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Posts posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. omg there are five more inches of snow out there ..my little black and white pit bull got totally lost this morning!!!

    and now reading through this

    just thinking...

    I have some roasted green chile in the freezer (NM EXtra hot)

    ..almost done making lamb bacon ..at this point with out the smoke it tastes like lamb pastrami!!! (I freaking love it and am trying to figure out what I else I can cure off this animal in my freezer!)

    I have some real corn tortillas

    there are 4 nicely ripened avocados looking at me


    totally obscene is what I am seeing this combo to be

    sigh ...would it be so wrong to slice some off the presmoked lamb bacon..and make this for breakfast today?? life is about the moment correct? :wub:

  2. gallery_7620_3_1095694565.jpg

    Beef on sourdough, all wood fired.

    I have been stuck in the house for 4 days too many now and this not only looks obscene it is almost erotic!!!

    ok it is erotic

    I have to get out of here before I eat my kin :shock:

  3. ok that sandwich makes my eyes roll back!!! how amazing!!!

    my most obscene sandwich pales to this and should not even be on the same page ..eggplant parmesan in 1/4 loaf of good crusty Italain ..prefering the left over garlic bread ..then smashed together and barely warmed

    glass of nice merlot

    I am making eggplant parm today

  4. "clam sausage with a little salt pork may be good"

    This is one of my favourite combination... never seen it in a sausage form but I assume you would need some breadcrumbs to absorb the extra moisture from the clams. These would be expensive sausages too!

    you are right clams are way to much a luxury right now to even be thinking about grinding them into a sausage

    I think I was having a little fantasy there for a moment !

  5. Questions about your tweaks:  Did you add 1 Tbsp of NM red chile to the breakfast sausage recipe? Were the cranberries dried? Did you macerate them beforehand?

    Fresh or dried rosemary? Thanks for your response--pork butts are 67 cents per pound this weekend.

    I used half dried garden herbs, and just ground a few handfuls of whole frozen cranberries with the meat .. so they blended but are still distinct in the mix

    and yes I added 1 big heaping tbl of NM red (Xtra hot)

    everything matched perfectly if you like a lot of excitment in your mouth then you have to try this! it is really good!

  6. LOOK AN OUTDOOR FRIDGE LOLOL!!!!!gallery_51681_4569_24813.jpg

    OH you guys I am so going to try some fish and perhaps seafood sausage???

    this sounds a little sick but dont you think a clam sausage with a little salt pork may be good?

    we had a ton of thundersnow yesterday and I spent it elbow deep in ground meat :raz: kind of gross actually but productive as hell

    I made some lamb sausage that was very much like kofta (the darker ones in the picture) and served it last night with babaganoosh radishes and celery ..what a great dinner!

    the breakfast sausage that was a combo of the Sage Ginger one in the charcuterie thread and New Mexican red along with extra herbs and cranberries ...freaking awesome! Perfect breakfast sausage if you ask me and really really easy to make!

    the cranberries/chile were the thing that recipe needed I swear it evened out the ginger and sage perfectly! now the flavors are equally loud and enjoyable!

  7. "Hungry rats that binge on sugar provoke a surge of dopamine in their brains. After a month, the structure of the brains of these rats adapts to increased dopamine levels, showing fewer of a certain type of dopamine receptor than they used to have and more opioid receptors. These dopamine and opioid systems are involved in motivation and reward, systems that control wanting and liking something. Similar changes also are seen in the brains of rats on cocaine and heroin."

    I really believe this is exactly what is going on in my brian when I have a sugar binge...am so like this rat!

  8. I get shaky when I eat it, my mouth waters ..I can not focus on anything else but what I am doing ....cake..cookie.. a chocolate bar ..Indian sweets are the worst for me and they are very sugary sugar!!!!

    and am completely unable to stop myself from wanting more and more..once I take a bite .... ..I have never found an end to how much sugar I can consume ...before I will pass out in a sugar coma ....and when I give it up I am very grouchy and have a horrible three day headache

    I would say I have some sort of chemical/brain/addiction issue with sugar!

    of course I have to run my own double blind a few times a year just to make sure I still have issues...

    and I do

  9. thanks so much for your answeres! I made the sausage today and then cooked some and opted to add extras like thyme, rosemary cranberries ..and really good hot chile ..now it is drying out on the deck and I will do a light smoke tomorrow ..I cooked some and both my husband and myself pretty much think it is the best breakfast sausage we have made ..I can not wait to taste it smoked ..

    I am glad I found a project it was thundersnowing here today! and I was ready to toss myself on a sword bored!

  10. I am stir crazy today ...so I think I will make sausage ..breakfast links ..I want them to be sweet but not , a bit spicy and smoky

    I have every herb and spice on the planet so if you have some suggestions I would love to think outside my own box!

    I have standards I always go to

    chile, cumin and sage


    garlic, fennel, black pepper and rosemary

    maple, red chile with lime (a great accident!)

    I want new ..fresh and exciting ... the inside to be spiced up a lot ...and the outside to have a mild smoke finish..

    help please?

    thank you

    I froze my casings you think they will be ok?

