it sitting in the fridge for 5 - 6 days, though I'm sure it's happened a few times, but I always make it a couple days ahead if fried rice is in the plans. 

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