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Everything posted by menon1971

  1. Yeah, the sports announcers ought to be throwing in a few more anal-rape jokes. 'Cuz that's comedy gold, evidently! edit: Let me be more clear. There's plenty of room for a critique of the Food Network. Lots of people have done that; I'm sure that Bourdain is among them. But I don't buy the notion that a bunch of butt-slamming jokes is somehow speaking truth to power. ← I really hope he does not allow himself to become a caricature, like the rebel figure in a boy band.
  2. El Tamarindo in Adams Morgan is great, so long as you don't mind eating Salvadoran/Mexican food late. I think they stay open until at least two during the week and much later on the weekends.
  3. Never seen the show, but I know people who have been on it. Perhaps we should compare the resumes of Irvine and Bourdain. Although I heard the ceremony was horrible, I am pretty much over Tony. I will most likely still read his books, but the rants are becoming increasingly predictable and histrionic.
  4. Perhaps a step in an "ethical" direction, perhaps pr. One devil in the detail omitted is how the chickens are raised. Sure they may experience a more humane last few seconds of life, but what if all that leads up to that is a feces drenched nightmare. Also, does any of what BK intends really made the flesh more healthy for consumers.
  5. menon1971


    Thanks for all of the suggestions. I will look for French lentils next time I am at our brand spanking new Whole Foods. Does anyone know of a annotated list of the various lentils and their respective uses - yellow, red, green, brown, etc.?
  6. menon1971


    I am presently mulling over a recipe for lentil stew and was wondering what folks use for soups of various types, salads, side dishes, etc. Is there a lentil thread somewhere on eGullet? I know that some varieties break down when cooked and might be best for pureed items and that some hold their shape. Also which have the best/most distinctive flavor? Any advice or references would be helpful. Thanks.
  7. That's the stuff. I think it's flavored with some sort of herbs indigenous to Central America. Can't recall the name, but there's a famous Mayan soup down there. Maybe it's similar seasoning? I really like this sauce, and I've been eating the other Yucatecos for years. Is this one new? I hadn't seen it before snagging it off the impressively well-stocked Latino product shelves of my local Food Lion. Also agree with you about Crystal. Though on the Tabasco front, Dad had a gallon jug of the stuff that got all brown and funky looking but was still probably edible. I don't think it's possible for hot sauce to go bad. What is kind of an "essential" pepper product for me, though not exactly a sauce, is this super-strong habanero mash/puree sold by a local guy at the farmer's market. A great pure habanero flavor for use in small quantities as an ingredient. ← I found the stuff a year or so ago at a local Tienda where I eat on occasion (nice goat tacos). I grew up on Tabasco and still like it on things like eggs. My parents have that same brown bottle. I have used it when home and it is still quite edible, although maybe less potent. Perhaps I will do an experiment while there in May. I usually get a container of locally grown habaneros every summer, puree them in a food processor and then freeze. I scoop it out with a melon baller as needed.
  8. Those are too cool! Especially the one on the right.
  9. Crystal (aged peppers like Tabasco, but cheaper and less bitter) Cholula (all in all a great table sauce with a strong vegetable presence) Busha Browne’s Pukka (a scotch bonnet sauce - good for dishes where you do not want a pronounced vinegar presence) Mama Sita’s Pure Labuyo (a Philippine sauce made from bird chiles that is like Tabasco on 11 in terms of flavor) El Yucateco Salsa Kutbil-ik de Chile Habanero (from an “original Mayan recipe” this stuff combines melting heat with exceptional flavor - I like the red and the green from this maker, but this one hurts so good) Texas Pete and Franks' Hot Sauce are fine in a pinch but a bit tame (TP is made in Winston Salem, NC for goodness sake)
  10. Bah yourself! It does not take less time by hand. In fact those of us who suffer from shoulder injuries can't take all that whisking. We made mayonnaise by hand in class and I though my shoulder was going to fall off. There is less cleanup though. ← Marlene, I am sorry to hear of your injury and in your case by all means use a machine. However, I am with the first "bah" as I find it easier just to whisk it. In my experience it does not take but a few minutes.
  11. Aluminum conducts heat much better than stainless, thus it is more heat responsive. Linda, The All-Clad Masterchef was 3.94mm thick. All-Clad introduced the MC2 as an improvement with the polished handles. Actually they put the MC2 on a diet and it is now just over 3mm. Recently, I saw some All-Clad MC2 cookware with the thicker Masterchef pan bottom. Figure that! You might want to look at Vollrath's Tribute cookware. Tim ← I agree with Tim, you should check out what is available from you local restaurant supply company. The stuff you are likely to find won't be as pretty as AC, but it will be much cheaper and perform just as well.
  12. I agree it would be good to send them an email to let them know of your dissatisfaction. However, waiting one hour for lunch and having a MIA waitress is unacceptable, regardless of the type of restaurant.
  13. Funny that you mention this, as a friend got so pissed off about it that she pitched the thing. She got a Benriner and has been much, much happier with it. I'm about to get a Benriner, I think. I have one of the cheapo plastic ones, and I hate it. ← I had an Oxo Mandoline that I absolutely hated. It didn't slice cleanly julienne or otherwise. I got a Du Buyer and I love it. ← I was given a De Buyer and find the straight blade rather poor in terms of shape and edge retention.
  14. menon1971