  11. my boss butchers one of her young steer once a year and grinds the entire thing into hamburger ..it is hands down the best ground beef and makes the most perfect burgers ever...

    if you have 4-H'ers near you that raise beef I would check this option out ..it is very common for individuals to sell very high quality ground beef

    short of this option I think grinding my own is the best way and I mix 1:1:1 with fatty chuck, round and sirloin to get the mix I want for a perfect burger ..and as above I always partilly freeze mine ..never pre season the beef before (or during) grinding.. or it tastes like meatloaf to me ...just fresh cubes partially frozen through the grinder (twice to make sure it is mixed well but do not over handle it! ) into patties ..salt and pepper the outside and cook!

    people say I make a killer burger :)

  12. in regards to freezing popcorn ..I always thought and have no idea who told me this or where it came from

    that you should keep it cold because the little bit of moisture in the germ will pop better from the shock of the heat and the cold center

    ???? I dont know I just think this

    so I always keep it in the freezer as well

  13. OMG thanks you guys I am thinking a bloody mary aspic in a GIANT shot glass now ...I suck at Jell-O!!!

    those flowers in that mold are out of this world I am so humbled now that I have tried to make the rainbow I can not even imagine anything else

    I would have just loved to have seen that up close how beautiful!

    I may try this

    broken glass for my very last effort and make the white part with coconut milk and knox with white rum... the broken glass in tropical flavors also with white rum

    but I am not doing anything with any Jell-O for a few days ..I have to detox now and drink mineral water or something

    I feel very overwhelmed when I wake up and think in rainbows :P

  14. 4 fresh steamed dungeness crabs

    2 bottles of Doctor Pepper

    a huge bag of spicy BBQ potato chips

    See's dark chocolate truffles

    at a picnic table on Ruston way in Tacoma, WA

    that is how he got me 30 years ago this week :)

  15. Does anyone remember the vanilla sheet cake that you poured jello over?

    Basically, you bake a vanilla cake in a pan with at least 2-inch sides. Since the theme is white-trash, I suggest a cake mix.

    Let the cake cool, then poke the top of the cake with a straw.

    Pour warm jello over the top of the cake, so it flows into the holes.

    Refrigerate to let the jello firm up.

    I think my mom used to put cool-whip on top of this when she served it to the family...

    I do remember this!!!! thanks awesome idea!!!!

    my husband took my camera or I would be documenting this ..I swear nothing I have put together looks ANYTHING like those perfect molds above???? wtf????

  16. What about the lime one with cottage cheese and pineapple in it? It was at every potluck when I was growing up.

    LOL that sounds very attractive!

    OMG I have to say

    I totally suck at making Jello!!!

    I feel like I have permiated my being/my home/my hair with artificial color and flavoring ..everything smells like RED BLUE GREEN PURPLE ORANGE, YELLOW, VIOLET WHATEVER THE HELL COLORS/FLAVORS THESE ARE????!!!!! My counters are stained ..and my brain hurts!

    oh and the smell of the "Grape" that is the freaking worst smell I have ever allowed near me!!!

    and yet ...nothing really cool has come of it :(

    she is so worth this effot ...I swear her face when she sees the parade of jello entering her home will be priceless!!!

  17. bumping because I have this friend who when I asked her if she had a Jello mold she said "I dont know what that is" in her "oh yeah I am a bitch today voice"

    so I said .. (she is from the Islands) "dont they make Jello in the islands?" and she says "no one in the islands makes that kind of ghetto dessert"

    so she is having a gathering on the 13th and all of us are taking her various Jello molds

    oh yes we are and we want at least 20 of them to fill her house with ghetto food

    help? :smile:

    I am doing the rainbow one with white rum and coconut milk

    but please??? more is more with this ..she is such a smart ass!!! and one of my dearest friends...and i have a creative block..give me ideas!!

    (it is fun being excited about something this stupid you know!)

  18. I dont like the lack of control with these things and I find them very expensive around here. I participated in a couple a few years back and maybe they have gotten better but could never find the advantage of it ..unless you hate shopping and choosing something I adore

    I am also very lucky to be able to grow things year around here most people can in protected pots I think it is always an option :)

  19. Killing your own food isn't necessarily more humane for the animals involved.  Killing an animal cleanly takes skill, and that comes with practice--on living, feeling creatures.  The first chickens that I butchered probably suffered more due to my inexperience.  Eating what you kill is respectful, but it doesn't mitigate any pain the animal may experience.  So, the case can be made for leaving the actual killing to experts.  More importantly, it's just as respectful to not waste your food, no matter where it came from or how it was killed.


    I totally agree thank you for saying this!!!!

  20. wow what a dramatic event and your first post! makes me wonder what is ahead!

    I will stick to plucking carrots from my garden and buying animals from a humane butcher

    your event does not sound all that humane to me..however that is me an my opinion

    thanks for the reminder as to how "disconnected" we all are

    (scratching my head over the motive here)

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