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Posts posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. Takadi good for you ..you are on your way to making wonderful soil and reducing waste!!! ...dont spend money to compost short of buying a bin if you want .you can make a great bin with scrap wood if you want to ..it kind of defeats the purpose to spend bucks on compost that is supposed to be free wonderful soil!

    Anne I use coffee grounds you are right we have so many worms in the compost heap I was thinking of selling them to the bait shop! ..well look where I live!!! we drink so much here it is becoming and issue in the Puget Sound ..our fish are getting a bit speedy!

    our soil is very acidic (that is why we all grow great hydrangas, azaleas and Rhodies....but that also makes the plants uptake the toxic substances in the soil so I have to add lime ..I use the coffee grounds in the compost piles and then when I mix it into the soil I use lime to bring the pH up for the edibles

    my garden is insane if you want to see my progress please feel free to click below

    we are expecting great weather the next few days so I have a lot of thinning and need to eliminate this insane grass..

    I am going to adopt a milk goat and three laying chickens this summer to help me with the weeds ..grass...blackberries and to provide some natural fertilizer (not that I really need it )

    lets see pics Magictofu ..everyone do you have pictures to share?

  2. wow I lived there for three years and never covered the stores like that ..of course when I lived there there were not too many choices especially of organic foods . ... I did find out you can catch crawfish (and catfish) in any pond or lake ... ..permits needed..but watch out for snakes!

    I also know mequite beans make decent wine

    Good luck!

  3. Strawberry rhubarb lassi for two

    in the blender

    1 cup ice cold buttermilk

    2 cups rhubarb/strawberries stewed with some sugar and chilled

    no pics sorry it was in a glass and pink! if you love rhubarb this is really very good ...the buttermilk is better than regular milk in there that is for sure!

  4. I agree with Rob Cayote Cafe is good ..but for a really really good New Mexican meal with low riders in the parking lot and the best damn salsa in the state you must try Angelina's

    it is just outside Santa Fe prices are awesome ..atomsphere pretty simple nothing to brag about ..but the food ..they make a lamb and green chile stew that is beyond local! ...very very good

    will you be in Santa Fe for Fiesta? we go every year it is a blast!

    if you like silver jewelery go to the Native American museum downtown Santa Fe for the best bargains

    for AZ you should go south ...Phoenix is not my favorite place (applogies to everyone who loves it) but do the drive see the sights and stop on the reservations to check out the food in the grocery stores...

    check out Bisbee...

    go to chile factory

    in Tumacacori

    not far from the Nogales boarder

    there is so much I have to think and since I am at work it is all consuming now

  5. Basil will grow all summer if it is not allowed to bolt (bloom and go to seed -- once they go to seed their life cycle is over, and the basil just gets bitter). 

    What about sage, rosemary, tarragon, etc... do you allow them to bloom? TIA


    PS: This is my first post, sorry if I am not doing it right.

    Welcome your post was perfect and I am biased but posting in gardening is a great place to get started I think! I am not Batard but ...I do let my herbs flower ..it is part of the charm of these plants ..very good for the bees and butterflies... they love the herb blooms ..

    I harvest the new tender shoots before, after and during the blooming and use the blooms in salads and to garnish plates...

    the sweet woodruff is blooming today I will pick some and add it to a bottle of vodka ..in six months I will have a wonderful fragrant drink ..it is so easy to grow ..low ground cover ...loves shade and makes a great infused vodka!

  6. Import I wish I could direct you I am sorry .....

    maybe in the local hardware store/feed store/plant nursery on the bulletin board

    I want to rant

    I curse whomever brought morning glory, buttercup and scotts broom to Western WA ...unbelievable what damage they can do in a yard! pulling them out ruins my babies I am trying to nurture ...and leaving them chokes everything to death ..there is no medium with these horrible plants!

    ok done ranting

    I love the smell of my sesame leaf plants I hope they take off anyone grown these any advice appreciated! ...I am so excited I found them ..there are some at HMart in Federal Way now and they also have some korean peppers (I have sworn off ever planting peppers ever ever again) ...set out by the door last time I looked...

    lots of Asian Markets have potted plants for sale right now ...in fact if you are really lucky you can find a keffir lime ..(I killed mine last year and am on the hunt for another) ..it is all hit and miss but fun looking for them anyway

    I am trying to get star anise to sprout has anyone ever done that?

    peanuts are doing amazingly well I hope I get a pot full

    ok the potatoes I cut up from the grocery store are growing so fast I can watch them ..the seed potatoes are way behind but doing well ...

