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Posts posted by Beebs

  1. I went to a Thanksgiving dinner where someone brought yams mashed with roasted garlic. I really liked it, as I'm also not a fan of sugary marshmallowy yam dishes.

    Yams are tasty roasted with chipotle or smoked paprika, crushed chili, and a squeeze of lime and chopped scallions at the end. Might not be make-ahead enough for your purposes, but the combination of flavours is delicious.

  2. I use mini-hot dogs (Nathan's preferred) or hot dogs cut up into quarters, for dunking into cheese fondue.

    Yes! Hot dogs + melty gooey cheese is sooooo good!

    Nigella Lawson has a delicious recipe for mini hot dogs baked in a sauce of honey, soy, hoisin & sesame oil till it gets glazed & caramelly. Makes a tasty & quick party snack.

  3. Out of curiosity i know proper glassware is important, however I've been making due with only a couple double rocks glasses. Living in a VERY small suite style apartment my liquor cabinet actually takes up the majority of my "bookshelf". With such constraints glassware just ends up at the bottom of my priorities, am I incorrect in this valuation??

    Im assuming at least some of you think i need more glassware based upon some posts I've seen (sorry for teh small HJ, curious)

    In Vancouver theres a store which sells 8oz rocks i think, bought a barspoon there last week and recall seeing both single and double rocks...then again Im in Canada where the trend of bigger is better is only slowly catching on it seems

    Hi Sohoskiracer - Can I ask which store you found the single glasses? I'm in your neck of the woods and wouldn't mind buying a couple smaller rocks glasses. TIA!

  4. I think that if you pulverize a cup of Cheetos... blend it with a cup of yogurt & then topped that with large, broken pieces of Cheetos.. it might not be bad.

    Ok, I was starting to be convinced that cheetos and yogurt MIGHT not be so bad. Yogurt is close to sour cream, you can use sour cream to make french onion dip, and cheetos in french onion dip sounds kind of good.

    But the idea of cheetos blended into yogurt has grossed me out so much worse than when the whole conversation started.

    Add some taco seasoning or a couple spoonfuls of salsa, maybe it'll taste sort of like that jarred nacho cheese sauce - into which you can dip Cheetos. :raz:

  5. I saw a discarded bottle of soft drink on my way to the shops today. Not Coke or Fanta or anything like that, but yoghurt flavoured soft drink. I've never seen it for sale anywhere but I'm curious. I kind of find it hard to imagine. I'm a bit worried, too, given flavoured soft drinks never really taste like what they're supposed to--Fanta doesn't taste like the oranges you buy at the supermarket, so I can't imagine a yoghurt-flavoured soft drink tasting much like a tub of organic pot-set Greek yoghurt.

    Asian supermarkets carry yogurt sodas. I think Calpico is one such brand...? Not offensive, but I don't love it.

    I was re-thinking Cheetos + yogurt this afternoon. I don't have either at home, so I dipped the Whole Foods version of Cheetos ("Cheese Curls") in sour cream, and it is good. So I am changing my mind - Cheetos + yogurt should be quite delicious!

    Although I'm still not convinced that yogurt over a bowl of Cheetos would be worth eating. :huh:

    Ok, here's an offensive one - yogurt stirred into your morning cup of tea. I defy anyone to make that taste good!

    Okay.. but what if we re-imagine it as an iced English Black Tea, Coconut Milk, Yogurt drink sweetened with Condensed Milk?

    Or how about an Earl Grey infused simple syrup stirred into a nice thick, plain yogurt?

    Ok, I'd eat those. Tea + yogurt in the right circumstances can likely be interesting dessert-y applications. I have seen green tea yogurt - imagine it must taste like green tea ice cream - and yogurt "bubble tea" is available here too (don't know if there is any actual tea in it though). But I think I'd still prefer a spot of milk to my English Breakfast than a dollop of yogurt!

  6. I was re-thinking Cheetos + yogurt this afternoon. I don't have either at home, so I dipped the Whole Foods version of Cheetos ("Cheese Curls") in sour cream, and it is good. So I am changing my mind - Cheetos + yogurt should be quite delicious!

    Although I'm still not convinced that yogurt over a bowl of Cheetos would be worth eating. :huh:

    Ok, here's an offensive one - yogurt stirred into your morning cup of tea. I defy anyone to make that taste good!

  7. Yogurt with fruit crumble, pie, strudel, tart or anything else of the fruit+pastry variety is tasty, especially vanilla yogurt.

    I won't eat yogurt + watermelon or citrus fruit, although other folk do and it's perfectly normal.

    A small dollop of plain yogurt on smoked oysters eaten on a cracker sounds weird, but is actually delicious. Like creme fraiche + smoked salmon.

    Yogurt + sushi sounds vile. I have not tried it, nor do I intend to. Cheetos + yogurt...nevermind the taste, but the soggy squishy-ness of the resulting mess is a turnoff.

