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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. thanks Nyleve, that sounds great - does anyone else have any suggestions?
  2. nikkib

    Dining Alone

    a lone woman in an italian restauarant? Of course she got looked after well!
  3. Contrary to popular opinion, there is such as thing as bad publicity. No good can surely come from advertising the fact that you're selling unappetising food at ludicrous prices specifically for consumption by idiots. As I say: six months. Precisely. It's lobster stuffed with tacos. ← mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lobster stuffed with tacos......!
  4. but as the chef why would him leaving get him more michelin stars? Surely its about staying put and working that bit harder wowing the guests/inspectors and the accolades will follow? All sounds rather impatient and oddly thought out - unless he is going to be the new head chef at a big london hotel... Have they got someone at the connaught yet?
  5. A terribly disappointing meal at KP earlier this week, they seem to be suffering from Rowley leaving... The menu at lunch is now a set menu for around £20 (cant remember the exact price sorry) with a choice of 5 starters, 5 mains and 3 desserts with the rest of the menu comprised of "daily offerings" essentially 3 starters, oysters 2 ways and a couple of mains/desserts. A midweek lunch saw no more than 30 covers (quite at odds with Le cafe Anglais dining figures one would imagine) and a semi cold, undercooked fish pie and chocolate creme which i could still taste the powdered chocolate in. All in all incrediably disappointing, wish i'd braved the weather to make it that little bit further to Le Cafe Anglais...
  6. I agree about galvin bistro - i have had some great meals there and it more tahn matches arbutus.
  7. [url="http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23434689-details/A+very+rich+meal...at+
  8. Obviously wary of a quiet february Vivat bacchus (claiming they are simply giving the customer what they want..mmmm) have launched a new £1000 tasting menu (including wine to match but not service...) most interesting was the discosure that they were using Royal seruga caviar as opposed to the Royal Beluga as this "would add £400-£500 to the cost"... I appreciate it is targetted at knobby investment *ankers with more money than taste but it is anyone else seriuosly uninspired by their choices? So my question to you all what be - what would be on your £1000 menu......
  9. Has anyone, in the history of catering ever actually been "amazed" by a pub? ← the sportsman seems to be doing a good job of it....
  10. you HAVE to have a vacherin for them mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm foie gras - pommes frites cooked in goose fat to show them a real french fry...
  11. nikkib

    Menu Planning Help

    Isn't that the point of featuring them in dishes, though? To emphasize the subtle differences? I have recently purchased a bunch of different salts from L'Epicerie, and this sounds like a great idea to me! ← At Per Se they serve a sort of foie gras parfait with a chunk of brioche and 12 different salts a couple of hawaiin (one pink, one black) 2 french, maldon sea salt fom here in the uk and several from the states which escape me now (an orangey californian?) - they serve them all in different shape and size pots with individual salt spoons - again all different. We tried all of them and found the differences really interesting - have fun!
  12. Sure, I do recall splitting a bill this way with someone from Atlanta, but I was raising the question of American/French, French/German, etc. splitting customs.Since we've not heard from any of our French cousins, this may be a distinction of little consequence, one more instance of the press selling newspapers. ← possibly a bit off topic (and bound to cause some haeted debate) but when dining in same sex groups i have noticed that men are far happier to split the bill equally whereas women tend to work it out to the last penny....
  13. what about cheeses platters in the middle of each table and then serve the dessert so people can choose for themselves what to eat? Assuming dessert is not hot or going to melt this could be an easy "middle ground"
  14. But weren't we the gastronomic capital of the world last year? Seriously who cares? I think its great to see the rise of 1 stars too, far more "inclusive" and sums up the ways us Brits are really as opposed to the "Velvet rope" menatlity in NYC and Paris, Tokyo i'm afraid i couldn't comment on as i am yet to make it out there.
  15. I had a very good meal at Auberge du lac last year, front of house all seemed a bit naive and unpolished (it was almost as if they had walked through the streets recruiting any ferench people they saw regardless of ability) but my meal was delicious and very capably prepared. Fantastic news for La trompette - well deserved and about blooming time too, had a wonderful meal there back in october which was perfect in pretty much everyway bar the district line but that can't be helped!
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fo...lay-772342.html Trust mark Hix to come up with some good ideas - Basildog what about doing the fishfingers (or something similar) with homemade oven chips (frying probably not a geat idea!) homemade ketchup(tomato relish) and mushy peas? That way you show kids how easy that sort of thing is and how there is no need/excuse to follow mum to iceland?
  17. http://www.zumarestaurant.com/zuma_uk.html might give you some inspiration?
  18. bangers and mash , fish and chips and all.....
  19. Hi Nikki, yes, especially midweek, but if you're talking weekends, phoning in advance would be most sensible to avoid being offered a table in 'two hours' and being forced to consume large amounts of cocktails whilst waiting. ← no force needed where cocktails are involved - i reckon i could give thom a run for his money! Will definitely try it out soon - menu really does look delicious.
  20. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/topstories/20...89520-20287573/ oops!
  21. the menu looks great - will definitely try it out next time i'm up to see the folks - what are booking policies like? Walkins possible?
  22. Do they turn tables at Le Gavroche? If they do that's a shame. I always assumed it was the sort of place that would never be so uncouth... J ← 3hrs is better than the norm though.....
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