    I went to the The Portland Ave Nursery today and was very much in control ...it is such a nice place and quite reasonable in the big picture since the plants are so healthy ... so I ended up wiht all kinds of tomatoes including the isis candy (thanks!)

    black cherry tomatoes (just sounded good) , early girls, Ukrainian black Roma (they sounded awesome blackish romas that grow up to 6 oz in 70 days I am being positive here) I hope they grow well..I am thinking to go back and get some more actually....somehow a big red something (can not remember the name and lost the stick) snuck in my box .... so it will be a surprise ...I guess someone wanted it so it might just be a score and they put it in the wrong basket? ..

    even though it is early and I am taking a chance ..they were tall so I went ahead and planted them ..I will cover them at night and think they will be fine ..unless we get more hail :sad:

    how are you guys doing?

    please share ? :wub:

  7. I agree most salmon battered and fried sucks but panko cooks crispy so fast that it is just perfect ..use a nice thick filet and hot hot oil get them in crispy and out ..then eat them right away ...I love it this way ..panko done like it says on the package makes a nice shell so it protects the fish from the oil

    Thank you so much Peter the Eater that garden is my haven in life! I am going to add more pictures tomorrow as it has just burst the past few days :wub: I have dreams of this place a person could just get lost in wandering around ...there is so much work to do ..but I digress completely off topic .....

    to answer yes I add lots of garden herbs to my tartar sauce ..

    this recipe is pretty much exactly what I do but since I never do it exactly the same I found this to be close so you could try it if you like


    my changes are I double the amount for sure ..I love it on everything ..

    use half sour cream(or Greek yogurt) and half mayo

    it is nice because the sauce can morph with the season depending on the herbs available ...

    when tarragon comes in to the garden I will use it..or dill ..right now I have tons of parsley chives and fresh thyme (they are all going crazy out there!) so that is what I am using for this sauce

    and I like lots of fresh cracked pepper in it

    I know folks dont jump on fried salmon but the panko works I promise! as I said just get it in and out of the hot oil fast!

    hope you like it!

  8. that looks wonderful!!! I loved your idea of the cake on the bottom and did not have the stuff I needed for cake so used biscuit dough the cream dumped on top was to die for!

    I love this senior thread it is a wonderful job you do for sure

    my son cooked in an assisted living for quite a while and adored his job...they had very little money to work with so he garnished everything (he has a knack for that) ... everyone just loved it... ...he really was bummed when the budget was cut and he was low man ...he still talks about the folks there

    thanks for the cake idea

  9. ok I dont get to watch a lot of TV but I think I just saw it ...am I wrong or is that commercial ...(some sort of Lays chips in small bags) ...with that little pissed off man accusing his wife of buying the small bag of chips because he is miniature ...that has to be worst of the worst commercials ....

    why on earth do they think that will sell chips?

    ETA that Burger King is very creepy I agree so is that Jack in the Box thing with the plastic ball head

  10. this is my favorite recipe sweet dough

    if you already make donuts then try this

    save the water from the next time you make boiled potatoes mix it well with your salt, sugar, yeast, a pinch of ground mace and about 1/4 cup of finely pureed potato..use that in place of milk..buttermilk or water in your next batch of yeast donuts make a sponge first then add your flour ..being careful not to add too much flour...knead well and let the dough sit in the fridge at least over night ..

    they have a most awesome texture and flavor

  11. my favorite "everyday" salmon is boneless fresh filets dipped in spicy panko crumbs deep fried and then eaten with homemade tartar sauce

  12. What are ya waiting for?  Throw something in there.  You don't necessarily have to eat it!

    I cant take this peer pressure anymore!! :biggrin:

    Maybe I'll throw a piece of salmon or something in there...Heck, I started this stupid thread, I should be the one to try it....

    I'll report back when I get some salmon...or short ribs...lamb?

    whatever seal it tightly do not let bacteria in ..and let us (pictures would be great) know I do not want to pick up my grass and make a pile of it ...if this does not work!

  13. today's haul

    for breakfast I took your great idea Calipoutine!!! just did not have cake so made biscuit dough

    1 recipe basic buttermilk biscuits crumbled up in the bottom of a buttered baking dish

    toss about 1/2 cup vanilla sugar (maybe a little more) into

    3 cups of diced rhubarb

    spread on top of the buttermilk biscuit crumbles

    and just poured cream over the top!

    baked until done it is a creamy sweet tart upside down cobbler

    fanflippingtastic breakfast thank you!

    I love rhubarb and it is coming in like crazy!!! you guys don't die out me the season just began!

    I am going to try the coconut cream with agar and cut it into cubes maybe?

  14. you are making me want to try this you know

    I am just seriously not going to tell my husband ..but he hates yard work so it is not like he will even have a clue

    but no vacuum sealer ..and I can not imagine putting food in if it was not sealed ..that would be disgusting ...do you think you could seal a bag with one of those cheapo glad sealers tight enough so none of that rot gets into the food?

    it is like sous vide?

    just put a probe thermometer in it so the alarm goes off if it gets too cool maybe?

    how hot does a crockpot go I have no idea?

  15. OMG this is so funny I can not imagine why I had not thought of this!!! oh yeah the bacteria! what about all the vacuum sealed bag folks? you could seal your bags around the food then put it inside the compost heap or pile of heating grass ...