  8. My husband brought me back Luxardo maraschino wrapped in bubble wrap in his luggage. TSA had unwrapped it, opened the sealed bottle (!!!), and rolled it back up in the bubble. We were more concerned about leakage than breakage.

    Anyway, I keep a stash of old (clean) tube socks for this purpose. Shove a bottle inside a few layers of socks, plastic bag, you're good to go. Unfortunately doesn't work well for odd-shaped bottles.

  9. And while we're on the subject, ain't nothing wrong with cold left-over spaghetti, either. What is it about those cold tomato-based leftovers? Why do they taste so good the morning after? Somewhere, were the great gods of partying taking care of us? Did one of them say to the other, "But Bacchus, what nourishment will your acolytes take the next morning?'

    To which Bacchus replied, "Don't worry. Behold the tomato."

    How about a cold left-over spaghetti sandwich? My mom would make a sandwich out of cold left-overs like spaghetti or navy beans or potato salad, but in these instances always one slice of bread folded over. Mmm, carbs and carbs.

    I'll raise your carbs with more carbs - the Stuffing (Dressing) Sandwich. Leftover turkey bread stuffing between two slices of squishy bread and a drizzle of leftover gravy. :wub::wub:

    YES! One more month till Canadian Thanksgiving!

    Back to pizza.... I bet a turkey dinner pizza would taste really delicious...gravy, turkey, stuffing, cranberry, on top of a pizza crust.

  10. Also Novo Pizzeria & Wine Bar (Burrard & 5th) is opening this weekend, I believe. They've got a wood burning oven. Planning to give them a try in about a month's time, when they've had a chance to settle in.

  11. I've had pork lungs in rice congee once. Bleh. Never again.

    Yeah but you can never write off an ingredient until Mexican cooks have had a shot at it :wink:

    Tell me this doesn't look delicious? (Yes some of the cuts in their are Bofe / lung)


    LOL - I'd certainly give that a try - I never turn down something new!

    The lung congee was a turn-off was I think the preparation. It was essentially boiled, and had a really soggy, spongey, flabby boiled texture to it - didn't like the way it felt in my mouth.

    Now YOUR way, on the other hand, don't sound soggy, spongey, flabby & boiled - they look really good, I'll definately snarf a couple of your lung tacos down!

    Pass the beer!

  12. This is absolutely brilliant, genius.

    I do this when I make homemade ketchup, but it has never, ever crossed my mind to fry tomato paste for tomato sauce. I am so making spaghetti & meatballs this week!

    Reason #87 why I love eGullet! :smile:

  13. I'm sure this is amazing, but it's a lot of work. Might be worth just pouring stout over ice cream first to see what that's like before attempting the following recipe from Alice Medrich. If you omit the ice cream I believe you would have a Stout Egg Cream.

    STOUT FLOATS WITH COCOA SYRUP Bon Appétit | February 2011

    Slightly bitter beer, ice cream, and bittersweet cocoa syrup make for the perfect adult treat. Any leftover syrup will keep in the fridge for up to one month. Yield: Makes 6 servings

    Cocoa syrup:

    2/3 cup sugar

    1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder (spooned into cup to measure, then leveled)

    2/3 cup boiling water

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract


    1 cup chilled heavy whipping cream

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    6 tablespoons Kahlúa or other coffee-flavored liqueur

    Chocolate ice cream

    3 12-ounce bottles or 2 pints (about) chilled stout

    Special equipment: 6 iced-teaspoons, 6 straws

    For cocoa syrup:

    Whisk sugar, cocoa powder, and pinch of salt in small saucepan. Pour 2/3 cup boiling water into heat-resistant measuring cup. Whisk just enough boiling water from cup into cocoa mixture in saucepan to form smooth paste (about 3 tablespoons), then whisk in remaining water. Bring to simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. Simmer syrup 1 1/2 minutes, stirring often. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Cool to room temperature. DO AHEAD: Can be made 3 weeks ahead. Cover; chill.

    For floats:

    Using electric mixer, beat cream and vanilla in medium bowl until peaks form. Cover; chill. Pour 1 tablespoon Kahlúa and 1 tablespoon cocoa syrup into each of six 10-ounce glasses. Place 1 scoop of ice cream in each glass. Add stout, pouring gently down side of tilted glass to prevent too much head from forming. Spoon dollop of whipped cream into each glass. Drizzle with cocoa syrup, place spoon and straw in each, and serve immediately.

    This sounds freakin' delicious!!

    Shoot...I have neither vanilla ice cream nor stout, and I want one right. this. minute.

  14. Yes, there are always a couple in my freezer not only for root beer but for beer

    Which leads us to beer floats... but I won't drift this off topic. :biggrin:

    Wait...drift back a second... beer floats? I am intrigued! What kind of beer would you use?

    I love root beer, it's my favourite soda. A&W root beer is my RB of choice for floats. Yum!

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