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Posts posted by Beebs

  1. Sweet potato tempura sushi! A takeout favorite. Sweet potato fries, and just recently, I found Utz sweet potato chips.

    Here's another vote for the yam roll!

    I went to a dinner where someone brought mashed yams with lots of garlic. That was really tasty.

  2. Oh yum, red cooked pork is so good! I like this method particularly for pork hock and trotters (mmm...extra skin & fat!). Eaten with plenty of steamed wheat buns to sop up all that delicious sauce.

    I use both Chinese dark soy and Japanese soy, which I find tastes sweeter than just Chinese dark & light soys. If you're using rock sugar, it's easier to get the ones that come in small lumps - beats hacking up those large hunks of sugar and easier to control how much you need. Saving some of the rock sugar to add at the very end give the sauce a nice sheen to it too.

    I'm putting red cooked pork on this week's dinner list....

  3. I've been craving Chinese broth-style soups lately, so last week was a pork bone & chicken broth soup with daikon. Tonight's dinner will be leftover soup with noodles thrown in. I like Chinese soups because there's minimal prep involved - nothing much more than hacking up a daikon and slicing a bit of ginger.

    Next weekend will be pork and lotus root soup. I've been seeing some lovely lotus roots in at the grocery store lately.

  4. We also have a 'clean out the fridge' dinner about once a week.

    All the various leftovers not already tagged for 'repurposing' get heated and put out, then diners pick and choose as they please.

    We do this too -- we call it "fending," as in "Fend for yourselves!!"

    We call this "pick and point" as in pick what you want and point at it before anyone else and it's yours. You snooze you lose. :)

    We call it "scrounging." :laugh:

    It's "foraging" at our place!

  5. Canned tuna & salmon are always in my cupboard for lunches and things. Anchovies, another pantry staple. Sometimes sardines - minced onions, black pepper, splash of Maggi sauce.

    A couple days ago I snarfed down an entire tin of smoked oysters. All by myself.

  6. Jamie Oliver's Flavour Shaker. Someone gave us one as a joke. It's supposed to be used for shaking up stuff like salad dressing and marinades, but you can do all that with a fork, the back of a knife, and a bowl. Or any old jar lying around. It's also a pain to clean - gets really greasy inside and sometimes liquid seeps out a bit making the whole thing too slippery to hang on.

  7. Various white "cream of" soups; New England clam chowder; cod, sole, tilapia and other white-fleshed fish; chicken breast; rice pudding; vanilla ice cream.

    By "white", do you also mean white-white, or can food have, say, grill marks? Like grilled sole fillet or toasted white bread?

  8. Mayonnaise and fruit. It's common to find "seafood salad" in Chinese restaurants here. It basically consists of bits of cooked shrimp, lobster and/or crab, chunks of melon or canned fruit cocktail all mixed up together with mayo. So incredibly wrong on so many levels, it literally makes me dry-heave.

  9. I love them both - just differently!

    I like how a toasted cheese gets all brown and bubbly on top. I prefer making this with nicer bread.

    I like the buttery crispness of a grilled cheese and how the cheese inside is all gooey and melty. I'll happily use pre-sliced packaged bread for this, because butter makes even mediocre bread taste better, right?

    Right now I'm thinking on how to get the best of both worlds - making a toasted cheese under the broiler till lightly brown, slapping another slice of bread on top, buttering both sides, then putting it on the pan to crisp up the bread. Anyone tried this?

  10. This topic on unconventional uses for stand mixers got me thinking about unconventional uses for crockpots. Has anyone used their crockpots for something else other than cooking and keeping food warm?

    I've used mine for warming up henna for hair (in case anyone's wondering, it's a paste made from a plant used to naturally colour hair). I've only done it once, because it made a huge mess and there wasn't much room on my bathroom counter for it.

  11. Funny that I saw this topic today! Yesterday afternoon I took out my crock pot for the first time in a long while and cooked pulled pork in it, which I've never done before. My crock pot is an ancient mustard-coloured early-70's era appliance with the kitschiest design on the front; it was a wedding present someone gave my parents, and they'd never used it. It has two heat setting - high & low - and no auto shut-off/timer, which means I need to babysit it a bit. The outside heating part gets really hot, because this was before heat-proof exteriors were invented. I'm also at risk of electrocuting myself, because this was also before three-pronged grounding plugs were invented. :raz:

    I need to give my crock pot more love - I don't use it nearly enough!

  12. I would think it's an insurance & liability issue over anything else. Most office kitchens aren't equipped with ventilation, hood fans, etc. to have stoves and ovens, so there is a greater risk of smoke/fire. I don't know about other offices, but I'm pretty sure fire from stoves and ovens isn't covered under our own office suite's nor the building owner's insurance policies.

    We don't have a toaster oven for reasons unknown, so sometimes I will toast leftover pizza or a cheese sandwich on top of the toaster. Works in a pinch!

  13. Weekdays, that extra 30 minutes of sleep is precious. And my stomach rebels at eating breakfast first thing getting up. But I keep a selection of breakfasty things at work - toast in the freezer, instant oatmeal packets, butter - so if I need to, I can eat at my desk. Besides, breakfast at home is on my time, but eating at work is on work time! :raz:

  14. My absolute favourite way of cooking broccoli is roasted with cloves of garlic on high heat, till it gets brown around the edges. It's so good that I can't make it very often, because I'll eat it like candy - couple heads of it in one sitting - and leave only a few measly crumbs for the husband.

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