    I dont mean to laugh but I have done some crazy cooking ...my solar oven (in the Western WA :raz: )..cooking on a sidewalk in AZ oh yeah I have done a lot of things ....this somehow escaped me!

    stick a thermometer in the heap of hot grass...seal your food ..tuck it in there and voila'

    compost heap culinaria!

    do not tempt me my husband will make me move

  16. salt pepper and red chile you have enough flavor in the brine ..nothing else if this is your first taste make it simple! ...no baking powder either..just flour .. ..pat the pieces dry and then I single dip ..but if you want to double dip ..dust with flour then dip in the eggwash and dust again ..some folks dry the chicken ..I dont ..

    I dust with seasoned flour and fry until crispy and brown

    chicken should be room temp when frying and I either deep fry

    or crowd a deep iron skillet turning one time when the bottom is perfectly cooked lid on for a few min of cooking

    can not wait to hear how it turns out

  17. after working with the sourdough ..finding my bread baking Zen and baking bread enough bread on the grill (because I loved that woodsmoke flavor and texture of the crust) ...I have resorted to rereading my old Mother Earth News (again) and my husband and I are goign to build an outdoor bread/pizza oven this summer ...just a small one....it is so worth it I think and the cost/space is minimal after looking at what it takes ...

    I have used wet chips on the gas grill to make pizza but never in the oven ....and usually have been baking bread on the woodburning grill because the flavor was so much better

  18. that is true it was like a slurpy machine I guess any frozen drink would go into it but you could make one that did not freeze drinks that is for sure ..and no it would not be like a wonderful shaken or stirred drink but for some folks in some places it would be fun I think

    I do not like frozen drinks at all ..you can not taste the ingredients if they are frozen

  19. "Fantastic news! Proves people actually want this. Do you have any more details about this, did people actually ask "a margarita from the machine"?

    (also it means I ought to go and find out about that machine)"

    yes they did especially after I made the margaritas that night ..I don't know what to say about it ..I dont know the company that made it and this was many years ago ...however it was big and flashy and in a place that served great BBQ ..as said above you need to consider the clientele... this was not high end dining that is for sure ..it was rough and tough BBQ lots of people eating lots off food.... drinking beer ...and margaritas! they pushed them as the best in Arizona and like I said the night I made them they were!!! it was not any special mix they put in there just a good one we all tried and liked ...I just missed the part about it having tequila already in it ...

    big flashy machine with the name of the restaurant and "ENDLESS MARGARITA'S" on it

    tacky yes ..did it sell ..yes like crazy ...the price was good because of the cost of the mixer was low plus they were served in a glass you could take home

  20. I think you're overthinking this just a little.  You're working on theory, but have you actually tasted real fried chicken?  How about fried chicken without skin?  Nevermind about all the moisture loss and heat diffusion...how about what it tastes like?  Skin is a whole other component, that people eat.  Yes it gets crispy under the batter.  The batter clings to it and forms a crispy crunchy jacket.

    When I hear "fried chicken", it calls to mind a certain product, the Southern US style.  If you're going for something different, then okay.  But, I see you're thinking of flour and buttermilk and all, so I assume you're aiming for Southern Fried Chicken.  That product is leagues away from a boneless, skinless, chunk of brined and sous-vided chicken.  What you're concocting sounds alright, tasty, but not "fried chicken".  Did you find that "Cook off" thread I mentioned?

    I completely agree with this ..after making wonderful fried chicken for about 30 years I am thinking as well that you are overthinking or (giving you the benifit of doubt) trying for something else other than what we think of as fried chicken?

    intact chicken is what real fried chicken are all about removing the skin and bone gives you as Lilija says "nuggets"

    I dont even get the idea of sous-vided chicken? why????

    find the thread it is all about making fantastic fried chicken!

  21. I have to say my step mother ...man she started off rough in the kitchen ..she married my dad when she was only 26 and we were hitting puberty ..she wanted to pack a lunch for us every day and just put sandwiches in paper bags with an apple and whatever else was on hand ..celery sticks ..carrots sticks she would neatly cut them up and just toss them in the bag..she absolutely did not know to wrap anything in anything ..not the sandwich not the carrots ..nothing was wrapped in the bag... what surprises we had when we opened our lunches after the bouncy bus ride to school! ..she made beef stew one time and we had to use a knife and fork to eat it ..it was a loaf! ..she also taught me that when you bake an apple pie you really should add sugar ..she made four one day and opted to leave the sugar out because it was "bad for us" ...she tried so hard to make good meals but really had no talent at all in the beginning...

    she did however after a few years totally master good Providence style Italian dishes and now whenever we get together we cook .... both of us have bonded over her early faux paux's in the kitchen ..we still laugh about those school lunches ...

    I adore my step mother and her early efforts in the kitchen have given our family years of laughter

    later I found out her mom had no sense of taste and really did not cook so she had no idea about food and learned about it after she married my father and had to feed us kids ...

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