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Everything posted by Tri2Cook

  1. In Migoya's Frozen Desserts, the recipes are based on 5 kg batches. You have to scale them down for smaller batches or home use.
  2. Yes... but you'll have to message me your email address.
  3. Do you just need the Workbook recipe file or both it and the Notes From the Kitchen recipe file? I have both... along with about 45 individual pdfs from the sites. I think the collection files pretty much encompass the individual files I have but I haven't got around to checking to make sure so I'm still hanging on to them.
  4. Nice shortbreads Kerry. Is the recipe he gave you a secret? Oh, and if I make it to 94, that's how I'm going to eat too... just whatever I damn well want to! Ann_T: that coconut cream pie looks delicious.
  5. I didn't really use a source to figure it out, just read the manufacturer specs for both and tried it. The 16 isn't going to last forever and I'm not sure about getting more so I've tried a few things subbing one for the other and had no problems. I'm sure there are some cases where it would matter because they list as having a different final viscosity but, so far, they've proven interchangeable for what I've done with them.
  6. I used these silicon mini savarin molds. I have a container of the SG-A16 that I got directly from DOW but you can sub the SG-A7C without problems for this application. The SG-A7C is easy to find. I'm assuming you know that the result of this recipe is nothing at all like a molten chocolate cake. It's a breaded, fried ganache with some stabilizers to keep it together while frying. They would, as pastrygirl said, work well as centers for the cakes (in which case, I'd just do them in small sphere molds) and they're fun to do as a standalone project but they're a different critter than what you were initially asking about.
  7. If you don't order your burgers rare, it doesn't cause you any risk if someone else does... so a rule like that doesn't really benefit you in any way and not having that rule doesn't harm you in any way.
  8. I didn't see anything to make it a guilty pleasure... until the edit.
  9. I've done Johnny Iuzzini's fried ganache doughnuts, the recipe works perfectly. The same ganache would probably work great in a molten cake... but I think it would be overkill. A ball of basic standard chocolate ganache in the batter works great. A ganache center makes molten cakes much more consistent in my opinion. You're not relying on uncooked batter to get a liquid center which gives more wiggle-room on bake and hold times. And at home, leftover cakes can be zapped in the microwave for a few seconds and the ganache will soften again. They aren't quite as nice as fresh-baked but still very edible.
  10. I wasn't paying attention and let the deadline sneak up on me so I missed the last round. I did the round before that. They're still a little scary to me because I'm definitely a novice with drinks but I've made a deal with myself that I'll only do these if I make up my own drinks. I'm not real confident about putting my creations out there for all to see at this point. TGRWT and the other online cooking challenges that I used to enjoy are all but non-existent now so I've kinda adopted MxMo as the vehicle to force myself to do something creative once in a while. I try not to worry about my skill level and just have fun. I'm hoping to come up with something for this one...we'll see how it goes.
  11. They weren't guilty pleasures in college, they were survival rations. I used to cook and drain the ramen noodles, scramble the seasoning packet into a couple eggs and stir fry the eggs and noodles together.
  12. Nope. I usually skipped (I haven't made Kraft mac & cheese in a while) the milk altogether. Just added a little extra butter (okay, margarine) instead. Just in case it was too healthy their way I guess.
  13. At least your motives for using commercial orgeat are pure. My only excuse is laziness. Despite what looking at my booze cabinet would suggest, I really don't drink very often (actually, a close look would reveal just how much is not missing from most of the bottles) so shelf life of homemade orgeat is an issue. I got tired of making orgeat and then throwing most of it away a couple weeks later. So I use commercial.
  14. When I lived where Sonic's exist, a jalapeno cheeseburger, tater tots and a peanut butter shake were not at all rare for me... but I didn't feel the least bit guilty about it.
  15. Mom's beef vegetable. There was nothing unusual or fancy about it, it was just good. I've tried recreating it without ever getting it exactly right. There was no recipe but I watched her make it many times... maybe it's just in my head that I can't get it right.
  16. I think I'd do it. When I moved away from the part-time catering I was doing to be able to dedicate more time to the restaurant where I work, I had catering customers asking if I'd do something like that. I semi-considered it but never actually did it. The main thing that stopped me is my house is kinda small and not really suited to it for other reasons (her cats, for example). But, if I had the right venue to do it, I'd very seriously think about it.
  17. I like the sound of this... and it led me to wonder about doing the same thing with pretzels. I don't have a gadget that's going to get things as smooth as what you're doing but I'm tempted to do some playing around just to check out the flavors and I'll worry about the texture once I decide if I like the result.
  18. Tri2Cook

    Carrot Cake

    Me too. No leavening unless the egg whites get whipped and a high ratio of fat... so it's going to be on the heavy end of the carrot cake spectrum. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. I like dense, moist cakes. Hopefully we get a report.
  19. Tri2Cook

    Carrot Cake

    Your recipe uses... flour 200 g carrot 200 g sugar 150 g butter 150 g ...for a total of 700 g base ingredients. The recipe in question uses... flour 600 g carrot 500 g sugar 300 g butter 500 g ...for a total of 1900 g base ingredients. Plus they're adding 100 ml of liquid (orange juice) not called for in your recipe. That would put their base at just under 3x your recipe and using just over 3x the amount of egg. A bit heavy but not unreasonable, especially if the egg standard where the recipe originated isn't "large". I haven't tried the recipe but I'm completely confident that 10/units is meant to be 10 eggs.
  20. Something like that is definitely worth mentioning. In fact, that would have been sent straight back if it were me. I want to know about my mistakes (although your example can't be written off as a mistake, it sounds like plain old sloppiness to me). I'd much rather have a customer let me know about something I did wrong than have them leave unhappy. There's a big difference between what you described and something like "my spinach wasn't the shade of green I prefer" or "the cherry tomatoes didn't match my tie" or "one of the shrimp was 1/16" longer than the others". Unfortunately, it's more common for the second type of person to be the one that says something.
  21. Tri2Cook

    Carrot Cake

    "Eggs 10/units" would be 10 eggs. Doesn't sound too unreasonable with the other measurements given.
  22. Awesome cake! That topper is a miniature of Steve Vai's heart-shaped Ibanez triple neck that he used when playing with David Lee Roth and Whitesnake in the late 80's. Apologies if I sound like an excited fan... it's just because I am.
  23. He found his cash cow and milked it 'til it kicked... exactly what I would do in the same situation.
  24. Yogurt, cream, non-fat dry milk powder and sorbet syrup (water, sugar, glucose powder, stabilizer) works great. I'm sure it would work just as well using a simple syrup instead of the sorbet syrup but I usually have the sorbet syrup on hand so that's what I use. Fruit puree can be worked in with a little adjusting. I find fruit puree and plain yogurt gives better flavor results than using a fruit yogurt as the base.
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