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Posts posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. I made Steven Raichlen's Duckling La'Orange from his Beer Can Chicken book and it was the best preparation of duck I have had outside of a few restaurants.  The skin was crispy, the meat was juicy and had the right amount of orange flavor.  The Apricot Orange Sauce was the perfect accompiament.  You basically are roasting the duck upright on a beer can on a grill.  If you don't have a grill or don;t like grilling in the winter you could easily use the same technique in the oven.

    You end up taking a "tall boy" beer can filling it with beer and orange soda. The steam from this mixture keeps the duck moist while the heat from the grill prefectly crisps the skin.  You need to poke holes in the skin before you cook it and about 45 minutes into the cooking time.  The result is a perfectly cooked duck with a crisy skin. 

    I will likely try other preperations using the same technique. You could easily experiment with various rubs, marinades, and beer can ingredients.

    The recipe is available for free on his website:


    I am going to try this tonight!

    I have been yearning for duck lately

    this really sounds good

    anyone have any advice? should I steam it before I roast it (I am doing this in the oven instead of on the grill) temp ideas? or should I just follow the recipe as it is written?

  2. I have my own coffee perfection in a cup right this second!

    we finally found our momentum with home roasting ...timing age ...omg I am truly happy right now with my favorite cup looking out at the Salish Sea...reading Egullet and planning a Portuguese feast ..with some most amazing friends... for this Saturday night

    Panama Peaberry ...med dark roast....made in a moka pot ..served with a shameful amt of heated heavy cream ..no sugar

    it may not be everyone's choice ..but for me ..a true from the breast to the bean raised woman ...it is bliss ...


    thanks Jon :) if you had not pushed me to home roast I would not be here now with this brilliant cup of wonderful in my hands!!!

  3. that is beautiful ..I took my time this year and made a wonderful batch of paste out of our tomatoes then made a wrong turn in the kitchen tripped over air ..and promptly sent it flying across the kitchen floor ...

    I am beyond depressed at all the work ..all the tomatoes and all the mess I had to clean

    but yours does inspire for next year ...such a beautiful result!!! thanks for sharing

  4. this is not attractive but very practical and if you dont want to spend $$$ for a storage system that will not do any better than this ...well try it! ..onions are easy put them in a pair of panty hose (it is the ONLY way those things are allowed in my house is for storing onions btw) and then drop in an onion make a knot ..another onion another knot ...both legs full you hang them by the crotch on a nail in a cool dark area ..snip an onion off the bottom bellow the knot when you need one!

    for Potatoes I just hang the mesh bag up in a cool dark area of the garage as well not right next to the onions but in the same room

    hope this helps

  5. braise until tender then shred them up and simmer in chile colorado ..home made red chile sauce..mild or spicy ....

    just so happens I am making this today

    fanfreakingtastic on warm corn tortillas ...very comforting autumnal goodness

  6. do you have earwigs as well crawling out of your stuff :raz: ???? that part is not quite so romantic ..I still think they crawl in your ears and eat your brain!

    Everyone is giving away/trading fruits and vegetables now ..I am looking for more garlic to plant and have bulbs all over the house! there are bowls of tomatoes in various stages of ripening everywhere ..I made a huge pot of tomato sauce the other day to freeze ...on my second wave of cold crops like my favorite escarole (I need to pick today)  ...the house smells like all kinds of wonderfull fragrant herbs drying...I have bundles  hanging and piles drying  everywhere !  my friends  keep telling me I look like a pot grower!  how would they know huh????

    My house looks the same. We have to move tomatoes out of the way in order to eat at our kitchen table. I don't have so many herbs to dry, but I've got big piles and containers of beans that need to be shucked. Yesterday, my husband asked me if we really needed so many tomatoes. I forbore telling him that he was just looking at one day's worth of picking!

    My paste tomatoes are bearing so heavily that I'm going to attempt estratto, the concentrated Sicilian tomato paste. Of course, here in South Dakota, I'll have to cheat and use my food dehydrator.

