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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. I have a weakness for the convenience store frozen burrito. I'm not proud of my guilty pleasure and I'm even less proud that I've ate enough to know by name which ones I'll eat and which I won't... but there it is. If it redeems me any, myself and those around me usually suffer a penance when I indulge my guilty pleasure.
  2. Tri2Cook

    Dinner! 2012

    Sorry, didn't grab any other pics. I served it with the usual suspects: garlic mashed, peas from the garden, a nice jus and yorkies. I cooked it at 170 f (as low as my home overn goes) and went to 125 f with it, it was cooked pretty evenly throughout. The very ends went to 130 f in the oven but nothing went over that. I'm going to cut the nice, rare center section into some thick steaks to flash on the grill tonight and then try to get creative with the rest of the leftover meat for the next few days.
  3. Tri2Cook

    Dinner! 2012

    Not the entire dinner but dinner will include this 20 lb meat coma inducing boneless rib roast that was seared on the grill, rubbed down with a mixture of roasted garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and low-and-slowed in the oven all day. Just for reference, that's an 18"x12" pan it's sitting on. I'm going to be hurting later...
  4. There's a pectin glaze in Pierre Herme's La Patisserie that he used on most of the fruit-topped items in the book. I'd have to look it up if you're interested, I haven't had that book out in years, but I remember it being very shiny with the added benefit of being pretty tasty too. I honestly don't rememer if there was room to work fruit purees into it or not but I can't think of any reason why you couldn't with a little playing around.
  5. Went with the Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails version of the Jasper's Jamaican. Equal parts dark Jamaican rum (I used Appleton Extra because that's what I have) and Jasper's Secret Mix (a mixture of lime juice, sugar, a healthy dose of Angostura bitters and freshly grated nutmeg) with crushed ice. Very tasty. The Angostura makes it's presence known in a nice way. Seems to give an illusion of dryness that I wouldn't have expected looking at the recipe if that makes sense.
  6. That's awesome Kerry. Looks like they're having a lot of fun.
  7. It was stated that the chicken is used as a filling, maybe the final product requires some form of cooking after being filled that has nothing to do with whether or not the chicken is precooked.
  8. Yep. In a production facility working on that scale with product not processed in-house, I'd say those are the only realistic solutions.
  9. Tri2Cook

    Savory peach ideas

    I don't have an actual recipe, I pretty much wing it because what goes in depends on what I'm using them with, but I do keep the sugar way lower than traditional recipes. I don't do mine for long-term storage, I keep them in the cooler. I've done them with red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar and cider vinegar and alter the spices for the flavor profile I want. I sometimes include fresh herbs as well. Water, vinegar and salt are the base. Sugar (sometimes white, sometimes other) is always in there but the amount varies by the sweetness of the peaches and the end result I want. Peppercorns are usually in there. I don't always use "sweet" spices (cinnamon, cloves, etc.). Mustard seeds and dried chilies are nice additions. I've played around with adding different wines to the brine to match the vinegar. I have bourbon pickled peaches (hoping for something similar to a peach shrub with bourbon end result) floating around in my head but haven't done it yet.
  10. Tri2Cook

    Savory peach ideas

    Sorry Matt, I probably wasn't clear on that but the chive blossoms weren't pickled. That's a change I have planned for the next variation. I'm just going to give them a very quick blanch and chill then toss them in the jars with the peaches and pickle it all together.
  11. Tri2Cook

    Savory peach ideas

    This is from a few years ago, that's my excuse for that plate, but I still do variations on it. Pork belly on a salad of diced peaches, dandelion greens and chive blossoms dressed with olive oil, salt and pepper. The clear liquid is a pickled peach consomme that adds a punch of peach flavor while the acidity does dual-duty of cutting through the fattiness of the pork belly and combining with the oil-dressed salad to form a vinaigrette of sorts. The incarnation I'm working on now involves using an onion syrup I made as part of the pickled peach recipe and pickling the chive blossoms with the peaches. I plan to serve the pork with the actual pickled peaches instead of doing a consomme with them. I'm thinking I'm also going to replace the dandelion with braised mustard seeds in this, probably bite-sized, version. Anyway... it's savory peaches.
  12. The people that make blue curacao?
  13. If Katie's mixing, I'd go to the viewing party. But the show itself? Same as it ever was.... The evil b (expletive omitted). The fat dude too. The mediocre chick that thinks she's hot. The complete idiot and the rest are here on Gillig... errr... Gordon's Isle.
  14. That one sounds kinda scary to me... but you've given me some good recommendations so I'm going to give it a try.
  15. I like the PB&B but I like to mash the peanut butter and banana together in a bowl before spreading it on the bread/toast.
  16. So when's the baby due? I usually prefer my PB&J's hold the J but I sometimes throw some locally made (not by me) pincherry or blueberry jelly on there just for a change. I had a friend where I used to live that made strawberry-fig jam from berries and figs she grew in her yard and muscadine jelly from muscadines that grew in the woods around where she lived. I liked both with peanut butter but there are no fig trees or muscadines where I live now so I haven't had those in a while.
  17. I do like a gin and tonic. Fortunately, I like them even when it's not hot because we had snow most of the morning after 2 days of heavy rain. The snow didn't stick around but there's a frost warning for tonight. Gotta cover the tomatoes and herbs.
  18. The lactate-gluconate is pretty much undetectable taste-wise, the lactate slightly less so but still infinitely better than calcium chloride (which is absolutely horrible). Other than that, in some cases you may need to use a little more lactate-gluconate as it contains less calcium by volume than lactate. I've rarely found that necessary in real-world use though. Usually you can 1:1 lactate and lactate-gluconate. There will be very few (if any) cases where you will notice the difference taste-wise in actual use so I would disagree that you actually "need" both. If you're uncomfortable with having to make an adjustment and/or will be extremely disappointed over failures if something happens to not 1:1, having both means you can just exactly follow established and tested recipes designed for either. Edit: should have known the CI guys would already have it covered... good find Chris!
  19. Cream, Nutella and a little sugar... whipped. Works nice with many things banana.
  20. And, when you get tired of looking at it, the Northern Ontario Scavenger will offer to take it off your hands. No thrift stores up here, gotta do my bargain hunting long distance. Seriously though, the bug to play with it again will hit. You'll probably figure out a way to whip up a batch of cotton candy and cover it in chocolate.
  21. Had a lot of fun following along this week+... sorry to see it wrap up.
  22. Tri2Cook

    Dinner! 2012

    T-Bones on the grill. Foil wrapper filled with sliced potatoes and onions with butter and smoked salt on the grill. Fresh fiddleheads boiled and tossed with salt, butter and a bit of lemon juice. Inspired by Kerry and Anna in the currently running blog, I made some scones but left out the dried fruit and worked in some crumbled blue cheese. Completed it all with a cooler of assorted beers. I won't try to pretend I plated it up pretty or anything, everybody just grabbed what they wanted and tore into it, so I didn't bother with pictures.
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