    Pea shoots

    The top look like what I was served as pea tendrils. Are they the same plant?
  15. menon1971

    Pea shoots

    Are these the same thing as the pea tendrils that I have been served as a garnish? If, so they make a nice salad.
  16. That's like me and okra. Reminds me of snot. ← I had a girlfriend back in college who referred to okra as "slime wrapped in felt." I like it though, fried and in gumbo.
  17. I don't have any answers to your questions, but Rinsewind, you are not alone! In my case, I didn't marry until I was 41. During my single years, I cooked for myself on most days (save for occasional lunches or dinners out, occasional take-out when I felt lazy, or Stouffer's frozen mac & cheese), making exactly what I wanted and experimenting liberally. If I couldn't down the number of servings in a recipe, I made the whole thing and froze the leftovers for future meals. (My sister, also single, handles this a different way, eating the leftovers every day until they're finished!) Since getting married, I find myself more often than not preparing the foods my husband likes to eat. In general, we're both "foodies" and especially adore Asian foods. But he won't touch chicken thighs, so I never cook them (except when roasting a whole chicken, and then I'm the one who eats both thighs). He suddenly decided that he doesn't like salmon, so a whole package of salmon fillets is just sitting in the freezer. Our pasta is usually spaghetti with a tomato-based sauce, because he doesn't really like short shapes or cream sauces. OTOH, he loves sausage (which I didn't grow up eating and can take or leave), so that shows up with some frequency in our meals. And much to my surprise, thanks to him, I recently learned that I actually like green peppers--raw or barely cooked--which I always thought I abhored. Like you, "I make stuff that I don't like fairly often because I know he likes it. I rarely make something that I like but he doesn't." I think that all humans--except for sociopaths--have an innate desire to please others because we are "rewarded" by the others liking us. In our society, however, it's more inculcated into women. ← I think it is kind of sad that not more of the menfolk are reading this thread - they should be part of this discourse. I, for instance often need to be told that I am being less than sensitive. Two thoughts: Rincewind, could it be that your husband feels intimidated or unempowered. Perhaps he feels his meals will not pass muster when compared to yours? Not that you are a harsh critic, but men often fear failure, even of the most seemingly banal kind. SuzySushi, is the problem communication or stubbornness on his part. If the latter, perhaps he might agree to certain foods you like with a preparation he likes. I am just riffing here. Interesting topic, good read, important subject.
  18. The old Dexter was probably made from virgin carbon steel, which may explain the quality. This is why old Sabatiers command such high prices these days.
  19. That guy, definitely a douche. That's all. ← Indeed. I hope I was never perceived as that cat when in my younger years, but it saddens me that I might have been on occasion.
  20. I have heard that the quality of the CCs has declined now that they are made in China. Is this true in your experience? I gave my parents my old set of the old Walnut Tradition series (American). They were great knives and I like using them when I visit.
  21. Welcome. I would go for the following: a MAC Superior line Santuko for vegetables ($60), a decent stamped paring knife like a Henckels or a Wusthof (make sure they are German - $10-$15), a good ten inch chef's knife, stamped or forged, German (Messermeister, Henckels, or Wusthof, French (Sabatier), or Japanese (too many good ones to choose from, but Global or MAC would be a good place to start - you may want to consult with member Octaveman, for he seems to have this subject wired), whichever feels best in your hand ($50 - $120ish), and a cheap serrated bread knife - these can be had for under $20 at a restaurant supply place. This should get you in under the $200 mark with most applications covered.
  22. Mine took 2 hours, and I just had a few shallots and bay leaves in the mix.
  23. I almost always cook beans with a bit of mirepoix, a couple crushed garlic cloves, a fresh thyme stick, and a bay leaf or two. I don't see why bacon or ham hocks would be a bad idea. Are you concerned it won't cook for long enough? ← I primarily have some, probably irrational, fear that the fat will some how coat the beans and prevent them from absorbing water.
  24. I am about to give this a whirl, and would love to throw a strip of bacon and a quarter onion in the pot. Is this recommended?
  25. Ansac VS in my experience is inoffensive as a digestif and works well for cooking. Has anyone seen Baron Otard in the U.S.?
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