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Posts posted by Beebs

  1. I'm in Blether's camp for washing stuff in the sink - practice good, common-sense kitchen hygiene, but certainly not anything close to operation-room sterile.

    I've got a dual sink, so one side I use mostly for washing veg or cleaning dishes that haven't been in contact with meat; everything else gets done in the other sink. Both sides get scrubbed down with cleaner like Lysol and rinsed thoroughly with hot water when I'm done at the end of the evening, to get rid of grease and crusties. If I'm filling the sink to wash salad greens, the sink gets a clean & rinse before. If the sink's been used for raw meat, it gets a clean & rinse right after prepping.

    I figure there are more scary bugs and things down in the drain where I can't reach anyway, than hanging out in my stainless steel sink. I'm also more concerned about keeping my kitchen towels, sponges and cutting boards clean & dry.

  2. Being as it's not opened, you'd probably be fine eating it. But since your wife is pregnant and pregnant women often have compromised immune systems, I'd suggest getting her a new jar, just to be absolutely sure she won't get sick.

  3. Jam and cream cheese is good. But sliced american...ewww.

    I don't know what Mom was thinking...thankfully it wasn't a regular occurence!

    Current favourite sandwich at home is the croque monsieur (and croque madame, if I'm feeling in an egg-y mood). Something about the combination of bechamel and melty gruyere is just so damn good.

  4. I've had mealworms before. They tasted exactly like roasted soy nuts. My DH turned green when he saw me eat them.

    I've also tried Korean canned silkworms. Those tasted positively vile. I'm not sure if they were vile because they were silkworms, or because of the way they were prepared. Couldn't get that horrible taste out of my mouth for the entire evening.

    Mealworms, I'll eat again. Korean canned silkworms, once was too much. I'm open to trying other bugs, with the exception of spiders & tarantulas.

    There's a trendy Indian place here that makes a naan out of cricket flour, but I haven't had a chance to try it.

  5. Energy bars are among the easiest things to make, about 30 minutes and I have enough for 3 months and a lot cheaper too, don't really see the point in buying them, but then again i never saw one that tasted good, so that may skew my view on things.

    Please share your recipe! I've been wanting to make my own energy bars, just never got around to searching out a good recipe. I'm running low on my Clif bar stash, so now's a good time to start.

  6. "Throwdown with Bobby Flay". I can't stand this show. It's not the cooking part of it that I can't stand, it's that Flay comes off as such an arrogant, condescending a$$. The whole premise of the show - Flay showing up the small guy and putting him/her down - just makes me angry.

  7. Lawry's Seasoned Salt.

    A funny thing happened: We were in a diner and someone at our table said they had the "best home fries ever." I took a taste and said, "Tastes like Lawry's Seasoned Salt," which was used liberally in my home growing up. The waitress told me I had a great sense of taste (I guessed the secret ingredient!). I forgot how good that stuff can be when used appropriately. It has been given new life in my kitchen.

    This reminds me of the Hy's Seasoning Salt that I keep for seasoning steak, meatloaf, chili and chicken.

  8. I buy Clif bars by the case from Costco. I consume them on mornings that I do long endurance runs because they digest quickly and I don't give me tummy turmoil. They also taste pretty good, no strange textures or flavours; they're more granola bar-y than some of the other energy bars out there.

    Larabars are decent too and I like them because of the natural ingredients. They take longer to digest, though, so I eat them for snacks or after work outs.

  9. I didn't notice funny smells in canola until a few yrs ago, when all of a sudden - wham! - I'm smelling & tasting funkiness in my food, from the canola. And no, it hadn't gone rancid. So I stopped buying canola and switched to corn oil for a couple extra dollars. It's more neutral-tasting to me anyway.

  10. I might do it with green teabags, but never black tea or herbal teabags because it tastes like pond water to me the second go around (I like my teas strong). Exception might be for those whole leaf teabags, I might reuse them a second time.

    My mom & sister save their teabags. They'll have a cup in the morning, then leave a sad soggy teabag on a plate and reuse it for another cup in the afternoon, at which point sad soggy bag has pretty much dried out.

  11. I like Kinder Surprise eggs. Because there is a toy inside. I like the toy.

    I've lately been consuming a lot of Jelly Bellys. Over the last several months I've been trying a bunch of different things for fueling during long endurance running, and Jelly Bellys have worked well and are easy to carry. First they were strictly for running. But now I'm popping them wherever and whenever. There's a snack baggie in the car, another one in my gym bag, and a yesterday I bought a 1 lb bag and they're sitting on my counter. :smile:

  12. Thought of another one - tea! I once had a salad that had a lapsang souchong (smoky black tea) dressing. Earl grey teas would lend a citrusy note, or even various flavoured teas. Also lemon herbal teas and fruit teas, although some of them might contain rosehips which are acidic.

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