  7. I take all the left over bits and pieces of stuff.. meat vegetables.. even fruits..mushrooms that are a bit dried out .left over bits of fresh herbs..the grated nub of ginger ..a piece of garlic...bit of onion..whatever....dice it all up ..mix in some cumin, curry and chile (whatever) ...then add a lot of diced cheddar (or any cheese or cheeses you have on hand and a hand full of raisins ..toss this all together and spread it evenly on a pizza dough leaving an inch or so at the edges... a pizza ..form a lid of the same dough seal the edges covering up all the filling..brush it with egg cut decorative vents in the top ..sprinkle whatever you want on top ..I used coarse salt if the inside is not too salty

    bake like a pizza until the top is done and it is golden brown let sit until almost cool before slicing and eating

    this is really good and can be frozen for lunches! it is recycle recycle!

    variations on this theme are as limited as your leftovers!!!

  8. my husband just read through this and started laughing

    his comment about the actual marketing of human breastmilk

    "mmmm human breastmilk ice cream ..that would be both the poison and the antidote!" (then a big grin)

    not sure how significant this is to the topic ..but I spit my coffee out laughing when he said it!!!

  9. Everyone is giving away/trading fruits and vegetables now ..I am looking for more garlic to plant and have bulbs all over the house! there are bowls of tomatoes in various stages of ripening everywhere ..I made a huge pot of tomato sauce the other day to freeze ...on my second wave of cold crops like my favorite escarole (I need to pick today) ...the house smells like all kinds of wonderfull fragrant herbs drying...I have bundles hanging and piles drying everywhere ! my friends keep telling me I look like a pot grower! how would they know huh????

    very soon after just a bit more rain ...I am going to be plodding through the woods looking for mushroooms !

  10. First of all what made me try this was the name ..it just cracked me up ..it is bigger than the restaurant!!!

    If you live in the South Puget Sound area then you must go eat here!!! then tell me what you think :smile: I grew up eating and learning to cook this food ..it honestly made me want to suck my thumb and twirl my hair...my husbands was in the eyes rolled back hands on the tummy position when we were done ..the only thing missing was beers :hmmm: ....everyone I ate with told me "Heidi this is your style of cooking ...all over the map but it comes together really nicely!!! !"

    check it out and let me know please!

    all the dishes come in at 10 bucks or under I am trying to get them to serve us family style so the table would not over flow with so many dishes! .. 6 of us ate for about $80 and we ate a LOT

    communal food at its most homey

    Don Eduardo's Authentic Latin American Eatery

    we had on our table the following


    tostones with mojo


    rice and peas

    sweet plantains with crema

    red rice

    puposas with loroco

    Salvadoran tomales

    fresh crispy cabbage salad

    I would have thought they were spreading themselves thin with all these styles ..but no way it was awesome !

    I love the hot sauce on the table ...omg I expected a mild sort of Salvadoran hotsauce ..it was nice and had a good bite!!!

    next time I am asking for a bottle to go :smile:

  11. yes you are right about the consistancy I was not clear it does separate out ...I am not all that literate I guess I was thinking you could not make butter or anything from it ...but with some moms maybe you can who knows :)

    I doubt very little that is for sure

    OT: because sometimes you just have to say stuff...no matter how you feel about the actual consumption of the best food on earth!

    I love to see all the breastfeeding supporters male and female in here ..it gives me a great deal of hope for humanity : :smile:

  12. it is sweet, not creamy at all.  I wouldn't recommend to anyone over the age of 3.

    As for whoever it was that posted the end of Grapes of Wrath - you should be damned for what you've done.  You have just ruined what is the greatest ending to any book I have ever read - for anyone that hasn't yet read it. 


    yes it is thin and does not have the whole fat rising to the top thing that cows milk has...

    and yes you would have to know that if momma eats lots of garlic then the milk will have a garlic flavor ..escpecially if this became a commodity item ...I would have been hard pressed to give up curry when I was nursing ..even if paid!

    I was hungry all the time ...and liked how it made my babies smell :smile:

    as far as rec to someone over three ...as a nurse well...when parents confide in me ..I just smile and reassure no crime is commited as long as baby is full first !!! :)

    with this economy the way it is ..why not buy the extra milk and make good use of it? if someone wants to try it ? there are very safe ways of marketing mom's milk...

    at least you know there is no BGH in it!

