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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. I was indeed very busy this week -- took me two days to recover from that stage at l'Arpège. Senderens seems like a good idea -- he is one of the best chefs of the last century, incredibly talented and important. I wrote recently in this forum about how to best order there, because some dishes are merely good and some are truly exceptional. I also wrote about Senderens here: http://www.julotlespinceaux.com/2007/09/se...and-erotic.html and some more recent pictures there: http://picasaweb.google.com/jultort/Senderens4Avr08 . Those should give you an idea whether this is the kind of place you're looking for. ← Julot - i saw from your post that yopur meal was 323 odd euros for 2 - do you think that we can manage 200 p/head with a few bottles of wine? Senderens looks amazing - your photos are great!
  2. Thanks for that - we have decided against the bristol as most of the fashion show is bridal ware and we include a recently un - engaged (not sure that is even a word but broken hearted all the same) in our group. Brunch sounds great though...
  3. Thanks, Looked at the menu for senderens and have booked there as well!
  4. thats great thanks! appreciate all the advice, will check out senderens as well as the Bristol - both sound like what we are looking for
  5. thanks robyn - i'm afraid shoe shops are higher on the agena than food on this occasion but i would say 200 euro p/head as a top spend inclusive of wine if thats realistic? just keen on not being the youngest people there by 30 years or being made to feel subdued by the surroundings - good food is a must but nothing too reverential if you know what i mean....
  6. i think la noisette is doing well as their private dining site- would imagine the Ramsay Petrus would be elsewhere
  7. thanks john, had looked through previous topics but completeley managed to miss that one!
  8. We are 5 ladies heading to paris for a friends 30th in October. I have been to paris on numerous occasions but this is the birthday girls first visit and i want to book a starred restaurant for the Friady (assuming that is better than a saturday) night. I am in the industry and would like to go all out on the food front but really what i think the others would apprecaiate the most is somewhere glam and chic over the intricies of the menu. L'atelier sort of thing i suppose although i have eaten in both the london and NYc atelier so would prefer something a little different - any advice?
  9. Pork then pork? Sounds weird. ← mmmmm pork!
  10. the next month will not be fun for the petrus lot now..
  11. how on earth does one get caught without a corkscrew?!
  12. I would second flat white on brewer street, of the chains i think that apostrophe is also worthy of a mention (tthere is one behind oxford street in st christophers place and one on high st ken) also pain quotidien - marylebone high street, kings road and just off high st ken (near wholefoods)
  13. i would suggest that you steer them towards something else - wahaca is great but Mexican food in the UK is pretty much non existent compared to the USA. Rather try something closer to home - a trad Brit restaurant, French/Italian or Indian if you wanted to stay "ethnic" as these are all far more rooted in our culinary culture and more likely to impress your clients...
  14. id still rather go to busaba/wagamama
  15. i cook mine in a griddle pan with a touch of oil, careful not to cook it at too high a temperature as it browns and can stick to the pan if you do. You want it to be golden on the outside and you should eat it almost immediately as it can go rubbery as mentioned earlier. another favourite is pitta bread filled with a salad of diced cucumber, coriander, red onion, cherry tomatoes, avocado and roasted peppers (or jars of sweet peppers) and then halloumi on top.
  16. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5067/sp...s-with-halloumi This is one of my faviourite veggie options, i add a tin of chopped tomatoes to it though and a bit more chilli - the whole websitwe is actually very good fro veggie options too....
  17. food is far better than it used to be and along the same lines - soup section, salad section, pies etc but atmosphere is far removed from the foxtrot of old - more like a "real" restaurant now but not as much fun.
  18. i was incredibly disappointed with cha cha moon, only had the bean curd spring roll and a prawn noodle dish which was billed as spicy but was possibly one of the blandest dishes i have eaten. The noodles were over cooked and all stuck together, sauce was tatseless and prawns were disappointing too. I will go back and give it another go at a later date as maybe i just ordered badly but i was expecting better.
  19. autumn opening time - no bluff
  20. Murano is going to be fine dining Italian - angelas flagship restaurant, while the York and Albany is a restaurant/deli/bar etc with rooms
  21. A stunning lunch here at the weekend - can't believe i left it so long to return. Canapes were truffled cod brandade "lollipops" which were delicious - not really sure it needed the truffle but whos complianing? I started with the Salt baked ash rolled celeriac with kromeski of suckling pig as i seemed to remember reading something about it one one of the previous posts. It wsa absolutely fantastic - mthey bought it to the table and sliced it in half, wriggling the celeriac around inside to demonstrate the ash as well. The smell of the celeriac when they cut into it was delicious and when it returned to the table it had been sliced and served with the kromeski. When i enquired as to what this was they explained it rather neatly as a sort of pig fish cake - made from "all the best bits" of the pig - they needn't have worried about my being squeamish as this was brilliant - i would happily return for that alone and am already trying to work out if i could attempt this at home (has to be worth a shot)For mains i opted for the john dory with ras al hanout. This was steamed and served with broccoli, crab and toasted pinenuts as well as a little yoghurt(?) and a light foam. This was another very good dish, with all the flavours coming through. For dessert i chose the white chocolate, elderflower and strawberry trifle mmmmmmm. I chose a 1/2 btle of terlaner but raelised pretty soon this wouldn't stand up to the dory so had an extra glass of st aubin with that on the sommeliers recommendation which worked nicely. The Restaurant amnager was utterly charming, as were all the senior staff, my only gripe (and its a small one) was a chef de rang who seemed hell bent on putting his mise en place EXACTLY where he wanted to despite the fact i was reading a magazine and as a result made me move a couple of times to accomodate him which was a little intrusive but i was taking up a lot of room. With a glass of champagne, coffe, the aforementioned wine and water i left around £90 poorer but very happy indeed and if i can limit my alcohol intake (not easy) i will definitely be back soon - the asparagus with moriles and caramelised duck tongues looked delicious....
  22. http://www.fcphipps.co.uk/ not up and running yet - but worth keeping an eye on - absolutely stunning beef in particular.
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