    I think the bottom line is do you consider it a "human body fluid" or "food from mommies"? it is all about how your brian/culture perceives it I guess...

    I have yet to eat a bug because ..well they are bugs! my brain sees a bug and shudders at the idea of putting it in my mouth ..but people love bugs all over the world and they are marketed as food (and even in food where they are not marketed :raz: ) ..brain says no for me though

    but in my brain breastmilk is simply food and I think it is funny how others (friends colleages included) shun it and quiver at the idea it could be used and marketed!

    I totally agree with the second point ..sigh

  13. I guess the best comparison is it tastes like what canned evaporated milk would taste like if it was fresh ...not from a can...and did not have vitamins in it.....it is sweet ..it also takes on the flavor of what mom eats ..I ate tons of curry when I nursed so my milk was curry flavored and my babies smelled like curry ...tmi sorry :) but I have no shame with the mommy munchies!

    Peter awesome comment!!!

  14. EXACTLY!!!!

    I also think it is funny that it is easier for us all ...I guess to eat ass of cow than it is to drink milk of mommies!!!

    there were times I wanted to nurse other people's babies when I was breastfeeding just to get them to stop crying!!!

    they used to have milk banks but when I was nursing the HIV scare was in full bloom or I would have donated...

    at $22/liter I could have used the money back then that is for sure and sure would have sold it ..had plenty :biggrin:

    (oh god I hear your shivers through cyber space ..come on you guys eat some pretty strange stuff here!!!)

  15. I think this thread is hysterical but maybe it is because I have a nursing (pun intended) sense of humor ...

    I get shivers thinking about drinking milk at all to be perfectly honest the idea of a tall glass of milk makes me cack!

    ice cream or cheese..well another story I never met a dairy product other than a glass of milk I did not like...

    I just think it such a funny thread or idea or discussion... because when I close the doors and talk to couples ..it is amazing how much human milk is actually consumed... and then the worry and guilt that comes with that consumption!!! like they did something wrong by having some!!! really there is nothing nutritionally wrong or dangerous about it ..

    we are all very strange...all of us in our choices!!!

  16. I dont know what this is called but it is very popular with my German friends this time of year

    you take a sweet yeast dough (kind of like a brioche dough I guess) and spread it in a pan (like a pizza pain) then add a layer of custard (I think one made with Birds is fine that is what it tastes like) ...cut plums in half then slice them thin in a fan like shape and fan/spread them out over the top of the custard then sprinkle with sugar and bake ...

    it is really very good!

    btw when I asked for the recipe this is how I got it!

  17. I was a lactation counselor for years and there are lots of people who have tried the Mommy munchies.....especially dads :)

    ok so serving it is a bit over the top but ..trust me...Dads are curious and have had plenty!

    I had more than one mom who made pancakes..added it to oatmeal or other... when they ran out of milk in the house

    but then there is this panic call to the nurse "did I do something wrong feeding this to my family"

    oh heck no!!! milk from a cow ..a goat... a person??? I dont know about selling it ..it does not wierd me out ..but then breastmilk was my bread and butter for years (so to speak!)

  18. MAGNIFICANT DANE!!! AWESOME JOB!!!! I am looking for my piece and do not see it anywhere????

    I'm on a mission to perfect a pie crust.  I rendered my own leaf lard and everything for these.  It still needs a little fine tuning but the crust turned out really well.

    Pluot Pie


    Plum and Pluot Strusel Pie


    Here's a slice of the above pie:


    I also made a Tourte aux Blettes for dinner using the same dough


    A slice of the Tourte


    Sorry for the big post but I was busy and I wanted to share.

  19. good luck with the testing of the rice cooker I am anxious to hear if it matters and may try it again some time...

    I have tried so hard to like brown rice..and cooked it every way possible ..but I am a "hater" with savory dishes.. ...however ...give me a giant bowl of it with cream butter, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar on it

    and I am very happy!!!

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